Part 52 (1/2)


”Conan!” She turned her horse to meet him. Conan slowed his men to a walk, then reined in.

”So you're a caravan guard in truth. Where bound?”

”Aquilonia. I still cannot return home to Bossonia, until there is a price paid in blood or gold. But in Aquilonia, I might earn some of that gold, selling my sword. Also, Illyana's father has kin among the n.o.bility of that realm. Some might feel that Illyana's friend for ten years had some claim on them.”

”You'll still need luck.”

”Who knows that better than I? If I don't have it, perhaps I can still find a home in Aquilonia. Some widowed merchant must be in need of a wife.”

”You? A merchant's wife?” Conan tried to keep his laughter within the bounds of manners. ”I won't say that's as against nature as Dessa's being faithful, but-”

”I've had ten years on the road with Illyana, and more of them good than bad. Now-well, I find I want to know where my bones will lie, when it comes time to shed them.”

”That's a desire that never troubled me,” Conan said. ”But the G.o.ds know, you deserve it if you want it. A swift and safe journey, and-”

”Oh, Conan!” She slapped her forehead, already caked with road dust.

”The sun must have already addled my wits. Have you heard about Houma and Khadjar?”

Conan's horse nearly reared as his grip on the reins tightened.

”What-what about them?”

”Houma is no longer one of the Seventeen Attendants. He has resigned because of ill-health and given large donations to the temples.”

”Large enough that he'll have to sell some of his estates, I'd wager.”