Chapter 19 (1/2)
Chapter 19
In the spring of Year Four, the country was swept up in the SARS epidemic. Several densely populated cities were hard-hit and Yun Jin’s area was not spared. The number of infected people climbed steadily every day and the smell of death seemed to linger everywhere, causing everyone much fear and trepidation. Man was always so vulnerable when facing natural calamity and illnesses.
Yun Jin’s campus was no safe haven; a year two female student who had returned from visiting her boyfriend in another city had developed a high fever that was later diagnosed to be SARS. The school descended into a state of flurry and panic. Following that fright, several other students also developed high fevers and were quarantined. Everyone was uneasy.
The school adopted all measures of emergency precaution. They doc.u.mented the entry and exit of students meticulously and sent people to check on the dormitories daily. The dorms were sprayed with disinfectant and temperatures were monitored closely. However, these measures failed to stem the rising paranoia.
Yun Jin’s hostel mate Xiao Wen was quarantined because she had been in contact with the SARS-infected student. Thus, only five of the girls were left in the room. Other than Yun Jin, the other four girls would clutch their phones all day as it was their only means of communication with the outside world. All of them had their parents, relatives, lovers and friends asking after them.
It wasn’t that Yun Jin wasn’t worried. However she had few friends and was seldom in contact with her relatives. She was only concerned about her mom. Her mom should have phoned her up by now yet after many days had pa.s.sed, she still had not received a call. She didn’t have a handphone so she suspected that her mother’s call couldn’t successfully connect to the hostel line which was in hot demand. She kept a vigil near the phone and whenever she saw it wasn’t in use, she would hurriedly dial her mother’s new residence. However, no one ever picked up.
Yun Jin was beside herself with worry and longing for her mother. Her mother was now a homemaker, there was no plausible explanation for her constant absence. If something had happened, surely she would have been informed. She realized forlornly that she didn’t even have her uncle’s handphone number. Unsettled and despondent, Yun Jin rang up Yu Hua. However, Yu Hua’s bunk mate informed Yun Jin that Yu Hua had come down with a cough and low-grade fever and had been sent to the hospital as a precaution.
Yun Jin had never felt this helpless before. At night, the hostel phone continued to ring endlessly. Whenever someone picked up the line, she would inadvertently hold her breath, hoping that she would be summoned to receive the call. Unfortunately, this was never the case. It bothered her; had her mother forgotten about her?
In her ordinary existence, she had never noticed the difference between other common folk and herself. But now in times of woe, she discovered how pitiful her life was. No one cared about her and she had no one to care for. She felt like the proverbial island that could only stare at the vast expanse of water surrounding her, where there was no other land for many miles.
Before Yun Jin fell asleep that night, she heard a girl whine to her lover over the phone that her parents were being too naggy and forcing her to drink bitter herbal concoctions. Her throat tightened and she was overcome with emotions.
After a period, the girl finally hung up the phone. By then Yun Jin had almost fallen asleep, she with her misty eyes and stuffed nose. The piercing ringing of the phone sounded again and was picked up by an annoyed girl on the lower bunk.
“Yun Jin it’s for you!”
Yun Jin practically flew down from her upper bunk. She was just about to yell “Mom!” when she heard an unexpected voice.
“What lousy phone does your hostel have? I’ve spent almost all my handphone battery just trying to dial in.” an impatient voice greeted her.
Yun Jin pressed the receiver tightly against her ear. She didn’t realise her eyes were already wet.
At her silence, he hesitated before continuing “I just wanted to know if you are well. I was … worried about you. I don’t have any other intention … Wait, Yun Jin are you crying? What’s the matter? Don’t cry, please say something …” his voice took on an urgent tone.