Part 4 (1/2)

LXXII ”The Greekish faith is like that half-cut tree By which men take wild elephants in Inde, A thousand times it hath beguiled thee, As firm as waves in seas, or leaves in wind.

Will they, who erst denied you pa.s.sage free, Pa.s.sage to all men free, by use and kind, Fight for your sake? Or on them do you trust To spend their blood, that could scarce spare their dust?

LXXIII ”But all your hope and trust perchance is laid In these strong troops, which thee environ round; Yet foes unite are not so soon dismayed As when their strength you erst divided found: Besides, each hour thy bands are weaker made With hunger, slaughter, lodging on cold ground, Meanwhile the Turks seek succors from our king, Thus fade thy helps, and thus thy c.u.mbers spring.

LXXIV ”Suppose no weapon can thy valor's pride Subdue, that by no force thou may'st be won, Admit no steel can hurt or wound thy side, And be it Heaven hath thee such favor done: 'Gainst Famine yet what s.h.i.+eld canst thou provide?

What strength resist? What sleight her wrath can shun?

Go, shake the spear, and draw thy flaming blade, And try if hunger so be weaker made.

LXXV ”The inhabitants each pasture and each plain Destroyed have, each field to waste is laid, In fenced towers bestowed is their grain Before thou cam'st this kingdom to invade, These horse and foot, how canst them sustain?

Whence comes thy store? whence thy provision made?

Thy s.h.i.+ps to bring it are, perchance, a.s.signed, Oh, that you live so long as please the wind!

LXXVI ”Perhaps thy fortune doth control the wind, Doth loose or bind their blasts in secret cave, The sea, pardie, cruel and deaf by kind, Will hear thy call, and still her raging wave: But if our armed galleys be a.s.signed To aid those s.h.i.+ps which Turks and Persians have, Say then, what hope is left thy slender fleet?

Dare flocks of crows, a flight of eagles meet?

LXXVII ”My lord, a double conquest must you make, If you achieve renown by this emprize: For if our fleet your navy chase or take, For want of victuals all your camp then dies; Of if by land the field you once forsake, Then vain by sea were hope of victories.

Nor could your s.h.i.+ps restore your lost estate: For steed once stolen, we shut the door too late.

LXXVIII ”In this estate, if thou esteemest light The proffered kindness of the Egyptian king, Then give me leave to say, this oversight Beseems thee not, in whom such virtues spring: But heavens vouchsafe to guide my mind aright, To gentle thoughts, that peace and quiet bring, So that poor Asia her complaints may cease, And you enjoy your conquests got, in peace.

LXXIX ”Nor ye that part in these adventures have, Part in his glory, partners in his harms, Let not blind Fortune so your minds deceive, To stir him more to try these fierce alarms, But like the sailor 'scaped from the wave From further peril that his person arms By staying safe at home, so stay you all, Better sit still, men say, than rise to fall.”

Lx.x.x This said Aletes: and a murmur rose That showed dislike among the Christian peers, Their angry gestures with mislike disclose How much his speech offends their n.o.ble ears.

Lord G.o.dfrey's eye three times environ goes, To view what countenance every warrior bears, And lastly on the Egyptian baron stayed, To whom the duke thus for his answer said:

Lx.x.xI ”Amba.s.sador, full both of threats and praise, Thy doubtful message hast thou wisely told, And if thy sovereign love us as he says, Tell him he sows to reap an hundred fold, But where thy talk the coming storm displays Of threatened warfare from the Pagans bold: To that I answer, as my cousin is, In plainest phrase, lest my intent thou miss.

Lx.x.xII ”Know, that till now we suffered have much pain, By lands and seas, where storms and tempests fall, To make the pa.s.sage easy, safe, and plain That leads us to this venerable wall, That so we might reward from Heaven obtain, And free this town from being longer thrall; Nor is it grievous to so good an end Our honors, kingdoms, lives and goods to spend.

Lx.x.xIII ”Nor hope of praise, nor thirst of worldly good, Enticed us to follow this emprise, The Heavenly Father keep his sacred brood From foul infection of so great a vice: But by our zeal aye be that plague withstood, Let not those pleasures us to sin entice.

His grace, his mercy, and his powerful hand Will keep us safe from hurt by sea and land.

Lx.x.xIV ”This is the spur that makes our coursers run; This is our harbor, safe from danger's floods; This is our bield, the bl.u.s.tering winds to shun: This is our guide, through forests, deserts, woods; This is our summer's shade, our winter's sun: This is our wealth, our treasure, and our goods: This is our engine, towers that overthrows, Our spear that hurts, our sword that wounds our foes.

Lx.x.xV ”Our courage hence, our hope, our valor springs, Not from the trust we have in s.h.i.+eld or spear, Not from the succors France or Grecia brings, On such weak posts we list no buildings rear: He can defend us from the power of kings, From chance of war, that makes weak hearts to fear; He can these hungry troops with manna feed, And make the seas land, if we pa.s.sage need.

Lx.x.xVI ”But if our sins us of his help deprive, Of his high justice let no mercy fall; Yet should our deaths us some contentment give, To die, where Christ received his burial, So might we die, not envying them that live; So would we die, not unrevenged all: Nor Turks, nor Christians, if we perish such, Have cause to joy, or to complain too much.

Lx.x.xVII ”Think not that wars we love, and strife affect, Or that we hate sweet peace, or rest denay, Think not your sovereign's friends.h.i.+p we reject, Because we list not in our conquests stay: But for it seems he would the Jews protect, Pray him from us that thought aside to lay, Nor us forbid this town and realm to gain, And he in peace, rest, joy, long more may reign.”

Lx.x.xVIII This answer given, Argantes wild drew nar, Trembling for ire, and waxing pale for rage, Nor could he hold, his wrath increased so far, But thus inflamed bespake the captain sage: ”Who scorneth peace shall have his fill of war, I thought my wisdom should thy fury 'suage, But well you show what joy you take in fight, Which makes you prize our love and friends.h.i.+p light.”

Lx.x.xIX This said, he took his mantle's foremost part, And gan the same together fold and wrap; Then spake again with fell and spiteful heart, So lions roar enclosed in train or trap, ”Thou proud despiser of inconstant mart, I bring thee war and peace closed in this lap, Take quickly one, thou hast no time to muse; If peace, we rest, we fight, if war thou choose.”

XC His semblance fierce and speechless proud, provoke The soldiers all, ”War, war,” at once to cry, Nor could they tarry till their chieftain spoke, But for the knight was more inflamed hereby, His lap he opened and spread forth his cloak: ”To mortal wars,” he says, ”I you defy;”

And this he uttered with fell rage and hate, And seemed of Ja.n.u.s' church to undo the gate.