Part 23 (1/2)

”Oh, I hope so. A long, long while.” Her attempt to imitate a wors.h.i.+pful young girl was so ludicrous that even Illyana burst out laughing.

”If you're that hot, woman,” Conan said, ”then let's see what this inn has for dinner. Man or horse, you don't ride them far on an empty stomach!”


SOMEWHERE NEARBY A woman was screaming. Pleasantly entangled with Raihna, Conan was slow to spare the woman a single thought. Even then, his thought was that Dessa and Ma.s.souf had finally come to blows.

Dessa, in Conan's opinion, could well take care of herself without help from people who had more important matters at hand-

The screams grew louder. Raihna stiffened, but not in pa.s.sion. She stared at the door.

”Woman-!” the Cimmerian muttered.

”No. That-it's Illyana. She is in pain or fears danger.”

Raihna flung herself out of bed and dashed to the door. She stopped only to s.n.a.t.c.h up sword and dagger. Similarly clad, Conan followed.

In the hall, Dessa and Ma.s.souf stood before Illyana's door. Dessa was clad as Conan and Raihna, without the weapons. Ma.s.souf had a blanket wrapped around his waist. As Conan reached them, the screaming ceased.

”Don't just stand there!” Conan snarled.

”We tried the door,” Ma.s.souf said. ”It is bolted from within, or perhaps spell-bound.” His voice was steady, although his eyes ran up and down Raihna.

Thank the G.o.ds the lad isn't so besotted with Dessa that he sees no other woman!

From behind Illyana's door came the mewling of someone in pain or fear, now fighting to hide it.

”Give me room!” Conan snapped. ”And Ma.s.souf- find the innkeeper if he isn't already summoning the watch!”

Conan drew back as far as the hall would allow. When he plunged forward, he was like an avalanche on a steep slope. The bolt was made to resist common men, not Cimmerians of Conan's size and strength. The bolt snapped like a twig and the door crashed open.

Conan flew into the room, nearly stumbling over Illyana, who knelt at the foot of the bed. She clutched the bedclothes with both hands and had a corner of the blanket stuffed into her mouth.

She wore only the Jewel of Khurag in its ring on her left arm. The Jewel seared Conan's eyes with emerald flame.

”Don't touch her!” Raihna cried.

”She needs help!”

”You will hurt, not help, if you touch her now!”

Conan hesitated, torn between desire to help someone clearly suffering and trust in Raihna's judgment. Illyana settled the question by slumping into a faint. As. she fell senseless, the flame in the Jewel died.

Raihna knelt beside her mistress, listening for a heartbeat and breath.

Conan mounted guard at the door, while Dessa pulled blankets off the bed to improvise garb for everyone.

”You've your wits about you, girl,” Raihna said grudgingly.

”You think a witling could have lived as I have?”