Chapter 96 - ? Lazars past ? Nikita ? Part 1 ? (1/2)
9 years earlier
In the lounge of a cottage located somewhere in the North-East of Russia
Knowing that our best years are behind us can be a destructive emotion and it was especially so for Nikita who felt that her current life was devoid of meaning and flavor compared to the one she had a few years back.
She felt like she was spitting in the face of her dead 'brothers' and 'sisters' by feeling that, even more so when she was thinking about the fact that the people who had adopted the same lifestyle she had and who were able to leave it without ending up in a grave or in a vat of acid were a minority, but she couldn't force herself to be happy and, in all honesty, she would have preferred to die when she still knew what it was to be so rather than continue to live as an empty shell...
Leaning against her fireplace, a giantess reaching almost 2,15 meters was staring blankly at the fire she had lit 1 hour ago while taking big gulps from the bottle of rum she had in her left hand from time to time.
'What am I missing?' She suddenly asked herself with a frown before tossing with all her strength her almost empty bottle of rum in the fire having constated with anger that even with everything she drank tonight it still wasn't strong enough to help her forget her existencial problems.
Barely happy to see that her gesture hadn't resulted in a fire starting in her living room, Nikita tried to answer her own question based on the things that normal people want in general, even through she knew how useless her drunken rantings were...
'Is it money that I lack?' One only had to look at the inside of her cottage to see that she had enough and anyway wealth wasn't something she was pursuing, the only thing she spent a lot on was alcohol.
'Is it love?' Maybe that's where her misery was originating, but her sterility and the possibility of dying at any moment because of the consequences of the disease that had made her so tall had always dissuaded her from living anything of this nature, and anyway it wasn't easy to love her in the first place...
Not mentionning her height... her short hair, the way she dressed and her light but well-developed musculature put off most men since that was making her too tomboyish for them, moreover her social status as well as her naturally reserved attitude was scaring away the little that was left.
Nikita put her hair back in place since strands were blocking her vision and sighed, 'Damn, I should feel pitiful knowing that the only person who ever told me sincerely that I was pretty is this boy but because of him I'm starting to think that I might be a hottie after all.' She told herself with a slight smile, thinking about a certain person who would tell her whenever he had the opportunity that she was the most beautiful woman of the world as if he was stating a proven fact rather than complimenting her...
Wanting to end the night on a positive note, Nikita staggered in the direction of the couch which was a few meters behind her with the intention of collapsing on it since she doubted it would be a good idea to climb the stairs leading to the upper floor given how drunk she was, 'What would I be today without those two, they are my only reasons for being alive, without them...'