Chapter 892 - Ambiguous (2/2)

“Mom, why aren’t you eating any dishes?”

Suddenly regaining her senses, An Feng glanced towards Nan Zhi. However, her eyes accidentally looked past Helian Xiao, who was sitting opposite of her with a gentlemanly smile on his lips.

An Feng, who never swore, cursed at him in her heart.

“I’m not too hungry, you can all eat the rest!” An Feng put down her bowl and left the dining room.

Nan Zhi pursed her lips slightly, her instincts practically screaming that her mother was being more than a little strange!

After resting for a few days, the private kitchen was opening again tomorrow.

Once their frequent customers found out that there were operating again, they called in to reserve several tables.

Nan Zhi and An Feng immediately got busy again.

Once they were busy, it was hard to think too much anymore.

They were busy until late in the evening. They helped the children shower and after all the happenings, they were slightly exhausted.

After the children went to sleep, Nan Zhi went to sleep as well.

However, An Feng could not seem to fall asleep.

At midnight, as she didn’t eat much during dinner, she went down to make a simple supper for herself.

When she walked into the kitchen, she jumped in surprise when she saw a dark figure standing there.

She hurriedly turned on the lights. Seeing that the dark figure belonged to Helian Xiao, An Feng sighed in relief. “Mr Helian, what are you looking for?”

Helian Xiao coughed. “My throat hurts a little, so I wanted to have a cup of water.”

Seeing an unusual flush on his face, An Feng furrowed her eyebrows a little. “Do you have a fever?”


“Have you taken any medication?”

“It’s in the plane.”

Falling sick was always very tiring. Seeing that he seemed a little tired, An Feng, who had always been kind, decided to ignore his actions during the day and said, “You should go back to your room and rest. I’ll bring some medication and water up for you later.”

“Thank you.”

After Helian Xiao went up, An Feng poured a gla.s.s of water before she went to the medication box to take out the flu medicine they had at home. With the two items in her hands, she walked to the room where Helian Xiao was staying in.

She knocked on the door.

No one replied.

An Feng stood there for a while before she knocked on the door again.

Still no one responded.

Did his fever worsen until he fainted?

An Feng knocked three more times. After she didn’t get any reply, she lifted her hand up to open the door. “Mr Helian?”

The door wasn’t locked, so An Feng pushed the door open and walked in.

Helian Xiao wasn’t on the bed. An Feng placed the medication and the cup of water by the bed stand. She was about to walk out when the bathroom door suddenly opened.

Helian Xiao, who had taken a brief shower, walked out of the bathroom. His well-defined facial features appeared even more distinct. His short hair was wet, but not dripping water, and exuded an innate s.e.xiness that was hard to describe.

He was only wearing a simple pair of shorts, not having had the time to wear his s.h.i.+rt yet. It exposed his well-built body that was different from his gentlemanly aura and gave a hint of the fitness and strength he possessed that was usually covered by his s.h.i.+rt.