Part 7 (1/2)
”They are in my black-zone, also known as my s.h.i.+t list. You don't want to be on that. It generally ends badly.”
I laugh and give his shoulder a slap of my own, ”I bet.”
Dad climbs into the front pa.s.senger seat while Kane and I open our respective back pa.s.senger doors. Before we climb in I look over the roof at Kane, ”So, Dr. Jeremy Kane, is it?”
He looks up at me with a shrug and a grin, ”I have a PhD in bulls.h.i.+t, but, yes the name really is Jeremy.” I nod and we climb in. We buckle up as Omar pulls out onto what for the main highway.
I extend my hand to Kane and say, ”Nice to meet you, Jeremy.”
Kane does the same, ”You too, Harrison.” I wince, not in pain, but at the use of my birth name, immediately regretting my attempt at being a smarta.s.s.
Omar pulls us into the left lane and quickly accelerates to 60 miles per hour. It's a relatively short 30 minute drive from the Djanet airport to the small town outside the site. The A.C. is blowing hard and feels incredible in this brutal heat. I tip my head back and shut my eyes. But, before I nod off I get a nudge in the side. I look over at Kane.
”Watch this,” he whispers. He pulls out the biggest bullet I've ever seen. Must be one of his 50 caliber rounds, I think. He taps on my dad's shoulder, ”Here Dr. Boyd, take a look at this.”
Dad nonchalantly takes the object without noticing it. Then, I hear him gasp and he turns and looks back at us.
”What's this?” he asks. He holds the bullet up for everyone to see, including Omar, who glances in his rearview mirror.
”This, Dr. Boyd,” Kane plucks the huge round from Dad's fingers and removes one of his Desert Eagles from his pack, ejects the magazine and inserts the bullet. He glances up and notices Omar staring at him, eyes wide.
Kane slams the magazine back in hard; with more force than needed I'm sure, though he gets the desired effect. Omar noticeably flinches and the Land Rover swerves just a hair to the right.
Kane holds the intimidating weapon up and says, ”This is what happens when someone screws with me.”
He stepped out from inside a home on the corner of the small street facing the open desert, lifting a phone to his ear. He had to cup his hand around the mouth piece in order for the caller to hear him over the howling wind.
”Have they arrived, Whitten?”
Tommy Razor' Whitten rolled his eyes at the shear disrespect his employer had for him and the other people in their organization. The only reason any of them continued to put up with him was because the pay was good...and that the man gave everyone the creeps. If any of the stories were true about the man known as Wolf, then they had the right to be.
Tommy just hoped this job was over soon and that he could get back to his home in San Diego, where the weather was always perfect. Not like this place, he thought to himself. He hated the heat.
The people who hired Wolf and his team were a mystery to him, very suspicious for sure, but they paid and that's all that mattered.
”Yes they have, just now,” Tommy replied. He could see a black, weather-worn SUV pulling in from his vantage point further down the street.
”Do they have transportation waiting for them?”
”No, they will have to travel on foot and so will we. There aren't any vehicles allowed in the park. If we try to break that law we may bring more attention to ourselves then we would like.”
”I agree. When do they leave?”
”From what our man said they plan on leaving immediately, sir.”
”Alright then,” replied the caller.
”Do we proceed as scheduled?” Tommy asked.
There was a pause, causing an uncomfortable silence.
”Sir, you there? Wolf, you copy?”
”I'm here, I'm here,” replied Wolf sounding annoyed.
”We shouldn't have an issue with them. It's just the one man that may cause a problem, a government agent escort.”
”Ah, yes. The one they call Kane, I know this one. A formidable man for sure, but as you said, it's just one man. It shouldn't be a problem.”
Tommy could hear the threat in his voice when he said shouldn't, meaning something bad would happen to those who failed him.
”I'm sending you-”
A door slammed nearby.
Tommy hid behind a low fence, peaking out just enough to see the tall, well-formed woman step out of a nearby home waving her hand towards the incoming vehicle. His eyes lingered on her a little longer, like a lion on its prey, before turning his attention back to the conversation.
He backed away and rounded the rear of the house, out of sight. Now in the protection of the shadows behind the ”procured” home, Tommy stood straight and lifted the phone back to his ear.
He could hear an angry and concerned voice on the other end. The concern wasn't for his own well-being, Tommy knew, but for the mission. At the end of the day he and his fellow team were expendable in the eyes of the Wolf should things go sour.
”No, nothings the matter, my apologies. There was interference on my end.” The sight of the stunning blonde was still burned into the back of his retinas. It took everything in him to remove the image of the woman from his memory and refocus on the task at hand.
Then he remembered where they left off.
”How many are you sending?”
When he heard the number of men coming to back him up he was shocked...and a little put off. He didn't need that much help. Did Wolf have no faith in him? The answer was pretty obvious.
”That many? Is it necessary?” He immediately regretted questioning his field commander.
”It would be wise for you not to question my decision making, Mr. Whitten.”
”Yes, sir. Sorry, sir. When can we expect them?” Tommy asked with a quiver.
”Six hours,” Wolf said, back to his naturally calm, unnerving tone. ”Your back up will arrive in six hours.”
They ended the conversation without another word, just a click and the Wolf was gone.
Tommy leaned against the home's siding and slid down to the ground. He rested his head back against the wall and closed his eyes...thinking.