Volume I Part 12 (1/2)

”Although I wrote to P. S. about John's baptismal certificate, I have not yet received reply. At the moment I am too hard up to spare a sou, and must ask you to send me the 15 or 20 you speak of with the proceeds of my last two articles in the D. U. I mean the two reviews in Nov. and Dec., and if b.u.t.t be in my debt,--as I believe,--perhaps M'Glashan would see to it for me. I have above 150 to pay here at this confounded season, and something like that number of pence to meet it with.

”Will you also ask M'G. what times of payment will be arranged for 'The Dragoon,' as although I leave the thing to his convenience, it will suit mine much to have some definite knowledge on the subject.

”I have thrown physic to the dogs, for really there is nothing to do. I think, _entre nous_, I must go farther--perhaps to Florence or Naples.

”I have dedicated 'Lorrequer' to Sir H. Seymour, by his special request, which at the same time interferes with my original wish and determination to inscribe it to Lord Douro, who [? half] expects it.

”Since I wrote last I have been laid up with gout in my wrist and knuckles and both feet, and now can only walk with cloth shoes and a stick.... The 'Irish Dragoon' has been shelved these twelve days.”

_To Mr Alexander Spencer_.

_Jan_. 17, 1840.

”A most absurd blunder has induced a certain Charles O'Malley, Esq., barrister-at-law, and leader of the Western Circuit, to suppose that my new book under that name is meant to be his Life, &c. And the consequence is that a meeting of the Bar has taken place at Litton's, and resolutions entered to compel a change of t.i.tle.

”Now as I never heard of this gentleman, nor with a very widespread acquaintance do I know of one single Mr O'Malley, I have refused point-blank. My book is already advertised in all the London papers, and if I changed the name for another, any individual bearing the newly-adopted one would have--what Mr O'Malley has not--just and sufficient ground of quarrel with me.

”All my friends here--military, diplomatic, and literary--agree in this view, Lord Lennox, Ranelagh, Suffield, &c, saying that it would be a very weak thing indeed to yield, and one which would undoubtedly reflect both upon my courage and judgment.

”I write these few hurried lines to put you _en courant_ to what is going on....

”For G.o.d's sake send me some gilt. I am terribly hard up just now.”

_To Mr Alexander Spencer._

”Brussels, _Jan_. 30,1840.

”I am in the greatest anxiety to hear from M'Glashan, as a MS.--the first of 'O'Malley'--has not yet been acknowledged by him, and if lost will cause me serious inconvenience,--for I never have a copy of a MS.

”What you observe about the change of name is very just, but the demand, not request, made a very great difference in the matter. Besides that, a book once advertised as it was in all the London papers is seriously injured by any change of t.i.tle,--such is at least the view of the trade.

”I am working away, _malgre_ gout and dyspepsia, but by no means satisfied with my labours or sanguine about their success. So long as I had done nothing I felt indifferent on this head, but the unmerited success of 'Lorrequer' has stimulated me to do better, and it appears likely that I may do worse--for such I feel at present. Time will tell.

Meanwhile I go on,--for needs must when somebody is the coachman.

”If you could discover any source of story or anecdote for me, the service would be inestimable. Droll, comic, ludicrous situations I covet; I have latterly become as grave as a hermit, trying to invent fun.”

_To Mr Alexander Spencer._

”Quartier Leopold, Brussels, Dec. 20, 1840.

”You will be sorry to learn that Wright's failure has let me in for a loss which, however small, is something to one still smoked. His correspondent here, a Mr Berry (?) King, took the opportunity of failing offered by the great man's break up, and failed accordingly. He was my banker, which doubtless was another predisposing cause for a mishap.

You may remember how a very small credit I once opened with the bank in Coleraine made them close in a week. However, as some one remarked with much good nature, 'It's only another book,'--and so I feel it. Meanwhile I am very hard up, as this is the season of yearly accounts being sent in. With Curry I am in advance, for unluckily, to oblige this confounded Berry King, I gave him my booksellers' bills when drawn--which he has since appropriated.

”Forgive me, my dear friend, all this long story of worry and annoyance, which, now that I have told it, has relieved my mind considerably.