Part 19 (1/2)
”That would be very awkward, master, if it were so.”
”It would indeed. To-night all the force except the sentries shall gather in the castle, where ten men by turns shall keep guard, one or two being placed in the lower chambers. In this way we shall be safe; for before more than three or four can enter we should be all on foot, and as they can but come up in single file, could repulse them without difficulty. Tomorrow we will lower men down with ropes from the walls, and examine every clump of bushes growing on the face of the rock If we find any signs of a path or entrance we shall have no difficulty in discovering where it enters into the castle, and can effectually block it up. I shall then feel much more comfortable than I do at present.”
”I was looking forward to a good night's sleep,” OsG.o.d grumbled, ”but your idea, master, has quite done away with that. If I went off I should dream that I had one of those Welsh wolves at my throat. However, it is a good thing that you thought of it.”
”I think, my lord,” one of the soldiers said, ”there are a number of our men among the Welsh. I can make out helmets and s.h.i.+elds, and I think many are clad in leather jerkins.”
Wulf looked attentively.
”Yes, there are certainly s.h.i.+elds and helmets,” he said. ”I fear there is no doubt they have overtaken Oswald's levies.”
”And have made them prisoners?”
Wulf shook his head. ”They never take prisoners, you know. I fear they have slain them all and possessed themselves of their arms and clothes. In no other way can there be Saxon s.h.i.+elds and helmets among them.”
”By St. Nicholas!” OsG.o.d exclaimed, ”it is too bad that we should be standing here doing nothing. Why doesn't Llewellyn attack us instead of keeping his men gaping there at the castle?”
”Because at present he can do nothing, and is not fool enough to throw away hundreds of lives; besides, he must know that his mother and children are in our hands.”
Presently a white flag was raised among the Welsh. Wulf had expected this, and had ordered a white cloth to be held in readiness to raise in reply. As soon as this flew out to the wind three men were seen to advance with the flag towards the foot of the road up to the castle. Wulf at once sent for the two interpreters to join him.
”Shall you let them come up, master?” OsG.o.d asked. ”They are as treacherous as snakes. See how that boy led us astray in the bog.”
”You cannot get that boy out of your head, OsG.o.d,” Wulf laughed. ”There is no conceivable way by which three men could recapture this castle. There is nothing for them to learn. They know its strength and everything connected with it, and they can see for themselves that we have destroyed the bridge.
I shall be glad to hear what they have to say. Llewellyn himself is, most likely, one of the number.”
The little party mounted the road until they stood on the platform from which the bridge started. One of them was a tall figure, dressed in armour, and with long black hair flowing down from under his helmet over his shoulders. Wulf at once, from the descriptions he had heard of the chief's appearance, recognized him as Llewellyn ap Rhys.
”I would speak with the commander of the Saxons who have, in my absence, taken my castle by treachery.”
”I am the commander,” Wulf said.
The Welshman's fingers clenched, and he glanced furiously at the young Saxon. By a great effort, however, he restrained his pa.s.sion, and said courteously: ”I am Llewellyn ap Rhys. To whom have I the pleasure of speaking?”
”I am Wulf of Steyning, prince. I don't know altogether that I have taken your castle by treachery, indeed I claim to have won it by fair fighting.
You went out with your force to attack me among the hills, and during your absence I attacked and captured your castle. I will do your garrison credit to say they fought bravely in spite of the surprise. I would gladly have given them quarter, but they refused my offers, and, save a few wounded, whom I allowed the women to carry off, died to a man fighting bravely. No women were hurt or insulted, save those who took up arms and fought among the men, and it was no fault of ours that they were killed. Methinks that in your incursions into England you have not always shown the same mercy.”
Llewellyn was silent for a minute. He had indeed never shown any pity in his forays, but had never expected that his castle and family would be in the hands of the Saxons.
”I learn,” he said at last, ”from the women, that my mother and my children are alive in your hands, and I thank you for the honorable treatment I hear that they have received.”
”They are safe and well,” Wulf replied. ”We Saxons do not ma.s.sacre women and children in cold blood. They will be honourably treated until I can hand them over to the care of Earl Gurth, who will doubtless send them to England as hostages.”
”I shall try to win back my castle,” Llewellyn said. ”May I be sure that whatever happens they will be safe?”
”You may. Even were you forcing your way into the castle I will guarantee that no hair of their heads shall be injured. And now, prince, it is my turn to question. I see Saxon helmets and s.h.i.+elds among your followers.
Whence come they?”
A cloud pa.s.sed over Llewellyn's face. He had not reckoned on their being observed from the castle. Concealment was now out of question, and he said boldly: ”I defeated a party of your countrymen this morning. They came with hostile intent into my territory, and they have been destroyed.” Although he had expected the answer, Wulf was shocked at the confirmation of his fears. Llewellyn, indeed, had fallen on Oswald's levies and annihilated them soon after daybreak. Having no idea that a party had separated from them during the night, he was returning exulting in the idea that he had destroyed the whole of the invaders, when the news had reached him of the capture of his castle. Wulf was silent. ”It is the fortune of war,” he said gravely. ”It is not to me that you have to reckon for the deed, but with Earl Gurth, for whom I hold this castle.”
Llewellyn made no reply, but with a wave of his hand turned and went down the hill again.