Part 28 (1/2)

Banfy crowned his insult by pointing Csaki to the seat of honor at the upper end of the table near his wife, placed himself opposite and bestowed on him constantly the highest expressions of honor, at the same time allowing the most biting scorn to show through. Csaki did not dare have it seen to what extent he felt this. The merrier their spirits grew toward the close of the meal, the more exasperated Csaki became. He sat on burning coals and had to smile. At last Banfy thought of one more vexation for him. Taking up his gla.s.s he drank to his health. Csaki had to accept the civility and empty his gla.s.s and so face Banfy's laugh. Every drop of the liquor turned to poison under this scornful laughter; and the torture was so subtly veiled that the two ladies did not notice any of it. As the guests were at their merriest, the middle door flew open and without any announcement there entered Michael Apafi, the Prince, to whom the escaped Szantho had carried the news of Csaki's capture.

The two ladies hurried toward the unexpected guest with cries of joy and surprise, while the gentlemen at once discerned the threatening storm on the countenance of the Prince and became serious. Banfy alone knew how to maintain his customary distinguished serenity, which was wont to express even anger with smiles. He sprang hastily from his seat and met the Prince with a joyful face.

”Your Highness has come in the very moment that we had emptied our to your health. I call that an unexpected but most opportune appearance.”

Apafi received his greeting with a slight nod and leading the ladies back to their places took Banfy's chair at the table.

Several of the guests hastened to offer their seats to Banfy, but the Prince motioned to him:

”You may remain standing, Banfy. We wish to make a friendly trial of your case.”

”If we may be permitted to be the judges, your Excellency,”--interrupted the learned Csehfalusi, ”the necessary inquiries have already been made.”

”I alone will pa.s.s judgment,” said Apafi, ”although I do not know whether the master in Bonczida is Dionysius Banfy or I.”

”The law of the land is master of us both, your Highness,” replied Banfy.

”Well answered. Then you certainly mean to remind us that a Hungarian n.o.bleman in his own house does not allow any one to sit in judgment on him. It is only a little 'Carnival fun' that is under discussion. You began it, you gave it this name, and we continue it.”

Tense expectancy was on the faces of those present for they did not know whether all this was to end as a joke or as something serious.

”You seized by violence our messenger Ladislaus Csaki and brought him to your house.”

”Indeed!” said Banfy, with feigned astonishment. ”Is that his office?

why did not the Count say at once that your Highness had sent him to hunt on my estate? And then when your Highness has a desire to hunt within my preserves, why do you not inform me instead? I could have far better deer shot for your Highness than Ladislaus Csaki can.”

”This is not a question of deer, my lord baron. You know perfectly well what the affair turns on. Do not oblige me to speak more plainly in the presence of the ladies.”

At these words Madame Banfy would have risen but the Princess held her back.

”You must stay,” she whispered in her ear.

”Thus far I do not understand a word of all that has been said,” Banfy remarked in an aggrieved tone.

”You do not? then we will recall to your memory a few circ.u.mstances.

In your forests a panther has been seen by the peasants.”

”That is possible,” replied Banfy, with a laugh. (For a Hungarian n.o.ble may be permitted to jest with his guests but never to be rude, no matter how much he may be annoyed.) ”It is quite possible that the panther is a descendant of the one which came into the country with Arpad, and so might be called an ancestral panther.”

”It is no joke, my lord. That beast of prey has torn to pieces in the sight of several persons a Wallachian, on whose account I sent out the lord, Ladislaus Csaki, to hunt down the beast and kill him. And Csaki had seen the creature and given chase when you met him in the forest.”

”My lord, Ladislaus Csaki has merely mistaken his own tiger skin for a panther.”

”Do not sneer. The lair of that monster has been discovered. Do you understand now?”

”I understand, your Highness. For that reason it was a pity to put my lord Csaki to so much trouble. So it was he who discovered the building which I had hewn in the rocks in my love for a hot spring.

This will hardly earn him the t.i.tle of a Christopher Columbus.”

”We still mock, do we? So you do not wish to bend your proud head to the dust? What if I knew the secret which caused you to have that lair made so quietly?”