Part 16 (1/2)

'That doesn't mean your help will be better than none. If I had Raihna's-”

”Oh, we both will. I will go with you and use this glamouring. When Achmai and his men are thoroughly bemused, you will seek and rescue Dessa. Raihna and Ma.s.souf will await us outside, to help us if we need it and cover our retreat.”

Raihna had her mouth open to protest, but Ma.s.souf silenced her by falling on his knees before Illyana. He threw his arms around her waist and pressed his face into her supple belly.

”Mistress, oh, mistress, forgive me that I doubted you! Forgive me-”

”I will forgive you much and that swiftly if you stop blubbering and stand like a man. Dessa will need one when she is free, not a whimpering child.” Slowly Ma.s.souf obeyed.

”I've heard worse schemes,” Conan said. ”I'll go as a soldier looking for work. You can enter the Hold disguised as a man. Or will that glamouring hold for a whole day?”

”Not without more effort than I could make and still be fit for other work,” Illyana admitted. ”I am not using the Jewel for this. Not unless all else fails. Together, the Jewels build each other's strength.

Apart, each Jewel must be rested between spells.”

”I'll leave the magic to you,” Conan said, resting a hand on his sword hilt. ”Now I'd best find out where the Hold lies. If it's close enough, I can spy it out tonight and return before dawn. If we know beforehand-”

”Oh, you have no need to trouble yourself, Conan.” Illyana's smile held a sensuousness that Conan much doubted was all the glamouring.

”How is that? Did you read our hostess's thoughts?”

”Just so. She came by and asked what I wanted in our chambers. While she was close, I read in her thoughts that she would send warning and where she would send it. Then I altered her thoughts. She will send warning only of those who will come to the Hold tomorrow night-you and I.”.

”Well and good.” That sounded grudging and mean, even to Conan's ears.

By Crom, good work was good work, even if a sorceress did it! Why complain about your sword because the smith was loose-living?

”I'm grateful, Mistress Illyana. Now, let's agree on a place to meet if you must flee this inn. Then I'll be off to the Hold-”

”You have little need to roam this nighted land, Conan. The innkeeper has been at the Hold. What I took from her mind, I can show you.”

Ice filled Conan's bowels. Put himself at the mercy of a spell reaching into his mind?

”It is my spell, Conan. Surely you can trust me? And no, I did not read your thoughts. You spoke aloud without knowing it.”

”Captain Conan, if I might speak-” began Ma.s.souf.

”Would you care if I said no?”

Ma.s.souf laughed. ”It is only that you do not know what you may face there. I am sure Mistress Illyana will do all that she can. But unless she can conjure up dragons and trolls, you will have much hard work.

Why not save your strength for it?”

”I suppose your first post as a free man will be advising King Yildiz on strategy,” Conan growled. ”There may be some sense in what you say, if our hostess can tell a gate tower from a privy!”

”Trust her, Conan,” Raihna said. ”Everything the innkeeper has ever seen, you will see as clearly as if you were there yourself. You can learn enough and still sleep tonight.”

All three of them were right, much as Conan disliked admitting it.

Rescuing Dessa at all was crackbrained enough; why make matters worse?

His eyes met Raihna's, and she smiled. Conan had no art of reading thoughts, but hers were plain on her face. She was not saving his strength entirely for fighting, and as for sleep, she did not intend to allow him much.