Part 21 (1/2)
”But I--want to talk. I have--only a few minutes. Just these--last few minutes--I want to talk to my--Princess Maida. You'll--excuse us--the Princess Maida and me--won't you? Just for these last--few minutes?”
We withdrew beyond his fading sight.
”My--Princess Maida----”
His voice still reached us. She leaned closer over him. Her tears were falling now, but as she spoke she strove for calmness.
His eyes were glazing, but they dung to her. ”Princess----”
”No,” she said. ”Just Maida--your friend. The woman you have given your life for.” Her voice almost broke. ”Oh, Wolfgar! Never shall I forget that. To give your life----”
”It is--a great honor.” The gesture he made to check her words of thanks exhausted him. His eyes closed; for a moment he seemed not to breathe.
As Maida leaned down in alarm, her beautiful white hair tumbled forward over her shoulders. A lock of it brushed Wolfgar. He could not lift his hands, but they groped for the tresses, found them and clung. Her white waves of hair, with his fingers, shriveled, burned black, entwined in them.
Again his eyelids came up. ”You won't leave me--Princess Maida. Not for these--last few minutes?”
”No,” she half whispered.
”You--cannot--if you would.” His whimsical smile returned. ”You see? I am--holding you.”
For a moment he was silent. His eyes stayed open, staring dully at her.
His face and lips were drained now of their blood.
”You're--still there?”
”Yes, Wolfgar.”
”Yes--of course I know you are. But I--cannot see you very well--now.
You look--so far away.”
She put her face down quite close to him. Her eyes were br.i.m.m.i.n.g with tears.
”Oh--yes,” he said. ”That's better--much better. Now I can--see you--very plainly. I was thinking--I wanted to--tell you something.
It--wouldn't be right to tell you--except that I'll soon--be gone where it won't make any difference.”
He gathered all his last remaining strength. ”I--love you--Princess Maida.”
She forced a gentle smile through her tears. ”Yes, Wolfgar.”
”I mean,” he persisted, ”not as my Princess--just as--a woman.
The--woman I've always loved. That's been my secret. You see? It would--always have been--my secret--the little Mars man Wolfgar--in love with his Princess Maida. You--don't think it too impertinent of me--do you? I mean--confessing it now--just at--the end?”
”No,” she whispered. ”No, Wolfgar.”
”Thank you--very much.” His breath exhaled with a faint sigh. ”Thank you--very much. I wanted to tell you that--before I--go. And--if you wouldn't mind--I want to--call you--just Maida.”
”Just Maida, Wolfgar. Yes, of course, I want you to call me that.” Her voice was broken. She brushed away her tears that he might not notice them.