Part 4 (1/2)
BOOKS, &c.
_On sale_, _at reduced prices_; _the property of the Society_: _to be had of_ William Manley, 86, _Houndsditch_, _London_; _and at the_ Manchester and Stockport Tract Depository, (_for particulars of which see its annexed List_.) _Pounds._ _s._ _d._ Robert Barclay's Apology for the 0 4 6 True Christian Divinity, _octavo_ Universal Love 0 0 3 Discipline 0 0 6 Theses 0 0 2 E. Bates on the Doctrines of 0 4 0 Friends Elizabeth Bathurst's Truth 0 1 6 Vindicated W. Shewen's True Christian's 0 1 3 Faith briefly stated Counsel to the Christian 0 0 3 Traveller E. Pugh's Salutation or Call, 0 1 6 from the Many Things to the One Thing Needful. 12mo. bound H. Turford's Grounds of a Holy 0 1 0 Life. 19th edit.
William Penn's Fruits of a 0 0 4 Father's Love Key to distinguish the 0 0 3 Religion professed by Friends from perversion & misrepresentation B. Holme's Serious Call, in 0 0 6 Christian Love to all People.
17th edition C. Marshall's Way of Life 0 0 3 revealed M. Brook on Silent Waiting 0 0 3 J. Crook's Truth's Principles on 0 0 2 Doctrine, &c.
G. Whitehead's Epistle on True 0 0 1 Christian Love J. Griffith's Remarks on 0 0 6 Important Subjects M. Leadbeater's Biographical 0 3 0 Notices of Friends who were resident in Ireland G. Fox's Journal of Travels, 0 12 0 Sufferings, and Labours of Love, in the Work of the Ministry. 2 vols. 8vo. boards William Edmundson's Journal of 0 3 0 his Life, Travels, &c.
I. Pennington's Memoirs, and 0 2 6 Review of his Writings, by J. G.
Bevan, 12mo. boards T. Ellwood's Life 0 3 0 T. Chalkley's Journal and Works 0 3 0 J. Woolman's Journal and Works 0 4 0 Serious Considerations 0 1 0 J. Churchman's Journal, 12mo. 0 3 0 cloth S. Crisp, Memoirs of, by S. Tuke 0 3 0 J. Gratton's Journal 0 1 0 James Gough's Memoirs, Religious 0 1 6 Experience, &c.
D. Hall's Life and Epistles 0 1 6 R. Jordan's Life 0 1 6 G. Latey's Life 0 1 0 Jane Pearson, Memoirs of 0 1 0 C. Story's Life 0 0 6 John Alderson, Memoirs of 0 0 2 Abiah Darby's Catechism 0 0 4 T. Carrington's Exhortation 0 0 2 Selection of G. Fox's Epistles, 0 3 6 by S. Tuke Yearly Epistles to 1817, calf 0 7 0 Selection of Advices 0 1 6 SEWEL'S HISTORY OF FRIENDS, (_new edition_.) Rules and Advices of the Yearly Meeting, _just published_.
Penn's Rise and Progress of the0 0 8 People called Quakers, in which their Fundamental Principle, Doctrines, Wors.h.i.+p, Ministry, and Discipline, are plainly declared.
_Stiff cover_ _Cloth_ 0 1 0