Part 36 (1/2)
”How are we going to get out? We're trapped! The bridge is going to collapse and we're trapped!”
By now the children were gathering enough of their senses to be scared again and the driver's panic was whipping up a frenzy.
”We're going to die!” the driver shouted.
Screaming erupted the length of the bus.
”We're not going to die!” Jana shouted over them.
But they weren't listening. Neither were the two teachers. One had curled up into a ball, with a small boy pulled against her chest like he was a teddy bear. The teacher with the bad wig sat on the edge of a seat whimpering.
”. . . if you get me out of this, I'll tell him . . . I promise . . . I'll make it right . . .”
”Listen to me!” Jana shouted. ”We're not going to die! The bridge is not going to collapse! You've seen pictures of it, haven't you? It must have twenty supports holding it up.”
”Thirty mission-shaped arches,” a girl with braces said. ”We learned about it in cla.s.s.”
Jana smiled at her, grateful for the a.s.sistance. ”Then you all know how strong it is! It was built to survive earthquakes. If it hasn't been knocked down by now, it's not going to be knocked down!”
”What if he comes back?” the driver cried from the front of the bus. ”What if he fires more rockets?”
Jana scowled at the woman, who seemed to be deliberately trying to upset the children. She was doing a good job of it.
”What do you do when you're in bad trouble and need help?” Jana shouted. ”Who can tell me?”
Several kids replied.
”Stop, drop, and roll!”
”Call 911!”
”Hug a tree!”
Despite the danger, Jana couldn't help but chuckle at some of the responses. ”Those are all good,” she said, ”but actually, I was thinking of dialing 911.”
She reached into her purse for her cell phone. Flipping it open, she said, ”Now you all have to be quiet so that the police dispatcher can hear me. Can you do that? Can you be quiet?”
She had their attention. Not only the children, but the two teachers. The driver smirked sarcastically. ”What good will it do to call 911 when-”
Jana cut her off. ”Shus.h.!.+”
The children came to Jana's aid, placing forefingers to their lips and shus.h.i.+ng the driver into silence.
The call was a ruse. Of course it was a ruse. What were the police going to do? Send a gap-leaping patrol car to investigate? But it was the only way Jana could think of getting the children's minds off being frightened.
”h.e.l.lo, police?” Jana said loudly when the dispatcher answered.
The children let out a cheer.
Signaling with her hand, Jana urged them to be quiet.
To the dispatcher she said, ”This is Jana Torres. I'm on the Coronado bridge with a busload of schoolchildren and we need help.”
Jana talked for several minutes with the dispatcher, knowing that dozens of young ears were hanging on every word. At first the dispatcher thought it was a crank call. When she finally became convinced that it was genuine, the dispatcher said, ”We're watching it on television. What exactly do you want us to do?”
At the same time she was talking to the dispatcher, Jana was looking out the bus windows a.s.sessing the situation. The span of the bridge was littered with vehicles. Nearly every door was open. Wherever she looked there was confusion and chaos.
Jana flipped her cell phone closed. Small faces waited eagerly for her report. ”The police said it's very important that we sit tight, be quiet, and wait for help to arrive. Do you think we can do that? I think we can.”
She deliberately looked at the bus driver, who appeared angry.
”Everybody find a seat,” Jana instructed them. ”Don't look out the window at the water. If you're scared, hold the hand of the person sitting next to you. If you can't find a seat, raise your hand and one of the teachers will help you.”
Order had been restored. The children moved methodically, some of them still sniffing and crying softly, but finding a seat nonetheless. The teachers, too, had regained their composure.
Jana checked on the bus driver . . . who had vanished.
One moment she was there, the next she was gone. In less than a blink of an eye, the driver had disappeared.
One of the teachers saw the expression on Jana's face. Turning to see what had caused it, she screamed. ”The driver . . . the driver . . . she fell out the door!”
Panic swept through the bus, threatening the order Jana had just restored. ”Stay in your seats!” she shouted repeatedly. ”The police told you to stay in your seats!”
She worked her way up the aisle, ordering, pointing, physically a.s.sisting when necessary, until all the children were back in their seats. Reaching the front of the bus, she swung around. ”There's nothing we can do to help her!” she shouted, even though she didn't believe the driver had fallen. ”But we can help each other and make sure everyone else is safe. Sit quietly in your seats. Look, help is on its way.”
She directed their attention to bridge-side windows. Four men in suits were running in their direction.
The wind from the open bus door whipped Jana's pants legs. Maybe it was her imagination, but she could have sworn she felt the bridge shudder.
For all the fire and smoke and drama, miraculously the central portion of the bridge remained intact. The school bus with Jana was perched precariously next to a concrete cliff, but all the bus's tires were on the road and the children were being a.s.sisted out the rear emergency door.
And while the president's motorcade was stranded on a newly made island, there appeared to be no real damage. From what I could see no one had been hurt and, most important, the sky was clear of threatening black specks.
”Well, what do you think?” Semyaza said.
My heart was doing a drum roll and my knees felt like jelly. But relief is a tonic and I was feeling better by the second. ”You failed.” It felt good to say it. ”A lot of fireworks, a lot of ooo's and ahhh's, but in the end everyone is going home safe. The president is still alive.”
A roar in the sky startled me and for one frightening moment I thought Noonan had brought company. But it was a news helicopter charging onto the scene.
The sleek chopper was immediately intercepted by a Coast Guard helicopter with several surface craft speeding to its aid, guns at the ready. A bullhorn voice warned the chopper away. The voice was loud, no-nonsense, but youthful and unsteady.
The news chopper wisely backed off, but didn't go away. There is a time to test the limits of free speech and the press, but this was not it, not when a trembling finger is on the trigger of a big gun aimed at you.
A pounding of boots and heavy, labored breathing approached us from behind, announcing the arrival of a three-man news crew. They'd parked their van on the pier and ran to the end of the flight deck. Paying no attention to us, they proceeded to set up camera and sound equipment with a speed that comes from experience.