Chapter 1 (1/2)
Chapter 1
Ethan Mason, also known as the First Emperor of the Dimensional Blood Alliance Council, among other things. He was a very powerful, and extremely influential person, also known as a Ceterian, who was also the host of the powerful G.o.d of G.o.ds known as The Crystal. The two were nearly inseparable, and always stayed by each other’s side to the end, but when there’s no true end in sight, it’s easy to believe they’ll eventually turn on each other, but after so many years, it’s rather hard to believe such. But regardless…
Ethan Mason stood at about 7’5”, with a head of messy black hair, a rough beard, golden irises, a scar down the left eye, and an attractive appearance alongside his well built figure. Of course, he did not always look like this, he had to actually work for it. He was known as the Messiah alongside being known as the First Emperor, but that is besides the point, isn’t it?
Ethan sighs softly as he moves his p.a.w.n on the chessboard, before sitting back as he folds his hands on his lap, watching as the cloud of green smoke floating on the other end of the board examined it, before suddenly the knight was enveloped in a green magical aura, and takes out the p.a.w.n, before the green cloud eventually speaks. “Ethan, what do you have planned for today?”
Ethan folds his hands behind his head as he thought on this. “I’m not entirely sure, Crystal… Perhaps I’ll just walk among the populace, see if there’s anything special going on maybe…” He glances to the side just in time to see the lizardman with black scales, spikes protruding his head in a way to make up his eyebrows and hair, and three scars along the left of his face, one down the eye.
“Ah, Di-Meen.” The cloud of green smoke says as it continued to float there. “I take it the Council has need of us?”
Di-Meen, also known as the Royal Steward, Councillor of the planet Algra, and the most trusted member of the royal family, gives a polite bow as he speaks. “I apologize for interrupting your game, milord, but the Council wishes for you to come and deal with a small situation. I believe it has something to do with the recent Twilight outburst in Dimension-0456.”
Ethan sighs softly as he moves his hands back to his lap. “Duty calls.”
“Of course.” The green cloud suddenly flows into Ethan’s body, before soon disappearing from view as Ethan stands, and nods to Di-Meen as the two begin walking.
Upon exiting the balcony, they entered the royal bedchamber of the First Emperor, a ma.s.sive chamber filled with many decorations befitting royalty, the bed in the center was currently empty as Ethan steps over to the dressing room, Di-Meen waiting on the outside as he speaks. “So, Di, what’s the schedule for the day?”
Di-Meen snaps his fingers, his hand wearing a high-tech glove that caused a small rip in the void to appear as he pulls out a clipboard from the rip, the rip closing behind it. With the clipboard in hand, he began listing off the daily duties. “Today you’re scheduled to head to the throne room after the council chamber, and from there you will hold the morning court. After the morning court, you are requested to join Councillor Kileh at the local restaurant within the Dimensional sector, I believe the restaurant is called Holy-Glow Bitque.”
“Bitque?” Ethan asks as he slips on the black cloak with white and a golden undercloth. “So the restaurant was made by a Biqre?”
Di-Meen adjusts his tie as he stood there. “It’s a safe bet. So expect a good amount of Biqre.”
“Very well. Anything else?”
“Aside from the lunch, you will be required to attend the ceremony for the opening of Void-Tech Central. It seems they’ve finally managed to get a s.p.a.ce large enough for their work.”
“Ah yes, are there still rumors on Void-Tech attempting to create a galaxy?”
“There are, and Void-Tech is not denying the claims, so it seems they are truly serious about making their name in the history books.”
“So it seems.” Ethan steps out of the dressing room, wearing a black dress s.h.i.+rt with white, black pants with similar white, a pair of black dress shoes with white soles and golden laces, the black, white, and gold cloak, and finally a crown made of solid platinum, with diamonds on every segmented tip, and a single emerald on the front. Ethan adjusts the crown as he looks at Di. “Why did we agree to a crown being made for the Emperor, again?”
Di simply shrugs. “It was requested by the Council so that everyone could distinguish you from everyone else. I do not understand it myself, but oh well.”
Ethan gives a soft sigh, but nods as he follows Di do the front door. Ethan grabs the glove resting on the table next to the door, slipping it on as the two head out, entering into a hallway so large it felt like an underground city. The two pa.s.s by multiple people, maids, butlers, and the such before soon reaching a circular device built into the ground, stepping onto it.
Once they stood on the circle, a holographic screen appears, asking for their destination, varying from the Kitchen, the Dining Hall, the Throne Room, the Study, and really all the rooms that were within the palace. Given the palace was big enough to fit around ten galaxies within, it’s no wonder for the quick transport, while the city itself was around fifty times the size of the palace.
Before long, the two materialize within the council chamber, Di heads to his chair while Ethan did the same. It seems only a handful of councillors were here today, the Biqre Councillor, a type of alien that mimicked the appearance of a amphibian, with two black eyes, a slim face, a pair of protruding horns, a total of four digits on each hand, and had a figure that was quite slim, and appeared to have a lack of anything muscular.
The second of the five councillors was a Hybra, a hybrid of a dog person and a cat person, with a scorpion tail to finish it off, this Hybra had dark blue skin, long flowing green hair, a single cat ear, and a single dog ear replacing human ears, and she had a pair of red cat-like eyes.
The third was another alien known as a Jypha, having long, slender figures, spikes in place of hair, their eyes always glowing, and had a rather medium built figure. This councillor had spikes running down his head in the form of medium length hair, his skin was a deep red, his eyes glowing a demonic yellow, and he had quite a long and thick beard made of spikes.
Finally the fourth councillor, a Bythlor, a hybrid of angel, demon, and wolf, Bythlors had the wings of angels, the horns of demons, and the rest was entirely wolf-like, with clawed hands, wolf hind-legs, wolfish faces, and overall could be seen as either quite or ugly depending on your point of view. He had scars along his muzzle, and one of his ears had a small chunk taken out of it from war most likely.
Ethan folds his hands as he looks at the four, first looking at the Biqre. “Good morning, Councillors Kileh.” He turns to the Hybra. “Durooa.” Then the Jypha. “Ogrun.” Then finally the Bythlor. “Hyph.”
The four, alongside Di, bow their heads. “Emperor Mason.”
Ethan folds his hands as he gazes at the five. “So… What is this about the Twilight outbreak?”
Durooa groans while putting her face in her hands, all the while Ogrun raises his hands. “Emperor Mason, you seem to misunderstand, that situation has been dealt with, we simply wished to get the meeting done and over with.”
“Ah, I see…” Ethan looks at Di. “It seems you got the wrong message, my friend.”
Di bows his head at this. “I apologize, milord, it was not my intention to relay the wrong message.”
“It’s fine.” Ethan looks at the others. “Alright, so, what’s the first order of business?”
Hyph folds his hands on the table. “It’s nothing too important, Emperor Mason, it’s merely just us updating on our current state of affairs.”
“Very well, go ahead and begin.” Ethan folds his hands behind his head.