13 Chapter 13 (1/2)

Today was the day he had been anticipating for over thirteen years, the day Nie Li gains his future self's memories. Why was he waiting? It was to pillage his mind for the millions of books he had read, and the cheatiest book to ever be created, the Temporal Demon Spirit Book.

Shen Yue had also set other plans in motion. Two hundred of his legend rank soldiers had been dispatched to loot the Dark Ruins, a high-level ruin containing the Nightmare Demon Pot. Honestly, he should have retrieved it long before now, but he had been sidetracked in conquering the Abyss realm.

He had also put a contingency in place to save Ye Ziyun's soul. But the bronze bird-like monstrosity from the novel was not fit to house his first wife's soul. Using the soul puppet blueprint he had stolen from the Heavenly Marks Family as a reference, he created a lifelike bird of prey.

Using high-grade materials, Shen Yue's personal smith laboured for days to create a masterpiece. With a sleek, pure black body, lavender eyes, extendable razor sharp claws and a beak that could pierce black-gold armour, she was as beautiful as she was dangerous.

Unfortunately, he didn't have enough souls techniques to allow her soul to grow, he would need to see what knowledge Nie Li had. If Ye Ziyun could form a fate soul after absorbing heavenly energy, her body would be able to restore itself. But that was for the future, for now, he just had to save her soul.

Asking her to come to his mansion two hours before school, he then proceeded to abuse her body, using the 'D' at full force. Satisfied she will be walking funny for a day or two, Shen Yue knocked her out with a drink prepared for after their lovemaking.

Su Mei arrived with the soul puppet, he needed her superior cultivation to link it to Ye Ziyun's soul. He only needed to activate the inscription, and it would forcefully suck her branded soul into the puppet. He also made it dormant once the transfer was complete, as he didn't need her flying around in a panic.

Su Mei had been thoroughly reprimanded for trying to 'train' his future wives. Shen Yue explained that while she could have her fun, they were to be future leaders of his empire and he did not want them as submissive slaves. Su Mei had apologised profusely and had explained she did not mean anything by it, she just liked to 'play'! He made a solemn vow to himself, to never introduce her to leather or whips in the future.

After doing all he could to save Ziyun, and to give the body stealer a surprise, they were off to start the long-awaited day of school. Taking a seat at the back of the classroom, where he would draw the least attention, Shen Yue waved to his little aunt. He would have to do something about her soon, maybe just kidnap her and hide her away when the Sacred Family collapsed.

Shortly after class started, Shen Yue felt a cold shiver run down his spine. Ye Ziyun sleepily closed her eyes while laying her head down on the table. Without a moment to lose, Shen Yue released the soul puppet under the table and activated the inscription.

With a brief flash of light, the original Ye Ziyun was now residing in a mechanical death bird. When everyone in the class turned around to see where the light came from, Shen Yue put on a worried face and gently shook Ye Ziyun's shoulder.

”Ye Ziyun, are you ok? What was that light?”


”Uh, where am I?” Waking fully, the women looked up to find a beautiful pre-teen, with long blue-black hair pulled into a high ponytail. He was gently shaking her with a concerned look on his perfect face. She looked around and noticed the entire class watching her.

”OMG! The god actually did it! I'm in the Demons and Gods World! Was Shen Yue always this attractive? He could nearly pass as a girl! Ouch, shit why do my privates hurt? Oh that bastard god! He left the damage he did when I slept with him! Damn him, my arse is leaking! Ok, ok focus, you can do this!”

Within a second, the new soul that had arrived ordered her thoughts, trying to ignore the uncomfortable feeling from her abused orifices and replied to the questions directed at her by Shen Yue.

”I'm fine, I must have fallen asleep.” The new Ye Ziyun replied.

”Are you sure? There was a flash of light, maybe we should have a doctor examine you to be safe.” A concerned Shen Xui asked, having the City Lord's daughter injured in her class would be political suicide.

”I'm fine, teacher Shen Xui, honest, please continue your lecture.” She replied trying to direct attention elsewhere. As soon as everyone faced the front again, a blue screen only she could see, appeared in front of her.

[ Congratulations! You have agreed to be reincarnated into the world of Tales of Demons and Gods created by Alastor, your new God! As per the deal, you agreed to when renouncing your previous faith and/or allegiance, you have been given the following perks.

Ye Ziyun – One of the students in the fighter apprentice class with Nie Li. She is a member of the most powerful Family in Glory City, Snow Wind Family. Her grandfather is the legend rank demon spiritualist Ye Mo, and her father, Ye Zong, is the current City Lord.

The Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal Pendant / System – A soul-bound pendant containing a realm only accessible to the owner. No other human beings are allowed entry unless they are already dead. (Or have, a spiritual connection to the owner.) Time flows at a rate of 100:1 in the realm compared to the outside world. The landscape of this realm has a circumference of roughly a 33,000 Square Meters, every increase of the level of this Realm will increase the size of space available. (To receive, pray to God.)

Interspatial Ring (500sqm) – A soul-bound ring able to change shape and camouflage. (To receive, pray to God.)

Bishoujo – A young woman whose beauty (and sexual appeal) transcends the boundary of gender or sexual orientation.

Boobs – Your breasts have been shaped by God! They are full, round and pert, men will not be able to look you in the eyes.

Dat Ass! – Your posterior is shapely, taut, firm, plump and yet still compacted into an aesthetically appealing package. It is perfect!

You are not permitted to kill the opposition, disclose information about future events or information concerning your mission to amuse your new God! All attempts will be physically impossible thanks to the restrictions placed on you when you agreed to serve your God, Alastor. Continue to amuse Him for better endgame reward. ]

”Yes! All my perks are there, I must say this body is gorgeous! Not being able to kill that immature little prick will make things difficult, but as long as I am with Nie Li, I will be fine. First I will have to distance myself from Shen Yue, what a pity, he is too cute! But his family is so totally going down.” Ye Ziyun thought to herself. Now that she was in this perfect body, she had to get used to calling herself that.

Without even realising her thoughts on murdering another human being, the woman from earth started planning her future.


Shen Yue could practically see the wheels turning in her head when she looked at him with an appreciative eye. She was going to distance herself from him to make room for Nie Li. Although he knew this was coming, it hit him right in the feels to see such a look on his Ziyun's face.