Part 9 (2/2)
Simultaneously a luminous hand seemed to appear out of nowhere. It floated, unattached, and reached out as if to touch Sadie.
”My child,” intoned an old man's cracked voice, ”I am your beloved grandfather on your dear mother's side.”
”Not Elias Perkins!” Sadie murmured in awe.
”The spirit of none other, my child. Sadie, I have been watching you and I am worried-most sorely worried. You must give no more money to the Three Branch Ranch or to any cause which my spirit cannot recommend.”
”But, Grandfather-”
”Furthermore,” continued the cracked voice, taking no note of the interruption, ”follow no orders or directions from anyone, unless that person writes or speaks his name backward. Mind this well, Sadie, my child, for it is important.”
The voice gradually drifted away as the green light began to grow dim. Soon there was only darkness and deep silence in the woods.
”Oh, Grandfather! Come back! Speak to me again!” Sadie pleaded.
”The seance is concluded,” Nancy murmured.
She took Sadie by the arm and led her back to the waiting car. All the way home Sadie remained silent. Only once did she speak and that was to ask ”the veiled lady” the meaning of the strange instructions issued by her grandfather.
Nancy spoke slowly and in a low monotone, ”You are to reveal no information to anyone and take no orders from anyone unless he spells or speaks his or her name backward.”
”I don't understand,” Sadie said.
”There are unscrupulous people who seek to take advantage of you. Your grandfather's spirit is trying to protect you. He has given you a means of identifying the good and the evil. You have been in communication with a Mrs. Egan, have you not?”
The blond girl nodded. And Nancy continued, ”Should Mrs. Egan approach you again, saying 'I am Mrs. Egan,' then beware! But should she say 'I am Mrs. Nage,' then you will know that she is to be trusted, even as you trust the spirit of Elias Perkins.”
”Oh! I see now what Grandfather meant,” Sadie said, and became silent again.
At Cross and Lexington streets, the girl left the car. Nancy and her father drove on home, to find Ned awaiting them.
”How did I do?” the youth demanded in the cracked voice of Elias Perkins as they entered the house together.
Nancy chuckled. ”A perfect performance!”
”You don't know the half of it,” Ned joked. ”I almost messed up the whole show.”
As the three enjoyed milk and sandwiches in the Drew kitchen, the young man revealed that he had nearly lost the hand from the end of the rod.
”Next time you want me to perform, buy a better grade of equipment!” He laughed, biting into another ham sandwich.
Ned was referring to the props used during the seance, which Nancy had purchased earlier that day at a store in Winchester. These included a telescopic reaching rod, and the luminous wax hand, as well as a bottle of phosphorus and olive oil, guaranteed to produce a ghostly effect when the cork was removed, which would disappear again at the required moment when it was stoppered.
”When I took the bottle from the suitcase, I nearly dropped it,” Ned confessed. ”And what's a seance in the dark worth without a spooky light?” he added, laughing.
On the following day, Nancy called at Sadie's home. Sadie was at work, but elderly Mr. Green, eager for companions.h.i.+p, told Nancy everything she wished to know.
”That granddaughter o' mine ain't so foolish as I was afeared,” he said promptly. ”This morning she says to me 'Grandpa, I've made up my mind to save my money and not give it away to every Tom, d.i.c.k, and Harry who asks me for it.' What do you think o' that?”
”Splendid!” Nancy approved. ”I hoped Sadie would have a change of heart.”
To test Sadie further, Nancy asked Ned the next day to telephone the girl at the Lovelee Cosmetic Company.
”I want to prove a couple of things,” she said. ”First of all, I want to find out whether Sadie is really following my instructions, and second, if she knows the name of Howard Brex.”
Ned began to laugh. ”How would you p.r.o.nounce Brex backward?”
Nancy smiled too. ”Guess you'll have to use his first name. 'Drawoh' is easy.”
While Nancy listened on an extension at the Drew home, Ned made the call. He addressed the girl as Eidas instead of Sadie and added, ”This is Drawoh speaking.”
”My name ain't Eidas, and I don't know what you're talking about,” the girl retorted, failing to understand.
Ned quickly asked her to think hard. Suddenly Sadie said: ”Oh, yes, I remember. And what did you say your name is?”
After a moment's reflection, the girl said, ”I guess I don't know you.”
”No,” said Ned. ”But tell me, have you had any recent communications asking you for money?”
”One came today, but I threw it away,” Sadie replied. ”I'm not giving any more of my money to those folks. I have to go now.”
Sadie hung up.
”Good work, Nancy!” Ned declared as he rejoined her. ”Apparently that trick seance brought Sadie to her senses.”
”For a few days, anyhow,” Nancy agreed. ”The job isn't over, though, until these swindlers are behind bars! They still have great influence over Lola and Mrs. Putney and goodness knows how many other people.
”I can easily understand how a person like Sadie would be so gullible, but it's almost unthinkable that Mrs. Putney would fall for that stuff,” Ned said.
While the two friends were talking, Hannah Gruen called Nancy to the telephone. The message was from the clerk at the Claymore Hotel. The late-morning mail had brought two more letters addressed to Mrs. Egan.
”Isn't that wonderful, Ned?” Nancy cried. ”I'll have to go over to the hotel right away.”
”I'll take you there,” Ned offered.
He drove Nancy to the hotel and waited in the car while she went inside. The girl was gone several minutes. When she returned, her face was downcast, and she looked very disturbed.
”What's the matter?” Ned demanded. ”Didn't you get the letters?”
Nancy shook her head. ”The regular clerk went to lunch,” she explained. ”In his absence, another clerk gave the letters to someone else!”