Chapter 2655 (1/2)

Li Zhi sighed and didn't want to fight. Instead, he sat down on the table and said, ”well, let's give three questions each, and then we'll answer everything first. How about strength and luck?”

Then the other side waved and six clouds appeared.

Li Zhihao took out a cloud he wrote and wrote the above answer very quickly. How long, how wide and how high is his question in this space? What's his standard volume? Li zhiyuanshen has a geodetic ruler, so it's a piece of cake for them.

The second problem is the problem of calculation.

”A and B are cousins, C is married to husband and wife, and C and D are half brothers and sisters. Ding's mother is B's cousin. B and C have a relationship with uncle a and Ding, but it's not just uncle a and sister-in-law. So whether a and B get married by close relatives, and if they are ranked according to the normal family, which position do they belong to? ”

The question was asked by the other party, and Li Zhi waved his hand,

”I don't fuckin 'know.”

The last problem is to extract from the clouds,

”The chicken lays the egg, the egg lays the chicken, in this world first has the egg or first has the chicken?”

When the other party thought of this question, he answered it first,

”Ah, well, in my opinion, it doesn't matter whether there are chickens or eggs in the world. We can say that chickens are eggs, and eggs are chickens. There is no difference. They should be born at the same time.”

I'm not satisfied with this answer, but he thinks Li Zhi can't answer it either.

Li Zhi said: ”in my opinion, there were chickens in the world first.”

Li Zhi finished with one sentence,

”Reckoning? I admire your reasoning, but you forget what I said, which is the most important thing. In your opinion, you said too slowly, so you lost. ”

Li Zhi, the key to space won from the God of reckoning, leaves here without hesitation, but instead of leaving the city of sky, he finds a remote corner and opens the treasure house of heaven and earth. After pressing the button, Li Zhi and the key disappear in the corner of the city of sky.

There was no trace. In front of me was the familiar dark environment.

But for Li Zhi, such pressure has little effect on him.

With one hand on the stone of heaven and earth, Li Zhi finds that there is a boundary on it, and the magic cleaver in his hand has absorbed the light energy on it.

With Li Zhi's energy, the vitality of heaven and earth enters into the rock.

Li Zhi's body is full of extremely powerful energy, and the array of Li Zhi's other hand covering the massage city dark magic city gives out extremely dazzling light, and then it falls apart.

Lost the shackles of the dark magic city, rapid enlargement, eyes look like the size of a black hole.

Li Zhi's secret way was not good, so he quickly started the space hub, Unicom and dark magic city together, sent them to the sky city, restored the original scale of dark magic city, and collapsed the sky city as soon as they came out.