Part 24 (1/2)
”May I know something of this evening's program?” I asked.
”Spoil the whole show?” Mr. Bundercombe objected earnestly. ”Just play the part of a.s.sistant audience and stick this into your pocket, will you?”
He threw toward me a very small revolver that he had produced from a drawer.
”Only the last three chambers are loaded,” he remarked. ”You'll have to click three times if you do use it. I don't think you'll need to, though.
Take a stall and watch the fun. I'll tell you only this: You remember Bone Stanley, as he was called in those days--the man who was sent to prison for fifteen years for bank robbery and for shooting the manager? Down Hammersmith way it was. The fellow was an American.”
”I remember it quite well,” I a.s.sented. ”He was tried for murder and convicted of manslaughter.”
Mr. Bundercombe nodded.
”He was released this afternoon. He'll be here in a few minutes.”
”Here!” I exclaimed.
Mr. Bundercombe nodded but did not offer any further explanation. Coupled with a certain gravity of expression he had the appearance of a schoolboy for whom a feast was being set out. ”Quite a pleasant little evening we are going to have!” he promised. ”You wait!”
I frowned a little uneasily.
”You are quite sure you're not letting me in for--”
Mr. Bundercombe plunged into the middle of my little protest.
”You're all right, Paul!” he a.s.sured me. ”Cullen's in the house at the present moment and there are two other detectives with him. They are letting me run this thing simply because I know more about it than they do; and for certain reasons I'm not giving my whole hand away. Don't you worry, Paul! You'll be all right this time. Listen!”
We heard a very feeble ring at the bell. Mr. Bundercombe nodded.
”That's Stanley,” he whispered. ”Sit down!”
A man was shown into the room a moment later. I leaned forward in my chair so as to see more distinctly the hero of one of the most famous cases that had ever been tried in a criminal court. Of his renowned good looks there was little left. He stood there, still tall, with high cheekbones, furtive eyes and long mouth. He wore good clothes, his linen was irreproachable, and he kept his gloves on. Nevertheless the stamp of the prison was upon him.
”Mr. Stanley?” Mr. Bundercombe said. ”Good! I am glad you were prevailed upon to come.”
”I am still wholly in the dark as to what this means!” the newcomer remarked.
”I'll tell you in a very few sentences,” Mr. Bundercombe promised. ”Will you sit down?”
”I prefer to stand,” Stanley replied, ”until I know exactly in whose house I am and what your interest in me is.”
”Very well!” Mr. Bundercombe agreed. ”Here is my history: My name is Joseph H. Bundercombe. I am an American manufacturer. I have made a fortune in manufacturing Bundercombe's Reaping Machines. You may call it a hobby, if you like, but I have always been interested in criminals and criminal methods--not the lowest type, but men who have pitted their brains against others and robbed them.
”As soon as I arrived in this country I found an interest in inquiring into the ident.i.ties of American criminals imprisoned over here, with a view to helping any deserving cases. Your name came before me. I studied your case. I became interested in it. I learned that your time was almost up. A chance inquiry revealed to me a state of things that I determined to bring before your knowledge.”
”You sent me a telegram,” Mr. Stanley interrupted, ”as I was stepping on the steamer at Southampton. I have returned to London for your explanation.”
”You will probably,” Mr. Bundercombe remarked genially, ”be thankful all your life that you did. Now listen!”
”Who is this person?” Mr. Stanley asked, indicating me. ”He is my prospective son-in-law, Mr. Paul Walmsley,” Mr. Bundercombe explained; ”a member of Parliament. I have asked him to be present because I may need a little support, and also because it may help to convince you that I am in earnest.
”Twenty years ago, Mr. Stanley, you came to the conclusion that honest methods were of little use to any one seeking to make a large fortune. You joined with two other men, Richard Densmore and Philip Harding, in a series of semicriminal conspiracies.