Part 12 (1/2)
Chase yanked his hat a little more firmly onto his head and glinted a smile at Harriet. aRegardless of where I used to be and where I will be going, I am in the country now.a He looked down at his muddied boots and grimaced. aVery much so.a aFor the moment.a She tightened the ribbons beneath her chin. aYou would be discontent indeed if you thought you would be stuck here for the rest of your life.a aHarri!a Ophelia called.
Harriet turned toward the sheep pen. Everyone had left the table and was now lined along the fence where Ophelia had sat perched just a half hour earlier, giggling behind her hand.
aHarri!a This time it was Stephen. aYou need to come and see this.a Harriet glanced at Chase. aWhat did you do?a aMe? Nothing. Perhaps they are admiring how quickly we managed to get them done.a aYes, buta”a aHarri!a This time it was Sophia, her voice breaking as if on a giggle.
Harrietas brow lowered. aI suppose I should see what they want.a With that, she walked to the gate.
Chase stayed where he was for a moment, enjoying the warmth of the sun on his shoulders, the scent of hay and the fresh-baked bread theyad had for lunch. He felt amazingly well. There was something to be said for the simple life, he supposed. If only it wasnat quite soa wholesome.
Yes, thatas what it wasa”wholesome. Something Chase most decidedly wasnat. The thought caught at his heart, and he realized that as welcoming as the Wards were now, they wouldnat be once they realized what he really was. What head done. His heart sank.
The sun seemed suddenly less bright. He made his way to the pen where the Wards were gathered, looking over the fence at his protgs, a lively spring breeze tugging at skirts and ruffling s.h.i.+rts. Chase came to stand beside Harriet, looking at his work critically.
The sheep werenat all perfectly sheared, of course. But this was his first time. Chase defied anyone else to have gotten as close or as even on their very first venture into the shearing business.
He glanced at his companions. aWell?a Stephen raked a hand through his hair, his gaze fixed on the sheep that grazed before him. Sophia just looked stunned. Only Derrick looked happy, his face split in a wide grin, while Ophelia hid her mouth behind her hand, her eyes crinkled with laughter.
What the h.e.l.l? Chase looked at Harriet. Her eyes wide, her fingers pressed to her lips, she was regarding the sheep as if shead never before seen one.
aWhat?a he demanded, a feeling of unease flickering through him.
Harrietas gaze met his, laughter sparkling in her brown eyes.
ab.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l,a he cursed. aYou said the closer the better.a He knew he sounded defensive, but something was not right.
aYes, buta”a Sophia burst out giggling. aOh, Iam so sorry,a she choked when Chase whirled to face her. aItas just thata the sheep. They all look like poodles.a aPoodles?a Chase followed her gaze.
Ophelia tilted her head to one side, her lips quivering. aPoodles or lions. Some definitely have a lionish appearance. I thought he did a very good job on the ram.a aChase,a Harriet asked, laughter burbling in her voice, awhy did you shear them like that?a Chase grit his teeth. aBecause itas what you have to do. I left the wool around their heads and tails so I wouldnat snip anything vital. Derrick said that was often the way you had toaa Chaseas voice trailed off as he turned to look at the youth.
But Derrick was nowhere to be found.
b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l! aThat basta”a aChase!a Harriet said, grinning as the others broke into loud shouts of laughter. aHe was just funning you.a Ophelia wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. aYou should have heard Derrick. Even I thought he was serious at first.a Chase clenched his hands into fists. Theyad made him look a fool. aIave had enough funning.a aNonsense.a She looked back at the sheep, a giggle escaping. aNo one can have enough funning.a Chase thought glumly of all the work head done. aIf I catch Derrick, Ialla”a aOh, donat be upset,a Harriet said, grinning up at him.
aWe donat have time to play these games.a Her smile faded a little at that. aNo, we donat. But itas not such a horrible thing, after all.a Stephen chuckled. aWe canat leave that much wool on those sheep, so weall trim them again.a Harriet nodded. aActually, why donat we allow Derrick to trim them. Pray find him and tell him that I want it done before the next batch is brought in for shearing.a Stephen nodded, but before he left, he slapped Chase on the back. aI had no idea you were so talented with shears. If youave the time, perhaps you can do something with those bushes in the front of the house. A little topiary would not be amiss.a Ophelia giggled. aSince he made the sheep look like poodles, perhaps he can make the shrubbery look like sheep.a aIall see what I can do,a Chase said dryly, the beginning of a smile teasing his lips.
He looked around at the sea of grinning faces that surrounded him, aware of a comfortable feeling of belonging. aWhat did I do to deserve being rescued by a family of sheepherding wits? Why could I not have been found by average, normal people with no sense of humor and not a single sheep on the premises?a Harriet lifted her brows in mock horror. aAnd what would you have done for three weeks without our wit or our sheep? You have to admit that youave learned some very important life lessons.a aSuch as?a aThe art of rising early.a Sophia nodded. aHeas still a bit surly, but Stephen no longer has to beat him about the head with his pillow.a aA lovely talent, that,a Chase said. aI suppose I would never have known how to get up at such an unG.o.dly hour without your help.a aYes,a Ophelia said, aand youave learned that sheep ointment is best used only on sheep.a aI believe I already knew that lesson. It is Harriet who did not.a aOh, I never use it on myself,a Harriet said airily. aJust on braggarts who do not appreciate the efforts expended on their behalf.a aAnd youave learned to be far more pleasant,a Sophia said brightly. aMother was just saying that she could not imagine dinner without your stories of town and the people there, although I still do not credit it that Lord Byron eats naught but potatoes and vinegar.a Chase sighed, though a grin tickled his mouth.
Ophelia frowned. aHow will we find Derrick to tell him he has work to do?a Stephen pushed himself from the gate railing and grabbed his crutches. aHeall be in the library, reading a book. Iall fetch him myself.a Harriet nodded and looked at Ophelia and Sophia. aHelp Mother clean up luncheon. Chase and I will sharpen the shears in the barn and weall all be back here in an hour when the next batch of sheep is brought in.a They nodded and scurried off, laughing and talking as they went.
Harriet watched them go, a bubble of laughter still in her throat. She collected the shears and walked toward the barn, aware of Chase falling into step beside her.
As they neared the barn, she stole a glance up at him. He strode beside her, his s.h.i.+rt open at the throat, his sleeves rolled up, his skin already tanning a light brown. The breeze played with his hair, sending it over his brow.
He looked different from the man theyad found in the woods, she suddenly realized, wondering what it was. He didnat seem soa sullen. Angry. aAre you happy?a He looked down at her. aHappy?a She hadnat meant to voice the question aloud. But since she hada aYes. Are you happy? Itas an easy enough question.a aI donat know. I hadnat thought about it.a He pursed his lips.
Harriet tried not to watch, but she couldnat help herself. Chaseas lips had kissed her, possessed her, tasted her in ways shead never thought lips could.
He caught her glance, and his gaze immediately darkened. He bent and said into her ear, aDonat look at me like that unless youare willing to pay the consequences.a His voice brushed over her, sending a trill of s.h.i.+vers down her back. aI didnat look at you any particular way.a aDidnat you?a aNo.a His hand snaked about her wrist and suddenly, she was jerked into the barn, the shears tumbling to the barn floor. Harriet could only blink as Chase pushed the large doors closed and dropped the bar into place.
He leaned against the doors, a devilish smile curving his lips. aNow I have you. And right where I want you, too.a
Chapter 23.
We leave at first light. And Iam very sorry about your new rug.
Mr. Devon St. John to his brother Marcus, the Marquis of Treymount at Treymount House in Mayfair aWha”what are you doing?a Harriet asked, uncertainty and excitement warring for expression.
aI am making sure we arenat interrupted.a Chase tested the bar once, then turned and walked toward her, his boots crunching on the hay-strewn floor, his thigh muscles rippling with each step.
Heaven help her but he had the most beautiful thighsa the memory of those thighs between her own made her close her eyes, a heated s.h.i.+ver rippling through her.
He reached her side and traced his finger down her cheek. aSince that first night I arrived and your brothers and sisters tried to convince me that I had a liking for the barn, Iave been wanting to visit the barn with you.a He captured the ties that held her hat. He twined the faded blue ribbons around his fingers and then gently drew her forth.
Her eyes widened and she leaned away, one hand bracing the hat in place. aIa”I donat think that is necessary.a She was hot and disheveled, her hair falling in wisps from beneath the hat and sticking damply to her neck and cheek. Her flushed skin held a dewy moisture that begged to be tasted.
In all his years, Chase had never been so close to a woman engaged in such physically demanding labor. He tugged the bonnet ties a bit harder, pulling her forward another reluctant pace.
The neck of her washed-out dress was damp, as if beads of sweat had trickled to rest there. He marveled at her. This plain little woman would practically fade from sight when dressed in white muslin, sitting in a parlor. But here, in a musty barn, damp from her exertions, her cheeks flushed, her eyes sparkling with mischiefa she was beyond beautiful.
She was bold and lovely, loud in actions and brave in thought. She was, in a word, the most amazing woman head ever met.
He released one ribbon of her hat and ran the back of his finger over her cheek. aYou are incredible.a The air about them thickened, deepened, as if the heat had slowed the pace of the earth. She licked her lips as if they were suddenly dry. The movement of her pink tongue was almost more than he could bear.
She glanced wildly around, as if to find rescue from the fields, or perhaps the sheep. aWea”Ia”youa”a He raised his brows.
She flushed, deeply, the color creeping up her neck to flood her hot cheeks with even brighter streaks of red. aWe should get a drink of water.a She turned stiffly on her heel and marched to the bucket of water that hung from one of the loft poles as if on her way to the guillotine.
He grinned even as a fat trickle of sweat ran between his shoulder blades. aYouare right.a He followed her closely, reaching past her to take the dipper that hung from the side of the barrel. aAllow me.a aI donat need a.s.sistance getting a drink of water. I am perfectly capable of getting it myself.a aI know.a He plunged the dipper into the water, then lifted it clear. Water dripped from the s.h.i.+ny metal and pooled into the barrel below. Chase was suddenly aware of how thirsty he was. It was hot, sticky, dry work. Work he wasnat accustomed to doing. The whole world seemed covered in a haze of dust that made the water seem all the more pure. All the tastier. He began to lift the dipper to his own mouth when he caught sight of Harrietas face.
Dust smeared a dark path from her temple to her chin. Her skin was flushed and ripe. As he looked at her, she ran the edge of her tongue along her lower lip as if in antic.i.p.ation of the cold drink. Chase reached over with his free hand and pushed her hat from her hair.
She blinked. aWha”a He lifted the ladle and poured the water on her head. It cascaded down her face, drenching her shoulders, cooling her heated skin.
She gasped, sputtering. aYoua”Whya”a aYou were hot.a He dipped out more water and poured it over his own head. The water bathed him in an instant, cooling and cleansing.
He opened his eyes to find Harriet looking at him, amus.e.m.e.nt warming her brown eyes.
aYou are impossible.a He grinned in return. aI just wanted to help.a He refilled the ladle and then handed it to her. aDrink.a Her gaze met his for the briefest of moments, the deep brown still sparkling with laughter. To his surprise, she didnat say a word, but reached up and cupped the cool metal in both hands and took a deep, cold drink.
Chase watched, all amus.e.m.e.nt leaving him as her soft lips closed over the curved metal bowl of the ladle. She drank deeply, unabashedly gulping the water, a thin trickle escaping her lips and running down her chin.
Chase found his hands had curled into fists. Not out of anger, but out of need. He wanted this woman, wanted her so badly that his entire body ached with the effort to hide it.
She dropped the ladle from her mouth, her eyes still closed as if in ecstasy. Chase could not breathe. He could not swallow. He could not do anything but stand numbly beside her as she sighed happily, her pink tongue tracing the last bit of moisture from her plump bottom lip.
Suddenly, Chase knew that he was standing too close to her. Too near to stop himself. Before he realized what he was doing, his hands had come un-fisted and he was holding hera”pulling her to him.