Chapter 231 (1/2)

Chapter 231

Back during the beta test, after Rozen taend fro to legend, a long tio, there was a princess who kept seven very beautiful butterflies

The seven butterflies played around in the flower bed every day, eventually attracting many nobles, and they praised the princess due to how beautiful these butterflies were

The princess as drowned in vanity put a collar on these seven beautiful butterflies to prevent thedo the seven beautiful butterflies in the garden’s castle, they ed to escape, but it was not until much later

However, the collar on their necks still reround story about the Rainbow butterfly, which was considered as rare er to start Rainbow butterfly’s ta event

For the Rainbow butterfly, the collar around its neck was undoubtedly the psychological shackle that has been oppressing thehtht the players and immediately escaped instead

That was the reason why the player ished to tame the Rainbow butterfly must not kill insect n of hostility, and the player may not kill it when it escaped

Then, only oneleft to do

Since Rozen has already done this during the closed beta, he knew full hat had to do next

Rozen reached out and tapped on the chain around its neck, and apopped up in front of the chain, showing the description and durability of the chain

Most items be it weapons, ar called durability on theradually decrease as the player used the item or even just kept it in inventory, once it reached zero, just like on shards, and shattered, completely destroyed

Of course, items with durability can be attacked, and the durability of the ite on the attacker’s attack power, the item’s defense, and other factors Once it turned to zero, the ite to destroy this chain, he took out a throwing pick from his pocket, his expression suddenly beca the Rainbow butterfly


The Sword Skill’s light enveloped the throwing pick, but it didn’t glow in greenish light like before, this ti skill could be used both for range and e with low daro monsters froe with considerably high daood to fend off monster’s attack, of course, it could be used to kill monsters as well

Rozen’s objective was not to kill the Rainbow butterfly but to destroy the collar

The throwing pick hit the collar on the Rainbow butterfly’s neck like a laser


The throwing pick bounced off the moment it collided with the collar, and the durability of the collar was reduced


Looking at this scene, the Rainbow butterfly understood what Rozen was trying to do and stopped squirnoring Rainbow butterfly’s expression


Rozen once again used Sword Skill to hit the collar with the throwing pick




The crackling sound was heard, and the Rainbow butterfly looked bright

Rozen also grinned

The durability of the collar hit zero

At last…