25 Fulfill your promise (1/2)
!!!! Announcement !!!! This message will be deleted in a few days, I just want to warn you that the way I will do the narration will change. Now it's possible that I insert thoughts and dialogues in a sentence to add more details, if you don't understand what I want to say don't worry you will quickly see the difference in the text. (personally I prefer this way of writing, let me know if you have the same opinion or not).
Also, for the sake of the consistency of this novel, I will change Lazar's age from 18 to 20 years old. After talking about it with a friend I knew that the formation of a SEAL lasted on average 30 months so it seems more coherent to do this change. As for the deletion of the message, it's because I will edit the old chapters accordingly to these changes. Since my modifications will become the norm, it would be more disturbing than anything else that I leave it here.
Good reading!
As soon as she crossed the front door the woman laid Lazar on one of the sofas in the living room. It took her the whole afternoon and a part of the night before she could finish treating him. It wasn't easy, let alone when the night came out.
The lack of light gave her no choice but to finish treating his infection and suturing his wounds with an improvised headlamp. To do it she had borrowed the roll of tape she had found in Lazar's bag and with it she had hung on her forehead a flashlight which she had discovered on a shelf in the basement. Lazar also noticed it yesterday when he went to check the condition of the electrical panel, but he didn't want to use it yet. He didn't want to waste the only 3 compatible batteries he had left to make it work when he didn't absolutely need it right now.
She took off the gloves she had put on to avoid dirtying Lazar's wounds and put down the back of her right hand on Lazar's forehead to see if it was as hot as before, ”The necessary has been done, all you have to do is wake up and cicatrize.”
She was pleasantly surprised to feel that his fever was falling, ”It looks like it won't take you very long.”
After so many difficulties, she had the confirmation that Lazar was out of danger, 'I can finally remove this damn headlamp.' She didn't care that the huge amount of tape on her face made her look like a moron, it was the excessive heat given off by the lamp that bothered her, 'I will kill him if he complains of his stitches, doing them while sweat was going into my eyes was anything but easy.'
She frantically tore off the tape on her face and began to wipe the drops of sweat beading on her forehead with her elbow, 'I'm not going to stop there, everything must be ready when he wakes up.' Treat Lazar's injuries wasn't enough for her; she intended to do everything possible to make his recovery as short and as agreeable possible.
So that he had something to warm up when he woke up, she had pushed the sofa in which she had laid him down towards the fireplace which was in the living room, then she lit a fire with wood and matches that she had taken from the basement of the house. Being a little more in the dark was a more attractive alternative than wondering if they were being spied on, so she closed the shutters. She then went to gather things that Lazar would need to have on hand and went to prepare their dinner with the rest of the fresh food that she had found in the refrigerator which was out of order because of the blackout.
As soon as she considered that she had nothing more to do, she sat cross-legged on a chair that she had placed just in front of Lazar, she began to wait patiently for the first signs announcing that he was going to wake up.
For the past 4 hours, she only moved from her chair to check if Lazar's fever continued to drop at regular intervals.
”I don't want to pressure you, but I'm waiting for you to heat the pizza.”
Everything was ready, she had even placed a bucket in front of Lazar so that he had a container in which to vomit, but despite the fact that his fever had fallen nothing suggested that he was going to wake up soon. She made herself a reason, she might have to watch over him all night.
'I thought that as an awakenee he would recover very quickly but I may be expecting too much from him already, this injury was something.' Normally it wouldn't have bothered her to wait a few more hours, but her own scent was attacking her nostrils to the point that she began to wonder if it wasn't because of her that Lazar wasn't waking up, 'He is out of danger and I think I have the time to go take a shower.'
Having not showered since the beginning of the Apocalypse and having spent a good part of the last two days fighting, she was hardly surprised to note using the mirror and the flashlight the enormous quantity of dirt that she had accumulated on her body when she stripped herself and in her hair when she undoed her braids.
”Killing goblins is really messy, how did I do to have blood spattered on my back?”
Although a cold shower with a flashlight as the only source of light is far from ideal, it was still a pleasure to get rid of all this dirt. ”I know it's only temporary but damn it's good to feel clean and comfortable.” After half an hour she went out of the bathroom, to avoid feeling dirty again she had changed and was now wearing a gray short-sleeved t-shirt slightly tight with beige cotton jogging pants.