Part 4 (1/2)

”Yea,” he said, ”I am an alien; wilt thou be good to me?”

She said: ”And why not? I was afraid at first, for I thought it had been the King's Son. I looked to see none other; for of goodly men he has been the only one here in the land this long while, till thy coming.”

He said: ”Didst thou look for my coming at about this time?”

”O nay,” she said; ”how might I?”

Said Walter: ”I wot not; but the other man seemed to be looking for me, and knew of me, and he brought me bread to eat.”

She looked on him anxiously, and grew somewhat pale, as she said: ”What other one?”

Now Walter did not know what the dwarf might be to her, fellow-servant or what not, so he would not show his loathing of him; but answered wisely: ”The little man in the yellow raiment.”

But when she heard that word, she went suddenly very pale, and leaned her head aback, and beat the air with her hands; but said presently in a faint voice: ”I pray thee talk not of that one while I am by, nor even think of him, if thou mayest forbear.”

He spake not, and she was a little while before she came to herself again; then she opened her eyes, and looked upon Walter and smiled kindly on him, as though to ask his pardon for having scared him. Then she rose up in her place, and stood before him; and they were nigh together, for the stream betwixt them was little.

But he still looked anxiously upon her and said: ”Have I hurt thee? I pray thy pardon.”

She looked on him more sweetly still, and said: ”O nay; thou wouldst not hurt me, thou!”

Then she blushed very red, and he in like wise; but afterwards she turned pale, and laid a hand on her breast, and Walter cried out hastily: ”O me!

I have hurt thee again. Wherein have I done amiss?”

”In nought, in nought,” she said; ”but I am troubled, I wot not wherefore; some thought hath taken hold of me, and I know it not.

Mayhappen in a little while I shall know what troubles me. Now I bid thee depart from me a little, and I will abide here; and when thou comest back, it will either be that I have found it out or not; and in either case I will tell thee.”

She spoke earnestly to him; but he said: ”How long shall I abide away?”

Her face was troubled as she answered him: ”For no long while.”

He smiled on her and turned away, and went a s.p.a.ce to the other side of the oak-trees, whence she was still within eyeshot. There he abode until the time seemed long to him; but he schooled himself and forbore; for he said: Lest she send me away again. So he abided until again the time seemed long to him, and she called not to him: but once again he forbore to go; then at last he arose, and his heart beat and he trembled, and he walked back again speedily, and came to the maiden, who was still standing by the rock of the spring, her arms hanging down, her eyes downcast. She looked up at him as he drew nigh, and her face changed with eagerness as she said: ”I am glad thou art come back, though it be no long while since thy departure” (sooth to say it was scarce half an hour in all). ”Nevertheless I have been thinking many things, and thereof will I now tell thee.”

He said: ”Maiden, there is a river betwixt us, though it be no big one.

Shall I not stride over, and come to thee, that we may sit down together side by side on the green gra.s.s?”

”Nay,” she said, ”not yet; tarry a while till I have told thee of matters. I must now tell thee of my thoughts in order.”

Her colour went and came now, and she plaited the folds of her gown with restless fingers. At last she said: ”Now the first thing is this; that though thou hast seen me first only within this hour, thou hast set thine heart upon me to have me for thy speech-friend and thy darling. And if this be not so, then is all my speech, yea and all my hope, come to an end at once.”

”O yea!” said Walter, ”even so it is: but how thou hast found this out I wot not; since now for the first time I say it, that thou art indeed my love, and my dear and my darling.”

”Hush,” she said, ”hus.h.!.+ lest the wood have ears, and thy speech is loud: abide, and I shall tell thee how I know it. Whether this thy love shall outlast the first time that thou holdest my body in thine arms, I wot not, nor dost thou. But sore is my hope that it may be so; for I also, though it be but scarce an hour since I set eyes on thee, have cast mine eyes on thee to have thee for my love and my darling, and my speech-friend. And this is how I wot that thou lovest me, my friend. Now is all this dear and joyful, and overflows my heart with sweetness. But now must I tell thee of the fear and the evil which lieth behind it.”

Then Walter stretched out his hands to her, and cried out: ”Yea, yea! But whatever evil entangle us, now we both know these two things, to wit, that thou lovest me, and I thee, wilt thou not come hither, that I may cast mine arms about thee, and kiss thee, if not thy kind lips or thy friendly face at all, yet at least thy dear hand: yea, that I may touch thy body in some wise?”

She looked on him steadily, and said softly: ”Nay, this above all things must not be; and that it may not be is a part of the evil which entangles us. But hearken, friend, once again I tell thee that thy voice is over loud in this wilderness fruitful of evil. Now I have told thee, indeed, of two things whereof we both wot; but next I must needs tell thee of things whereof I wot, and thou wottest not. Yet this were better, that thou pledge thy word not to touch so much as one of my hands, and that we go together a little way hence away from these tumbled stones, and sit down upon the open greensward; whereas here is cover if there be spying abroad.”