Chapter 84 - You dont have the choice anymore (3) (1/1)

Bound to Evil Barbare 22230K 2022-07-22

Amandla lowered her eyes as the mere sight of Lazar was pissing her off and she unconsciously began to bite her lower lip due to the anxiety she was feeling over the fact that she had just decided to go along with a plan she didn't believe in, 'The prick, he sure knows how to persuade me.' She told herself with anger, cursing at the fact that in spite of herself, her instincts were pushing her more and more to trust Lazar as time went on...

Not that she really held it against him; she knew it was an internal problem which was laying in the fact that being so dependent on the actions of someone other than herself was making her sick, and therefore although it was true that Lazar had given her every reason to trust him so far and none to doubt his sincerity, her judgment was too biased by her past bad experiences for her to see the turn their relationship was taking in a good light.

Not wanting her irrational thoughts to be disabling, Amandla swept them to the back of her mind and when she felt she could face Lazar again without being reminded of her weaknesses, she looked up at him intending to tell him that he could count on her to support him in his damn suicide mission...

However, when she did and saw the way he was looking at her, her words got stuck in her throat, 'What's his problem?' She wondered, taking his squinted eyes as a sign of judgment.

It was only after a few awkward seconds for Amandla during which Lazar was squinting his eyes more and more that she realized what she was doing unintentionally and understood that biting her lower lip as she was doing with in the background a person who if the context was different could very well be reciting a monologue from a bad pȯrnographic movie was PERHAPS the reason why he was looking at her with such a disdainful look.

Not wanting to suffer the stinging remark he probably already had in mind, Amandla stopped biting her lower lip, ȧssumed a serious expression and tried to draw Lazar's attention to something different than what he had just seen, ”You said you wanted us to go to the TD Garden on foot, but what about the truck and the dead weights we have in the back?” She asked with a touch of embarrassment in her voice that she hadn't managed to hide before congratulating herself inwardly for having found a perfect question to change the subject nevertheless.

Lazar rolled his eyes, ”Now that you mention it... come with me to the back doors of the truck, I would like your help with something.” He declared after a short reflection...

”From what I've seen it's not a good idea to leave a pervert like you alone with the walkie-talkie anyway...” He whispered just before closing his door behind him, thinking that he would temporarily avoid Amandla's indignation during the few seconds it would take for her to get out of the truck as well and walk around it to the back doors.


A shy smile was visible on Lazar's face, 'She definitely doesn't like my humor.' He thought to himself with amusement after hearing the loud slam of Amandla's door. Given the amount of strength he estimated she had used to do this, he knew she wasn't going to let that joke slide and would be sure to show him just how much she didn't appreciate it...

However, when he arrived at the back doors of the truck, she wasn't already there ready to tell him what a total ȧsshole he could be sometimes as he expected and he didn't hear any footsteps coming in his direction either. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #'t-have-the-choice-anymore-(3)_52492723424395251 for visiting.

They could indulge in some teasing if it didn't really waste their time, but Lazar didn't think that Amandla had allowed herself to play a prank on him, so he knew that wasn't the reason she wasn't standing next to him right now...

No, to hypothesize about the reason why she wasn't here, he only had to look in front of him, where the headless dead body of Francis was lying in a pool of blood.

First and foremost, in order to avoid certain complications Lazar pushed the corpse of Francis, or rather the part of it in front of him under the truck with the help of one of his feet, 'Let's hope they don't notice the blood when I will open the doors.' He thought casually before going to check if his ȧssumption was true...

And it was, well, the first part, yes, he had no way to verify the second.

As Lazar walked to the sidewalk and turned his gaze to his left he saw Amandla crouching down, staring blankly at the head of Francis who was facing her, ”I know you said you didn't want to talk about it but...” She began to say, not looking up from the head of Francis.

'In the end, even the second part was true.' Lazar thought, annoyed that Amandla seemed to be trying to get him to open up on this subject despite the fact that he had very clearly implied that he didn't want to talk about it.

Amandla looked up at Lazar, ignored his annoyed expression and asked him the question she had in mind since she had seen the look of terror printed on the face of Francis up close, ”Are you really okay?” She asked, wondering if Lazar was as insensitive as he seemed to be about what he had done.

Lazar sighed, the answer to that question was 'yes' but suspecting that this one word would be enough to end the discussion but not to appease Amandla, he was going to bring up a concrete example from his childhood.