16 Change of plan (1/2)
Lazar excelled in each area during his training, but he was especially gifted as a sniper.
He had all the qualities required.
Perfect visual acuity, foolproof patience, and concentration, as well as a keen sense of analysis to gather as much information as possible in each situation he encountered.
On top of that, even his small size was a positive point.
Although his ability with a sniper rifle is no longer useful, the other skills he had developed during his training would continue to serve him.
The sniper being the eyes of his unit, he is the central element around which each strategy on the ground is built.
Because of this, he already knew what to do and was establishing his plan of attack.
”I am alone, it will not look like a war properly speaking but rather guerrilla warfare.”
Attacking these monsters head-on was a stupid idea, he knew it. It was enough that 2 packs of the same size as that of Diane put against him so that he gets killed with its current strength according to him.
His only chance of winning was to strike quickly, hard and without them seeing it coming.
For this, he intended to clean each district of Boston one by one of the presence of these monsters and he wasn't going to choose them at random.
During his training, he was taught what were the different factors to take into account before embarking on an elimination mission.
'You have to know the number and strength of the enemy, but also be able to estimate the time it takes for them to get reinforcements.'
It wasn't a war like any other, there were many more variables to take into account, much more uncertainty.
Now that a pack had been massacred, they were bound to be extra vigilant.
'Barely 1 minute after I eliminated them, around thirty of them had already arrived on the scene. It's already an extremely short time-lapse but I must also take into account the fact that they didn't feel threatened at that time. The situation has changed, I should expect them to be faster next time. '
Their total number was also a mystery.
'Thousands for sure... and it will increase if I let them transform humans. However, seeing how my body gets stronger every time I increase my stats, after a while, they will no longer be a problem for me. But that's only if we are talking about Beta and Omega.'
The most disturbing variable was the Alphas. A pack controlled by an Alpha had to be a threat of a whole other scale.
'Even if Leo had protected himself with two other Betas, the truth is that it hasn't changed anything. They were cut on the spot and barely braked my attack when he had almost survived it. If the difference in resistance between a Beta and an Omega is already so high, what could it be between a Beta and an Alpha?'
He wondered, looking at his weapon at his waist.
'For the moment I must at all costs avoid them.'
Lazar was methodical, he crisscrossed the whole map of Boston to delimit the city in a totality of 28 zones of roughly equal sizes and whose surveillance was manageable for him.
He assumed that the most powerful packs should be in the most populated areas and had delimited them according to that.
'They operate by the law of the strongest, so the most advantageous 'hunting zones' will obviously be occupied by the strongest packs.'
He took out pencils from one of his drawers and used 3 color codes to make a cross on each area of the map.
15 areas were marked with a yellow cross, indicating that he considered them the least dangerous areas. They represented the somewhat isolated parts of Boston and would be the firsts he will attack.
10 zones were marked with an orange cross, He would attack them in second. They corresponded to the surroundings of downtown Boston.
Then there were the 3 red zones, those of critical danger, surely the territories of the Alphas. This was his final goal.
He had spent hours thinking about the strategies he was going to implement, fine-tuning every detail.
Based on the possibilities of escape and the proximity to other risk zones, he had just chosen the first yellow zone he was going to attack tomorrow.
'The sunsets...'
His watch indicated 7:56 p.m, it was going to be dark soon and he was less and less able to distinguish what he was writing on the notebook he had taken out so as not to forget any information.
It had been two days since he had a decent night's sleep and the headache the brick he had received in the forehead had given him didn't seem to subside over the hours.
He definitively needed to rest.
”I'm going to get up at dawn, I might as well sleep now.”
He got up to close the shutters of his room and set an alarm clock for 6:00 am with his watch.