Part 9 (1/2)

”Get the winch up and going, will ya'?”

The winch system is hooked up to a ma.s.sive dump truck which rumbled into place a few minutes before Dad's tirade I whistle with admiration over the sheer size of the thing. It could easily hold a bus on the other end let alone a few people.

”Well, it's big enough,” I say still staring at the monstrous house sized vehicle.

”Just a little precaution on my end,” Kane answers.

”How much cable do you have?” I ask.

Nicole answers, ”Each of our three trucks on hand is equipped with 500 feet of cable, why?”

I step up to the 5 x 5 opening in the orichalc.u.m slab and take a glow stick out of my pocket. I crack the long slender rod and shake it, the fluorescent orange glow growing brighter with each agitation. Once the chemical mix is at its peak, I hold out my arm and drop it into the unknown and watch it, counting the whole way.

As I get past the desired distance and keep counting, it finally stops, barely visible on the floor of what must be a huge chasm. I look back at the others, ”Because, we're going to need more.”

”How much more?” Nicole asks.

”Give or take, another 500 feet,” I answer a little shocked.

”Are you kidding? 1,000 feet deep! What the h.e.l.l is this place?” Kane exclaims. ”You do realize that's 100 stories down?” he finishes, shaking his head.

”Has anything ever been discovered that deep that wasn't a natural formation?” Kane asks.

I shrug, ”No idea. I doubt it though.”

I step back away from the 1,000 foot drop and clench my teeth. I look down at my hands and see them shaking a little. It's not much, but it's enough.

Geez, I think. Get a hold of yourself, we aren't even in the hole yet.

I turn.

”Nicole, how long before our A-Frame is up and ready?”

”The engineers are finalizing construction now and will install it shortly. So...” She checks her watch, ”Maybe twenty minutes before we descend-thirty tops.”

”Alright guys, let's use that time to finish suiting up and get our gear in order.” I look to Nicole. ”I a.s.sume you have travel packs with food and supplies on hand, ready to go?”

She nods.

Kane finishes locking everything in place on the truck wench and stands.

”I'll get another spool rigged and get our stuff, Hank.” He then heads back to the examination tent where we left our own packs.

”So what's his story?” Nicole asks staring at me with a raised eyebrow but motioning to Kane.

”Him? He's on loan from the government-most likely the CIA. Haven't gotten him to cough up that much yet.” I tug on my harness, thoroughly inspecting it. ”He's sort of like our personal one man army. Met him in the hospital after the attack in Algiers and he's been glued to us ever since. Hates being referred to as, the muscle, or anything that implies he has bricks for brains. We are his new a.s.signment.”

”Must be nice,” Nicole says, a newfound look of respect for the big guy on her face.

”Yes and no,” I answer. ”Yes, because, we have some back up just in case something else happens.”

”And no?” She asks.

”No, because...I'm not sure I want to be around when Mount Kane blows his top.” I give her a smile.

”So, does he?” She asks.

”Does he what?”

”Does he have bricks for brains?” She asks with a sly tone.

”Funny enough, no. He's very a clumsy Shrek kind of way.”

A beat of silence goes by, just the hum of electricity and the desert breeze.

”What about you?” I ask.

”What do you mean?”

”What's your story? Why are you here?”

She looks away, a little uncomfortable with the question.

”I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...”

”No, it's fine.” She looks back to me. ”I met your father a few years back on a project in Spain. Nothing special, just a small dig near the coast. My husband was his project leader at the time...”

My eyes go wide. I know this story.

Four years ago Dad was called to Spain by a colleague in Europe. He said they may have found something of significance, but needed his expertise. His project leader, Tomas Andersson, another Swede, was already there getting everything in order, just like Nicole was doing here. Dad got the call ten-minutes after his plane landed. There was an attack on the site by an unknown party, no one was said to survive, except Nicole, who they found shot and left for dead next to her already murdered husband. The site was ransacked and everything of value stolen and everything else was torched.

I didn't hear anything about the woman after that. I a.s.sumed she recovered and went about putting her life back together. I was so wrong.

She finishes and I'm about to say something, but she cuts me off.

”Before you ask, no, I don't know who attacked our camp.”

I have my mouth hanging open like a guppy, not having anything to ask now. Then something hits me.

”What did you find in Spain that required my father being flown out on less than no notice to go see?”

”We found a coin,” she says.