Part 14 (1/2)
18 William Henry Holmes, ”Journal of the Grand Canyon trip in 1880.” Bound with William Henry Holmes, ”Journal of the Grand Canyon trip in 1880.” Bound with Random Records, Random Records, Vol. V, a collection of Holmes' papers preserved in the Bureau of American Ethnology, Smithsonian Inst.i.tution, Was.h.i.+ngton. Vol. V, a collection of Holmes' papers preserved in the Bureau of American Ethnology, Smithsonian Inst.i.tution, Was.h.i.+ngton.
19 By inference from a letter from King to Dutton, October 12, 1880. In King MSS, Letter Book, 1879-82, pp. 154-56. By inference from a letter from King to Dutton, October 12, 1880. In King MSS, Letter Book, 1879-82, pp. 154-56.
20 Dutton, Dutton, Tertiary History, Tertiary History, p. 144. p. 144.
21 These are reproduced in Wheeler, These are reproduced in Wheeler, Geographical Report, 1889. Geographical Report, 1889.
22 Joseph Pennell, Joseph Pennell, The Adventures of an Ill.u.s.trator The Adventures of an Ill.u.s.trator (Boston, 1925), pp. 82-83. (Boston, 1925), pp. 82-83.
1 There is as yet no adequate study of Utah place names; the only work I know - and it is of limited usefulness and often of dubious accuracy - is the Utah Writers Project, There is as yet no adequate study of Utah place names; the only work I know - and it is of limited usefulness and often of dubious accuracy - is the Utah Writers Project, Origins of Utah Place Names, Origins of Utah Place Names, Salt Lake City, 1940. For Arizona I have used Will C. Barnes, Salt Lake City, 1940. For Arizona I have used Will C. Barnes, Arizona Place Names, Arizona Place Names, University of Arizona Bulletin No. 2 (Tucson, 1935). On the whole question of names I have leaned very heavily upon George R. Stewart, University of Arizona Bulletin No. 2 (Tucson, 1935). On the whole question of names I have leaned very heavily upon George R. Stewart, Names on the Land Names on the Land (New York, 1945). The reports of early western explorations, if carefully searched, would give up very much more information about the naming of the Plateau Province than they have yet been forced to yield. (New York, 1945). The reports of early western explorations, if carefully searched, would give up very much more information about the naming of the Plateau Province than they have yet been forced to yield.
2 Origins of Utah Place Names Origins of Utah Place Names lists it as of unknown origin. It is, of course, an echo of the Spanish p.r.o.nunciation of La Virgin. George Stewart has pointed out in conversation that he knows of no other Spanish use of the word Virgin in place-naming, so that La Verkin may in fact be a Spanish p.r.o.nunciation imposed upon an Anglo-American placename. It is also possible, but not at all probable, just to complicate the matter further, that the Virgin River was not named for the Virgin at all, but for Thomas Virgin, one of Jedediah Smith's men. lists it as of unknown origin. It is, of course, an echo of the Spanish p.r.o.nunciation of La Virgin. George Stewart has pointed out in conversation that he knows of no other Spanish use of the word Virgin in place-naming, so that La Verkin may in fact be a Spanish p.r.o.nunciation imposed upon an Anglo-American placename. It is also possible, but not at all probable, just to complicate the matter further, that the Virgin River was not named for the Virgin at all, but for Thomas Virgin, one of Jedediah Smith's men.
3 The Green is another river whose name is lost in controversy. The Crows called it the Seedskeedee-agie, the Prairie Hen River. Very early the Spaniards were calling it the Rio Verde, and the mountain men simply translated the Spanish name. H. H. Bancroft suggested, erroneously, that it was named after a trapper in Ashley's party. It is almost impossible that anyone seeing the upper river in low water would call it anything but the Green, for its color then is very marked, but the Spaniards probably named it from the green of its banks in a waste of bare rock. See Dee Linford, ”Wyoming Stream Names,” Wyoming Fish and Game Department Bulletin No. 3 (Cheyenne, 1944). The Green is another river whose name is lost in controversy. The Crows called it the Seedskeedee-agie, the Prairie Hen River. Very early the Spaniards were calling it the Rio Verde, and the mountain men simply translated the Spanish name. H. H. Bancroft suggested, erroneously, that it was named after a trapper in Ashley's party. It is almost impossible that anyone seeing the upper river in low water would call it anything but the Green, for its color then is very marked, but the Spaniards probably named it from the green of its banks in a waste of bare rock. See Dee Linford, ”Wyoming Stream Names,” Wyoming Fish and Game Department Bulletin No. 3 (Cheyenne, 1944).
4 Gilbert, Gilbert, Geology of the Henry Mountains, Geology of the Henry Mountains, p. viii. p. viii.
5 See Wallace Stegner, ”C. E. Dutton - Explorer, Geologist, Nature Writer,” See Wallace Stegner, ”C. E. Dutton - Explorer, Geologist, Nature Writer,” Scientific Monthly, Scientific Monthly, XLV (July, 1937), 82-83, which briefly discusses and lists some of Dutton's names. XLV (July, 1937), 82-83, which briefly discusses and lists some of Dutton's names.
6 Dellenbaugh, who himself partic.i.p.ated in the mapping and naming of the Grand Canyon region, wrote me in 1935, just before his death, that he had argued with Dutton without effect on the propriety of Indian names and the impropriety of Dutton's favored Oriental names. The letter is included in the Appendix to Stegner, ”Clarence Edward Dutton,” University of Iowa unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, 1935. Dellenbaugh, who himself partic.i.p.ated in the mapping and naming of the Grand Canyon region, wrote me in 1935, just before his death, that he had argued with Dutton without effect on the propriety of Indian names and the impropriety of Dutton's favored Oriental names. The letter is included in the Appendix to Stegner, ”Clarence Edward Dutton,” University of Iowa unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, 1935.
7 So at least says Charles Kelly, who is intimately familiar with the whole region and has made its history his lifelong study. Nevertheless, it is a courageous man who will a.s.sert that he knows the incontrovertible origin of any placename, much less an Indian one. And Indian informants are sometimes as confused about name origins in their own tongue as Americans are about names like La Verkin. So at least says Charles Kelly, who is intimately familiar with the whole region and has made its history his lifelong study. Nevertheless, it is a courageous man who will a.s.sert that he knows the incontrovertible origin of any placename, much less an Indian one. And Indian informants are sometimes as confused about name origins in their own tongue as Americans are about names like La Verkin.
1 Letter of November 20, 1869, quoted in another letter from Humphreys to Belknap dated March 13, 1872, bound with Adams' Journal in the Huntington Library. Letter of November 20, 1869, quoted in another letter from Humphreys to Belknap dated March 13, 1872, bound with Adams' Journal in the Huntington Library.
2 Darrah, Darrah, Powell of the Colorado, Powell of the Colorado, p. 183. p. 183.
3 Letter, Powell to R. M. McCormick, April 20, 1872. Powell Survey, Letters Sent, I, Nos. 59-66. Letter, Powell to R. M. McCormick, April 20, 1872. Powell Survey, Letters Sent, I, Nos. 59-66.
4 Letter, Samuel Adams to Rep. Austin Blair, January 20, 1873, bound with Adams' Journal in the Huntington Library. Letter, Samuel Adams to Rep. Austin Blair, January 20, 1873, bound with Adams' Journal in the Huntington Library.
5 Beaver Evening Tribune, Beaver Evening Tribune, May 15, 1915. May 15, 1915.
1 By the beginning of the year 1877 Hayden had published, besides ten increasingly elaborate Annual Reports, quarto monographs by Joseph Leidy, E. D. Cope, Cyrus Thomas, Leo Lesquereux, F. B. Meek, and A. S. Packard, and two volumes of Bulletins jammed with short or preliminary studies by many men, plus eight volumes of ”Miscellaneous Publications” including everything from lists of photographs by W. H. Jackson to a handbook on the birds of the Missouri region by Eliott Coues plus a hamperful of ”Uncla.s.sified Publications” - pamphlets and reprints and preliminary reports - plus a good many maps. Clarence King's Annual Reports, incorporated in the Reports of the Chief of Engineers to the Secretary of War, seldom exceeded two pages, but three of his projected seven quarto final reports were finished: James D. Hague's By the beginning of the year 1877 Hayden had published, besides ten increasingly elaborate Annual Reports, quarto monographs by Joseph Leidy, E. D. Cope, Cyrus Thomas, Leo Lesquereux, F. B. Meek, and A. S. Packard, and two volumes of Bulletins jammed with short or preliminary studies by many men, plus eight volumes of ”Miscellaneous Publications” including everything from lists of photographs by W. H. Jackson to a handbook on the birds of the Missouri region by Eliott Coues plus a hamperful of ”Uncla.s.sified Publications” - pamphlets and reprints and preliminary reports - plus a good many maps. Clarence King's Annual Reports, incorporated in the Reports of the Chief of Engineers to the Secretary of War, seldom exceeded two pages, but three of his projected seven quarto final reports were finished: James D. Hague's Mining Industry, Mining Industry, Sereno Watson's Sereno Watson's Botany, Botany, and Ferdinand Zirkel's and Ferdinand Zirkel's Microscopical Petrography. Microscopical Petrography. Also finished by 1877 were both his large folio Atlas incorporating all the topographical and geological work of the survey, and the Atlas to accompany Hague's Also finished by 1877 were both his large folio Atlas incorporating all the topographical and geological work of the survey, and the Atlas to accompany Hague's Mining Industry. Mining Industry. Wheeler, besides progress reports and Annual Reports (the latter growing like Hayden's until by 1876 it totaled 355 pages) had published two of his contemplated seven final reports, that by Gilbert, Marvine, et al., on Wheeler, besides progress reports and Annual Reports (the latter growing like Hayden's until by 1876 it totaled 355 pages) had published two of his contemplated seven final reports, that by Gilbert, Marvine, et al., on Geology, Geology, and that by Yarrow, Coues, et al., on and that by Yarrow, Coues, et al., on Zoology. Zoology. In addition he had brought out a dozen or more miscellaneous publications, lists of birds, vertebrate fossils, meteorological readings, and the like, and an unspecified number of undated atlas sheets. See L. F. Schmeckebier, In addition he had brought out a dozen or more miscellaneous publications, lists of birds, vertebrate fossils, meteorological readings, and the like, and an unspecified number of undated atlas sheets. See L. F. Schmeckebier, Catalogue and Index of the Publications of the Hayden, King, Powell, and Wheeler Surveys Catalogue and Index of the Publications of the Hayden, King, Powell, and Wheeler Surveys (Was.h.i.+ngton, 1904). (Was.h.i.+ngton, 1904).
2 Josiah Whitney, with whose Geological Survey of California Clarence King had .his first field experience, had learned early and to his sorrow how practical-minded a legislative body can be, and had had to fight for appropriations against every sort of anti-intellectual criticism. King, enlightened by Whitney's experience, took pains to see that his first publication was his most practical: Hague's Mining Industry. The ”impractical” scientific activities of the United States Geological Survey, especially the paleontological work carried on by Professor Marsh of Yale, came under similar fire in 1892 when Hilary Herbert of Alabama attacked the Survey in the Senate by ridiculing Marsh's monograph on the Odontornithes, the ”Birds-with-Teeth.” A man conducting a bureau of government science did well not to look too scientific. Josiah Whitney, with whose Geological Survey of California Clarence King had .his first field experience, had learned early and to his sorrow how practical-minded a legislative body can be, and had had to fight for appropriations against every sort of anti-intellectual criticism. King, enlightened by Whitney's experience, took pains to see that his first publication was his most practical: Hague's Mining Industry. The ”impractical” scientific activities of the United States Geological Survey, especially the paleontological work carried on by Professor Marsh of Yale, came under similar fire in 1892 when Hilary Herbert of Alabama attacked the Survey in the Senate by ridiculing Marsh's monograph on the Odontornithes, the ”Birds-with-Teeth.” A man conducting a bureau of government science did well not to look too scientific.
3 Congress on April 15, 1874, requested information from President Grant on the possibility of consolidating the surveys operating west of the Mississippi. Hayden, Powell, the Secretary of War, and the Chief of the Army Engineers, General Humphreys, were first called on for opinions by letter, and later called for questioning. Powell, who had introduced into the controversy the further question of civilian or military control of a consolidated survey, supported a civilian control, but remained aloof from the squabbling that broke out between Hayden and Wheeler. The result of the 1874 investigation was to leave things pretty much as they were before, except that Powell was moved from the Smithsonian back to the Interior Department and the official name of his survey changed to ”Geological Survey of the Territories, Second Division.” A secondary result was to bring into the open the antipathy between Wheeler and Hayden, an antipathy so outspoken that the committee rebuked them both; and probably to arouse Hayden's suspicion of Powell as well, since Powell had obviously come off the best of the three. See, for the testimony in the case, House Report No. 612, 43rd Cong., 1st Sess. The episode is well covered in Darrah, Congress on April 15, 1874, requested information from President Grant on the possibility of consolidating the surveys operating west of the Mississippi. Hayden, Powell, the Secretary of War, and the Chief of the Army Engineers, General Humphreys, were first called on for opinions by letter, and later called for questioning. Powell, who had introduced into the controversy the further question of civilian or military control of a consolidated survey, supported a civilian control, but remained aloof from the squabbling that broke out between Hayden and Wheeler. The result of the 1874 investigation was to leave things pretty much as they were before, except that Powell was moved from the Smithsonian back to the Interior Department and the official name of his survey changed to ”Geological Survey of the Territories, Second Division.” A secondary result was to bring into the open the antipathy between Wheeler and Hayden, an antipathy so outspoken that the committee rebuked them both; and probably to arouse Hayden's suspicion of Powell as well, since Powell had obviously come off the best of the three. See, for the testimony in the case, House Report No. 612, 43rd Cong., 1st Sess. The episode is well covered in Darrah, Powell of the Colorado, Powell of the Colorado, pp. 207-11. pp. 207-11.
4 Before the 1874 investigating committee, Dr. H. C. Yarrow, a zoologist of the Wheeler Survey, testified that Hayden had told him, ”You can tell Wheeler that if he stirs a finger or attempts to interfere with me or my survey in any way, I will utterly crush him - as I have enough Congressional influence to do so, and will bring it all to bear.” House Report No. 612, p. 62. Before the 1874 investigating committee, Dr. H. C. Yarrow, a zoologist of the Wheeler Survey, testified that Hayden had told him, ”You can tell Wheeler that if he stirs a finger or attempts to interfere with me or my survey in any way, I will utterly crush him - as I have enough Congressional influence to do so, and will bring it all to bear.” House Report No. 612, p. 62.
5 Henry Nash Smith, ”Clarence King, John Wesley Powell, and the Establishment of the United States Geological Survey,” Henry Nash Smith, ”Clarence King, John Wesley Powell, and the Establishment of the United States Geological Survey,” Mississippi Valley Historical Review, Mississippi Valley Historical Review, x.x.xIV (June, 1947), 37-58. x.x.xIV (June, 1947), 37-58.
6 Powell's departure from Normal was somewhat chilly. His resignation, proffered on June 26, 1872, was accepted without comment, and there was an insistent attempt on the part of the university, through Jesse Fell, to obtain a clarification of the owners.h.i.+p of natural history collections which both Powell and the university claimed. Letter from Jesse Fell dated December 3, 1872, Powell Survey, Letters Received, II, No. 87. Powell's departure from Normal was somewhat chilly. His resignation, proffered on June 26, 1872, was accepted without comment, and there was an insistent attempt on the part of the university, through Jesse Fell, to obtain a clarification of the owners.h.i.+p of natural history collections which both Powell and the university claimed. Letter from Jesse Fell dated December 3, 1872, Powell Survey, Letters Received, II, No. 87.
7 Powell Survey, Letters Sent, I, Nos. 137, 139, 154-5. Powell Survey, Letters Sent, I, Nos. 137, 139, 154-5.
8 Copies of the letters to both Garfield and Hewitt are preserved in Powell Survey, Letters Sent, I, Nos. 156-62. Newberry's dislike of Hayden evidently grew from his feeling that his student and protege, Henry Newton, had been wronged by Hayden's interference. In his biographical memoir prefixed to Newton's Copies of the letters to both Garfield and Hewitt are preserved in Powell Survey, Letters Sent, I, Nos. 156-62. Newberry's dislike of Hayden evidently grew from his feeling that his student and protege, Henry Newton, had been wronged by Hayden's interference. In his biographical memoir prefixed to Newton's Report on the Geology of the Black Hills, Report on the Geology of the Black Hills, 1880, Newberry is bitter and unmistakable, though he names no names: ”Mr. Newton took great pains with his report, as he had done in the acc.u.mulation of facts, and in its preparation expended about eighteen hundred dollars from his own pocket, when it was quite uncertain whether this sum would be repaid him by the government. When presented to Congress its publication would have been immediately authorized except for a selfish and heartless opposition it encountered springing from the fear that it would betray the inaccuracy of previously published descriptions of the 1880, Newberry is bitter and unmistakable, though he names no names: ”Mr. Newton took great pains with his report, as he had done in the acc.u.mulation of facts, and in its preparation expended about eighteen hundred dollars from his own pocket, when it was quite uncertain whether this sum would be repaid him by the government. When presented to Congress its publication would have been immediately authorized except for a selfish and heartless opposition it encountered springing from the fear that it would betray the inaccuracy of previously published descriptions of the geology geology of this region. This opposition cost Mr. Newton his life, for when Congress deferred action on his report till another session he determined to employ a part of the interval in revisiting the Black Hills.... While engaged in this work he was attacked by typhoid fever, and died at Deadwood August 15, 1877.” Since Hayden's ”General View of the Geology of the Missouri Valley,” in the of this region. This opposition cost Mr. Newton his life, for when Congress deferred action on his report till another session he determined to employ a part of the interval in revisiting the Black Hills.... While engaged in this work he was attacked by typhoid fever, and died at Deadwood August 15, 1877.” Since Hayden's ”General View of the Geology of the Missouri Valley,” in the 4th Annual Report of the Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, 4th Annual Report of the Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, 1870, was the only real geological publication on the Black Hills region, there can be no doubt at whom Newberry's bitterness is aimed. 1870, was the only real geological publication on the Black Hills region, there can be no doubt at whom Newberry's bitterness is aimed.
9 After 1871, Hayden's Annual Reports were ill.u.s.trated with increasing lavishness, by woodcuts, line drawings, panoramas, maps, and lithographs, many of them made from Jackson's photographs, and some of them in color. King's finished reports were even more beautifully printed and ill.u.s.trated. To compete, Powell's had to be of comparable quality. Actually, we can thank the jealousy among the various early surveys for some of the most beautiful books about the West that have ever been produced. See Part II, Chapter 9, ante. After 1871, Hayden's Annual Reports were ill.u.s.trated with increasing lavishness, by woodcuts, line drawings, panoramas, maps, and lithographs, many of them made from Jackson's photographs, and some of them in color. King's finished reports were even more beautifully printed and ill.u.s.trated. To compete, Powell's had to be of comparable quality. Actually, we can thank the jealousy among the various early surveys for some of the most beautiful books about the West that have ever been produced. See Part II, Chapter 9, ante.
10 Powell Survey, Letters Received, VI, No. 74. Powell Survey, Letters Received, VI, No. 74.
11 Ibid., Ibid., Nos. 79-92. Nos. 79-92.
12 Especially A. S. Packard and F. W. Pearson, both of Hayden's survey. Much of their correspondence is in F. V. Hayden, Personal Letters Received, National Archives. Especially A. S. Packard and F. W. Pearson, both of Hayden's survey. Much of their correspondence is in F. V. Hayden, Personal Letters Received, National Archives.
13 Powell Survey, Letters Received, V, Nos. 308-326. Powell Survey, Letters Received, V, Nos. 308-326.
14 F. V. Hayden, Personal Letters Sent. F. V. Hayden, Personal Letters Sent.
15 The first part of this was published as The first part of this was published as An Introduction to the Study of Indian Languages An Introduction to the Study of Indian Languages in 1877, and was subsequently, used by all the amateur and part-time workers who collaborated in Powell's studies of the Indian languages. in 1877, and was subsequently, used by all the amateur and part-time workers who collaborated in Powell's studies of the Indian languages.
16 See Powell Survey, Letters Sent, I, Nos. 1036-7 and 1082-3. See Powell Survey, Letters Sent, I, Nos. 1036-7 and 1082-3.
1 Powell Survey, Letters Sent, II, Nos. 172 and 284. Powell Survey, Letters Sent, II, Nos. 172 and 284.
2 Ibid., Ibid., No. 351. No. 351.