28 Dont feel guilty to live (1/2)
Lazar somewhat expected Amandla to ask him something like that since she had mentioned that their entities are related. But even having more or less anticipated that, giving her an answer quickly was impossible, this decision had to be carefully considered for his own good and that of Amandla, 'She saved my life, the least I can do is to not ruin hers.'
If Lazar's objectives didn't make everything complicated and he only had to think about his survival he probably would have already agreed to ally with Amandla, he had many reasons to do so, 'She is cunning, she knows more than me about the Apocalypse and she is strong, stronger than me I imagine since she obtained a class. She would make an ideal partner, but...' He didn't want to give Amandla false hopes because he would be warier of himself than of her if they were to ally. Knowing himself he could let her down in the second if he came to think that their alliance kept him away from his revenge.
It was easy for Amandla to understand that Lazar was hesitating, she was once again entitled to one of his interminable silences and his empty expression didn't allow her to know if he was leaning towards a refusal or an approval. She felt that it wasn't the time to say something to try to convince him so she was just standing there waiting in frustration that he finally decides to say something.
Suddenly Lazar's eyes widened, Amandla thought he had finally made up his mind then she fell into misunderstanding when he grabbed her hands all of a sudden. Taken by surprise, she didn't have time to react, ”You're bleeding.” He said.
”Look at your hands, idiot!”
Amandla's fighting style as well as her class were particularly focused on her perception, which is why it was her highest statistic. With what was happening to her, no chance that she will boast of the effectiveness of her senses in the future, ”What a fool!” She had felt absolutely nothing, she would have had to see it with her own eyes to realize that she had contracted her fists so hard that the mark of her nails was imprinted in the flesh of her palms now bloodied.
Amandla had stopped contracting her fists unconsciously as soon as Lazar had put his hands on hers but he decided to let go of them only when he saw that she had completely come to her senses, 'I will have to take care of that, the slightest discomfort at the hands will be very problematic for her.' He walked over to the bathroom, ”Try not to get your blood everywhere while I'm going to get you things to treat you.”
A few minutes ago Lazar was on his knees emptying his stomach in a bucket, the probability that his wounds would reopen was near zero if Amandla let him do what he wanted but she preferred not to leave anything to chance, ”Come back here, I can do it myself.” She said as he was walking casually down the hall as if he weren't hurt much more seriously than she was.
”Sit down and shut up. Your blood is already flowing on the ground and it will be much worse if I let you move, if I go it's because I don't want to slide on it later.” He replied scathingly without stopping to walk.
When Amandla disagreed with someone and was convinced she was right, she always made sure to have the last word. It was one of the rare times when it wasn't the case and the first that the person who put her in her place was younger than her, she had a little trouble accepting it but on the other hand that reassured her, 'I, who expected little from him when I saw that he was so young, he continues to prove to me that I was wrong. It only remains to convince him.'
Lazar quickly returned with disinfectant and bandages in one hand and compresses in the other, he approached Amandla who was sitting cross-legged on the sofa on which he was previously lying and stood in front of her in the same position. She held out her hands to him, he saw that the bleeding was much less abundant than before, 'her constitution must be quite high.'
”Did you forget that you were an archer when you decided to screw your hands up?” It was really a stupid way to get hurt, he wasn't going to deprive himself of reminding her.
”Fuck you, just apply the disinfectant. I'm not anymore in the mood to appreciate your irony.”
Lazar poured an excessive amount of disinfectant on two compresses and flattened them without taking any precaution on the two palms of Amandla.
”Ouch! What's your problem?!” It had hurt her way too much to think that he hadn't done it on purpose.
”What made you angry to the point that you did this to yourself ?”
”I'm not...” She was going to deny it instinctively but she gave in to the obvious, he managed to pin her down, ”*Sigh*... You're right, there is something.”
”I'm listening to you.” Seeing that Amandla was willing to confide Lazar began to treat her properly by gently patting the wounds on the palms of her hands.
”After the announcement of the Apocalypse did you have the reflex to check if a radio was working?” She asked him.
”Damn... the radio waves are still working?” Lazar was so engrossed in the idea of going back to Boston that he forgot to do something so obvious when he had the occasion, 'I was in a car with a radio and I never thought of turning it on!'
”The apocalypse deprived us of our weapons but not of all our technology. Anyway, at the end of the first day, I managed to get my hands on a radio and I received broadcasts relayed by the government, which is still in place by the way. I learned some pretty weird things about the situation in the United States and the rest of the world.” There wasn't an ounce of satisfaction in what she was saying, which made Lazar think she didn't consider finding this radio was a blessing.
”What did you discover that could put you in this state?” Lana often said it, when he wants it Lazar can be a good listener. He spoke little and only when Amandla was pausing in her sentences or when she was waiting for an answer from him, it was nice for her to see that Lazar could sometimes abandon the interrogation mode.
”I will come to it. I have learned that globally the large-scale monster attacks are only concentrated in small geographic areas. Some areas, called green zones, have been completely spared, or almost, they still represent the vast majority of the world territory. Others, the orange zones, are war zones opposing the army and sometimes awakened civilians to the monsters, the majority of these zones include big cities so one might think that they are attacked strategically but this is an error. As for the United States, there are dozens of these orange zones, but the scale of monster attacks is much more disastrous for 4 cities on the East Coast to the point that the term 'red zones' was coined for them. I understood why these cities in particular were more affected than the others when I got my class thanks to one of my new skills.”
'Some cities on the East Coast...' The connection was quickly made in the head of Lazar, ”Boston is one of those cities in a red zone and the city where you were too, right? These attacks were aimed at us...” It didn't take long for Amandla to get here, she was probably from an East coast city.
”Yes, I was in New York when it all started. You know, even with my skill and if I was a bit dumber I could have thought it was a coincidence. I could have told myself that the monsters were just trying to destroy the biggest cities on the East Coast but the fact that Pittsburgh is also part of a red zone was too big for me to see no correlation.” Pittsburgh was a city of barely 300,000 inhabitants and had no strategic importance, knowing this, it was indeed strange that the city had suffered a major attack.
”What is so special about Pittsburgh?” If Pittsburgh was the third city to have undergone a really large-scale attack, then Philadelphia should be the fourth, since the mess that the column of fire had caused was comparable or maybe worse than what was going on in Boston.
'The column of fire was probably the epicenter of the attack on Philadelphia, let's imagine that I forgot the fact that it's impossible that it was triggered just a few hundred meters from me by accident...' Philadelphia remained the second most populous city on the East coast which corroborated the possibility that the monsters were targeting the main cities on the East coast, but Pittsburgh? 'The capital Washington D.C, Charlotte, these are just examples among many other cities on the East Coast more important than Pittsburgh, it's not consistent that Pittsburgh is in a red zone.'
”I reached level 10 yesterday in the morning, I obtained with my class a rather special skill. This skill is called 'strategic positioning', it allows me to know in all circumstances where the heirs related to me are, like you, my principal role for the moment is to gather us. The remaining heirs were in Pittsburgh when I was able to sense their position for the first time, in other words; yes, someone is trying to eliminate us. However, although everything seems coherent so far there is one thing that I cannot explain...”
”...How do you know?!”
”I was there, monsters came out of the ground right next to my bus just minutes after the Apocalypse started.” Lazar would have been almost relieved if Amandla had told him that the Philadelphia and Boston shit had nothing different than the rest of the world, now he had to add 'being chased' to his pile of worries, ”Who targets us and why?”
”The entities that command the monsters obviously, if you want names and addresses it will be complicated...” The bleeding from Amandla's hands had completely stopped and Lazar had finished cleaning her wounds, he was opening the box of bandages when he caught Amandla glancing at the top of the fireplace with an absent look. She was looking at a photo frame of Lazar and Lana who were posing in front of the house, the photo was dating from when they moved in. It was quite sober for a photo with Lana on it, they were just side by side and were holding hands. Lana was smiling tenderly, and although Lazar wasn't doing the same he had a rather cheerful expression.
”She is my adoptive mother.” She was about to ask him questions about this frame and he preferred to direct the conversation himself to avoid talking about it too much.
”Is she...”
Lazar was already anticipating what Amandla was going to say, ”Yes. She is the reason why I came to Boston as well as the reason why I will stay here for a moment, I have to finish something here.”
Although Lazar continued to treat her as if nothing had happened, Amandla understood that she was talking about a sensitive subject and chose her next words carefully, ”I suppose that this thing that you have to finish has something to do with your injury and the monsters that took over the city?”
”I have to kill them.”
”All of them?” Amandla didn't enter into direct confrontation with the Ganipotes and the Garaches but she had the opportunity to see what they were capable of and what Lazar wanted to do seemed crazy to her.
”All of them.”
”I'm going to be frank, the next step would have been to convince you to come with me so that we join the rest of the group in New York in 6 days maximum. Even if I help you it will be impossible or at least very complicated to kill all the monsters in this period of time.”
”I never asked you to help me and anyway what I'm doing here isn't the only thing keeping me from following you.”
Lazar expected Amandla to be discouraged, wrongly, ”If they are trying to get us together it's for a good reason Lazar, I wouldn't say that our interests are common but they overlap. My entity made me aware that you were looking for a way to your country and I too have things to settle in Norway, we can help each other.”
'I feel like I no longer have a private life with her.' This inconvenience put in parenthesis, Lazar could now understand the nature of the determination of Amandla, when she evoked what she intended to do he had the impression to see the same thing that he saw every morning when waking up in front of his mirror for years, ”In this case, I have some ideas that could help us get to New York on time.” He had made his choice.