Part 18 (1/2)
”Bit of all right--this place!” Mr. Moss remarked, handing his hat to Luigi. ”Who'll have a short one with me before we feed?”
Luigi pa.s.sed the hat from the tips of his fingers to a subordinate. He showed us a table quite silently, handed the menu over to a _maitre d'hotel_ and promptly departed. Looking round a little nervously I could see him gazing at us from his sanctum over the top of the blind!
”Mr. Moss, I see, has American tastes,” Mr. Parker declared. ”He likes an _aperitif_ before dinner. Leave it to me, please.”
Mr. Parker ordered a somewhat extensive dinner. Throughout the meal we listened to a series of adventures in which the hero was always Mr. Moss.
We heard of wonderful hauls and wonderful escapes; detectives outwitted-- exploits that reminded me more of the motor bandits of Paris than of our own sober capital.
Mr. Parker's attention never flagged. Halfway through the meal Mr. Moss suddenly put down his knife and fork. He broke off in the middle of a fascinating narration of an episode during which he had ju-jutsued one detective, knocked another down, locked them both in an empty room, and strolled away with a cigar abstracted from the case of one of them and his pockets full of uncut emeralds. With his mouth open he was gazing fixedly across the room. There was a considerable change in his tone.
”'Ware 'tec'!” he said sharply.
We all looked in the direction he indicated, and we all recognized Mr.
Cullen, who was apparently returning with interest our observation. I saw a grim smile upon his lips as he disappeared for a moment behind the menu card. For a man who had in his time treated detectives in such a cavalier way, Mr. Moss' change of color and subdued manner was a little extraordinary. He cheered up, however, after a little while.
”Our friend Cullen,” Mr. Parker murmured, ”seems to have taken quite a fancy to this restaurant.”
”Used to be on my lay,” Mr. Moss remarked. ”He's much too big a duke now for the street, though. They say he gets nearly all the high-cla.s.s forgery and swindling cases.”
”We have come into contact with him ourselves,” Mr. Parker observed genially. ”Seems to me there's a kind of want of snap about him compared with our American detectives; but I dare say he knows his business.”
”Is your father really enjoying this?” I asked Eve.
”He absolutely loves it!” she replied.
I sighed.
”And I think,” she added suddenly, ”you are behaving beautifully--I almost love you for it.”
I looked at her quickly and I felt rewarded for all I had gone through.
Her att.i.tude toward me was subtly different. Somehow I felt that I was being permitted a glimpse of the real Eve. Her eyes were soft; she patted my hand under the table. I could almost have shaken hands with Mr. Moss!
”What about a music hall afterward?” I proposed in the fullness of my heart. ”Shall I send for stalls at the Alhambra?”
My proposal was received with unanimous approval. Our departure from the restaurant a few minutes later evoked almost as much comment as our arrival. Mr. Moss led the way, his hands in his trousers pockets and a large cigar, pointing toward the ceiling, protruding from the corner of his mouth. His slight uneasiness with regard to the whereabouts of his hat having been dispelled by its appearance before we finished our meal, he placed it on his head at its usual angle before we left the room.
Mr. Parker took his arm as they pa.s.sed out, and I saw Mr. Cullen's eyes follow them from behind his newspaper. The two got into a taxi and Eve and I followed them in another, an arrangement that Mr. Moss appeared to regard with disfavor. Eve's hand stole into mine as we drove off.
”Do you know,” she said seriously, ”I think it's perfectly horrid to drag you about in such company! It's all very well for us, because we belong and we are in a strange city; but I saw some of your friends look at you and whisper. They must think you are mad!”
”So long as you are in it, dear,” I a.s.sured her, ”I don't care where I go or with whom.”
”You don't look like that a bit, you know!” she sighed.
”As for the rest,” I went on, ”if you are really sorry for me--why, then, end it! Your father could spare us for a little time.”
I could see she was becoming serious again. Lights flashed upon her face.
I felt a sudden wave of pity mingled with my love for her. After all, there were times when her anxiety must have been almost insupportable.
”Eve, dearest,” I whispered, ”you must let me take you away from this. You must! You are too good and sweet ever to mix with these people--to live this life.”