Part 37 (1/2)
firm, but their progressive pro- 1968 posals are turned down by the York Factory, closed since 1957, rest of the Board. is transferred to the federal gov 1956ernment as a national historic Sir Winston Churchill is site.
awarded the t.i.tle ”Grand Seigneur of the Compa ny of 1961) Adventurers.”An attempted merger of Simp sons, Simpsons-Sears, and the 1957 HBC falls through. Donald Canadian Committee members Scott McGiverin joins The Bay become HBC directors. as Managing Director, Retail Stores.
The HBC Board convenes in 1970 Winnipeg, meeting in Canada May 2-300th anniversary.
for the first time. Headquarters are moved from 608 APPENDIX ONE.
London, England, to Winnipeg. into automation, testing a video George T Richardson appointed shopping service. Losses for the HBC Governor.year come to $122 million.
1972 1983.
HBC acquires A. J. Freiman The FIBC sells its preferred Ltd. and Middles.e.x Warehouse shares in Dome Petroleum.
Ltd. McGiverin appointed Pres ident of the HBC. More subur- 1984 ban stores opened. Another year of big losses for The Bay. Under McGiverin, 1973sales have increased, but so has The Bay acquires a majority debt. The high interest rates of interest in Markborough Prop- the early 1980s have created a erties Ltd., a real-estate firm. Acrisis. John Tory, speaking for deal involving HBC mineral Ken Thomson, orders drastic rights is made with Siebens Oil changes in management & Gas. direction.
1974 1985.
Toronto store opens at Bloor McGiverin resigns as president and Yonge. HBC operational but remains Governor. A three headquarters move to Toronto. man team ofJohn Tory, George 1978 Kosich and lain Ronald takes The Bay adds more department over top management.
stores: first the Zellers chain, 1987 with the Fields chain, and then The Bay sells its northern stores, the Simpsons stores. The HBC and fur auction house, ending is now Canada's leading retailer.317 years of connection with the 1979Canadian North. George Kosich Kenneth Thomson buys 75 per- becomes president, and imposes cent of The Bay for $641 mil - stern standards for profit lion. The Bay acquires large achievement.
interest in Dome Petroleum. 1989 1980First profit since 1979, thanks to HBC buys major interest in big gains in merchandising and Roxy Petroleum Ltd. real estate.
1981 1990.
Dome Petroleum wins control The Bay spins off Markborough of Hudson's Bay Oil & Gas. Properties Inc. and acquires Towers department stores.
1982Retail sales revenues increase, McGiverin appointed Governor but the Simpsons stores remain of the HBC. The Bay moves a disaster.
1991 merged into The Bay. To take Sinipsons Division is (losed advantage of lower taxes and down: seven net Simpsons operating costs, The Bay con stores are sold to Seari Canada, siders the move of some opera and the remaining seven are tions to the U.S.
Resource People
During research for the three volumes of Company of Adventurers, nearly a thousand men and women who were either part of the HBC, or had been touched by its activities, were interviewed. They are listed as Resource People in the Appendices of all three books. Many of these interviews were done by Camilla Turner, and I am most grateful for her wise and imaginative contributions. The tapes and transcripts of all the recorded interviews have been donated to the Provincial Archives of Manitoba, and will eventually be opened for public perusal.
N.H. (Nick) Abramson Hon. Ron Basford VancouverFormer Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs Senator Willie Adams Ottawa The Senate Ottawa Dave Bowker Sales manager John C. AmesWestrade Wholesale Ltd.
'vice-president and secretary Victoria Canadian Pacific Ltd.
Montreal Dr Hartwell Bowsfield Professor Virginia Baldwin York University Virginia Baldwin Company Toronto Toronto Allan W Brent Timothy Ball Former president Department of Geography Simpsons Ltd.
University ofWinnipeg Victoria Winnipeg Sherry Brydson Ian Barclay Toronto Director, HBC Ian A. Barclay & a.s.sociates D.G. (Pete) Buckley VancouverFormer head, Shop-Rite Stores John C. Barrow White Rock, B.C.
Former chairman of the board, A] Burrows CEO, and director Former head, HBC Wholesale Simpsons-Sears Ltd. Division Toronto Victoria
G.Allan BurtonHon. Nellie Cournoyea Former chairman and C1 0 Minister of the Government of Simpsons Ltd. N.W.T.
'loronto Yellowknife J.R. Cavers Al Daniels Professor Emeritus Former consultant to IIBC University of Guelph San Francisco Guelph, Ontario Dora F ' Darbv Former secretary to Governors Syd ChapmanSir Patrick Ashley Cooper and Former financial adviser to Lord Sir William Keswick Thomson(Retired from HBC London in Toronto1969 ;ifter 41 years of service) Now residing in Beckenham, Robert (Bob) Chess.h.i.+re Kent, England Former manager, HBC Northern Stores Division Paul Davoud Former general managej, HBC Chief pilot, HBC Fur Trade Department Kingston, Ontario Kingston Chief Billy Diamond Elizabeth Chester Former Grand Chief of the Grand Council of the Crees Daughter-in-law of Philip (of Quebec) Chester Val d'Or, Quebec Vancouver Hugh Dwan Posy ChisholmFormer head of Fur Sales, HBC Toronto and New York London Freeman Clowery Tex Enemark Archivist Former president Bank of Montreal B.C. Mining a.s.sociation Sherbrooke, Quebec Vancouver WL. Cobb John A. English Former a.s.sistant general Former vice-president, manager, Northern Stores personnel, HBC Department, HBC Toronto Now residing in Shediac Cape, John Enright N.B. and Nrictoria, B.C Retired HBC accountant Vancouver Alan Cooke Director Peter Ernerk I lochelaga Research Inst.i.tute M.L.A., Government of N.W.T.
Montreal Yellowknife 612 APPENDIX TWO.
Charles Waldron Evans Hon. Elijah Harper Former president of The Bay Minister of Northern and Thornhill, Ontario Native Affairs, Manitoba Sir Eric Faulkner Winnipeg Deputy governor, HBC, Pierre Henry 1952-1955Missionary, Oblate ofMary Director, HBC, 1950-1972 Immaculate, Apostle of the Inuit Former chairman, Glyn, Mills N.WT.
& Co.
London H. Albert Hochbaurn Artist and Naturalist Arthur Frayling Delta, Manitoba General manager, Fur Sales, HBC Stuart Hodgson London Chairman British Columbia Ferry Corp.
Professor Milton Freeman Former commissioner, NWT Department of Anthropology Victoria University of Alberta EdmontonRev. Dr Gerald Hutchinson E.J. (Scotty) Gall Thorsby, Alberta Head of transport, Western Marie lbell Arctic, HBC, 1923-1966 Director, Legal Services Now residing in Victoria HBC Rita Green and staff Victoria Statistics Canada TedJohnson Advisory Services, Pacific Former head of The Bay Buying Region Office Vancouver Toronto Brian Gross Sir William Keswick Treasurer, HBCGovernor, HBC, 1952-1965 Toronto Chairman, Matheson & Co.
David Guest Ltd.
Blake, Ca.s.sels & Graydon London (Lawver involved in transfer of George Kosich HBC from London to President, HBC Winnipeg) Toronto Toronto A.A. Guglielmin Martin Lennon Executive vice-president Leicester, England Bay Simpsons Merchandise John Levy ServicesFormer president, Zellers Toronto Vancouver APPENDIX TWO 613.
.f.G. Links I Jugh MacLennan Former director, HBC Author Calman Links Ltd., Fm rier to Montreal I let Majesty'Fhe Queen D.W. Mahaff London y Senior vice- presiden t, Finance Charles B. Loewen and Administration, HBC President Toronto Loewen, Ondaatje, McCutcheon RoyMegarry Son-in-la,A of former I I BC publisher, Globe andAlail managing director Philip Toronto Chester loronto james Melville Nlichael Lubbock Vice -president and director Former HBC employe( 'rhe Woodbridge Company Ottawa Limited Toronto L.F. McCollum Pieri e Mignault Director, I ludson's Ba~ Oil & Former head, Quebec Division, Gas Co. IIBC (Former chairman, Continental Price Club of Canada Oil Co_; chairman eineritus, Montreal Mercantile'lexas) Dallas, TexasJames Richard (d.i.c.k) Murray Managing director, IIBC, Donald McGiverin 1959-1972 Governor, IIBC, 1982- Nou residing in Victoria 16ronto F.F. (Fd) Newlands Alexander.j. 4aclntosb Van(ouver Former deputy governor, I IBC '16ronto Peter ES. n.o.bbs Vice -president, Corporate John McIntyre Finance Former vice-president, Real 'Vlidland Bank Canada Estate, HBC Former HBC treasurer 16ronto 16ronto XV , D.C. (Don) Mackenzie Ntivoko Okino XV ' D.C. Mackenzie Consultants Fhe Woodbridge Company Former HBC director Limited Calgary Toronto Doug Ma(Lachlan john de B. Payne GuardianPublic relations director, HBC, York Factor~ 1947-1957 XVinnipeg Montreal 614 APPENDIX TWO.
D.H. (Des) Pitts Ben Sivertz Former head of Northern Former commissioner, N.WT Stores, HBC Victoria Winnipeg Jack Skolnick Diane Rajh New York Researcher E.J. Spracklin Deep Cove, B.C. Former district manager, George Richardson Keewatin District Governor, HBC, 1970-1983 Northern Stores Department, (President, James Richardson & HBC Sons Ltd.) Winnipeg Winnipeg Herb Stovel Lord Roll oflpsden Heritage Trust S.G. Warburg and Co. Ltd. Toronto London Lord Strathcona and Mount lain Ronald Royal Former executive (Descendant of Donald A.
vice - president, HBC Smith, Ist Baron Strathcona and Toronto Mount Royal) London Larry Rowe Vice-president, Information Josh 1eemotee Services, HBC Inuit Tapirisat of Canada Toronto Frobisher Bay, N.WT Chesley Russell David Thomson Former HBC employee President, Lavis Inc.