Part 6 (1/2)
Those warring tribes he had known as the Pictii had given rise to a new people, one that spanned across this wild land. Though still quite anxious for conquest, they had settled down a bit and he had watched generation after generation come into the world, and leave it.
He had watched their sons and daughters grow into a fierce, proud people he admired. They had a rich love for life, for family. They sang and laughed and lived.
Watching them actually brought him a bit of pleasure.
They even spoke of him. In low hushed tones over their fires at night, they told stories of the pale giant who roamed the mountains and dealt with the crueler men, those who would rape and kill.
Some said he was the devil, others said he was a creature of G.o.d sent to protect them.
Things had changed so much since he had first come here.
The people had not changed so much physically, although he could see some changes in the descendants. Once, many of these people had been blond and fair, but more and more he saw dark hair, darker skin, remnants from the slaves who had been brought back as spoils of war.
Clothing had changed a bit, but not terribly much. Warmer stuff, it seemed and a bit better made.
Many of the changes were not something that could truly be seen, though. The people did not fight as much among each other. A stronger sense of unity. And fewer followed the old ways of wors.h.i.+pping as the old priest who had killed Alys. Most followed the teachings of the Messiah and there were even priests who helped spread those teachings.
Malachi liked those teachings.
He liked the idea that there was indeed something after this life and that as dark as things were now, some place where pain did not happen sounded rather wondrous to him.
It went a bit deeper than that, though. It called to the part of him that remembered being enslaved, that remembered being forced to either take a life, or to be beaten. And he suspected that the choice he had made was because of those teachings.
He would leave these lands and follow Rachel.
He was needed-he did not so much care for that, but the knowledge that there were people out there that needed help ate at him. So he would go to this Brendain Rachel spoke of and see what exactly they said he was needed for.
Perhaps she would be there.
His dream woman had told him his destiny waited. In his heart, he hoped and prayed she was his destiny.