Part 4 (1/2)

NOTE.--The enemy which we expected to meet at the cross-roads near Stone river, on the night of the 23d of July, proved to be General Nelson's command, who had returned by this road. Colonel Barnes--who, it will be recollected, was in command of our force--was unaware of this movement. The slaves had mistaken General Nelson's force for a body of ”secesh.”



On arriving at the old quarters, we found the negroes still at work on the redoubt, which they had nearly completed. The Twenty-third Kentucky were camped near us. We now supposed that we would be allowed at least a short respite after our previous three weeks' hard marching; but in this we were mistaken. And, as the old Scotch proverb runs--

”The best laid plans of men and mice Oft gang aglee.”

At noon of the 28th July, we received orders, (those eternal orders,) to prepare for a march at 3 o'clock that afternoon. The battery wagon, tents, and all the extra baggage, were to be left behind. At the appointed hour all was in readiness, and in a short time we were on the move. We had proceeded but a short distance when we were ordered back, and the old by-word came again in play, that we were only going to water our horses.

Back to camp we went. It seemed as if those in command were diverting themselves at our expense. The next day we were permitted to remain in quiet. But at 2 o'clock on the morning of the 30th July, we were all aroused out of a sound sleep with the old oft-repeated order to get ready to march. Soon all were actively engaged in preparing to move. At daylight, after drinking a cup of slops--denominated coffee--and devouring some mouldy hard bread, we patiently awaited the order to march.

It had now commenced raining, and in a short time was pouring down heavily. No word came to move. And thus we stood, hour after hour, and received a thorough drenching. Finally, about noon, were ordered to unharness horses, but to hold ourselves in readiness to move at any moment. Here was a piece of great military strategy displayed.

Finally, on the morning of August 1st, we succeeded in making a start. At 5 o'clock were on the road leading to McMinnville, over which a part of our battery had before traveled. The forces with us consisted of the Eighth and Twenty-first Kentucky and Fifty-first Ohio Infantry, together with a part of the Fifth Kentucky Cavalry. General Nelson headed the column. A much larger force had preceded us a few days previous. It was rumored that there was a large force of the enemy at McMinnville, and the object of the present expedition was to drive them out. Their number was variously estimated from five thousand to forty thousand. We marched the first day as far as Woodbury, a distance of twenty miles, and camped for the night near one of our old quarters.

Early next morning, as usual, again on the move. Another ”c.o.c.k and bull”

story was going the rounds, but little heed was given it. At 6 P. M. of the second day, August 2d, we entered McMinnville, but instead of finding a large Rebel force, we found only the residents. As near as could be ascertained, there had been some three hundred Rebel Cavalry in the place, who had said ”good-bye” on our approach.

We pitched tents near our former camping ground. The next day, which was Sunday, we were allowed to rest. It was said that the Rebels, some eight thousand or ten thousand strong, were camped nine miles distant, on the Sparta road. Our force numbered about twelve thousand. At dark, that night, received orders to be ready to march at 4 o'clock the following morning. We were further ordered not to take any extra clothing--not even our overcoats, nor cooking utensils, and but one blanket to two men.

From these orders, and what had been reported of the enemy, a fight was certainly expected. On Monday morning, at the break of day, all were ready, and soon regiment after regiment fell in line. At 5 o'clock, moved out on the Sparta road. But for some reason, unknown to us soldiers, our battery, and the Thirty-fifth Indiana Infantry, were ordered to remain in camp.

For the two succeeding days, nothing of consequence transpired. At the end of this time the expedition returned, having been unable to meet with the enemy, and therefore but little of importance was effected by this movement.

On the morning of August 6th, we moved our camp one-half mile out on the Sparta road. We were now a.s.signed to the Twenty-third Brigade--Colonel Stanley Mathews, of the Fifty-first Ohio, acting Brigadier General. The brigade consisted of the Fifty-first Ohio, Eighth and Twenty-first Kentucky, and Thirty-fifth Indiana Infantry, together with our battery. On the 6th instant, being the same day of our removal, seven of our men, with three six-mule teams, were captured by a party of Secesh Cavalry a few miles from McMinnville, and on the Chattanooga road. They were, at the time, out foraging. Thirteen out of fifteen of the Thirty-fifth Indiana, who went out as guards, were also captured, although they made a strong resistance. The day previous, Lieutenant Sturges and Sergeant Lewellen had been out to this place, and had made arrangements to take a lot of corn on the day following, being the one on which the men were taken prisoners. The Rebels were either informed by the owners of the grain, or had got notice of it in some manner, and were lying in wait for our men.

The consequence was, the men were entirely surrounded and taken by surprise. Those belonging to the battery were without arms, or any means of defence. It is said that two or three of the Rebels were killed or wounded, but it lacks confirmation.

The Rebels immediately hurried the men off on double quick, and, after taking them some twenty-five miles, released them on parole, leaving them to find their way back to camp on foot. They returned safe on the morning of the 8th. Shortly after their arrival, they were arrested and put in the guard house, by order of General Nelson, but for what reason was not known at the time. Subsequent events went to show that they had purposely surrendered themselves to the enemy, or had not exercised due caution in preventing surprise.

On investigation they were all honorably discharged, as none of the charges could be substantiated; but, on the contrary, it was proven that they had done all in their power to prevent being taken, and only surrendered when they became aware that any further resistance was useless. They were again ordered on duty, as those who had paroled them had acted without proper authority, and therefore it was null and void.

On Sunday, August 10th, about noon, were ordered to be ready to march at 4 o'clock, but shortly before the appointed time the order was countermanded. The next morning at daylight, got the order to ”forward,”

and were soon in motion. One of the guns was left behind, as there were not sufficient men to handle it. The Eighth and Twenty-first Kentucky, and Fifty-first Ohio, with a small detachment of the Fifth Kentucky Cavalry, and our battery, const.i.tuted the force, all under the command of Brigadier General Jackson. A march of eighteen miles brought us to the town of Smithville, and about 4 o'clock we camped a short distance beyond the place. We here found the Thirty-first Indiana and Twenty-third Kentucky Infantry, and the Second Indiana Cavalry. They all joined us on the march next day, when we made an early start, and after proceeding six miles struck on the Lebanon pike. About noon, pa.s.sed through the small village of Liberty--a strong Union place. Going two miles further, we turned off on the road leading to Murfreesboro, and went into camp on the banks of Clear creek. Remained here until 4 o'clock of the next afternoon, when we once more formed in line for the march. On getting on the old road, we were faced towards McMinnville. The Thirty-first Indiana and Twelfth Kentucky, and Second Indiana Cavalry, remained in camp. Nine o'clock that morning, we arrived at our old camping ground at Smithville, and remained there for the night. Resumed marching early in the morning, and at 6 P. M.

reached McMinnville. The day after our arrival at this place, the battery wagon, tents and baggage, came on from Murfreesboro. Remained here until Sunday afternoon, August 24th, when we again moved forward. The sick were sent to Nashville, and a large quant.i.ty of provisions and other property was buried, as there was not sufficient means of transportation. At 3 o'clock the entire force were in motion. None but the officers in command knew our destination. We crossed the river, and found ourselves on the road to Altamont, Winchester, and other towns. Marched six miles, and, at 9 o'clock, halted for the night. It being late, and over a mile to where we could obtain water, and as all were tired and sleepy, we went to bed supperless--our beds being mother earth. Started early in the morning for Altamont, without breakfast. Proceeding two miles we came to water, and now supposed we would have a chance to cook our rations. But no; as soon as the horses were watered, ”forward” was the word, and we must obey. This command caused much grumbling. Two more weary miles were pa.s.sed, when we again halted for a couple of hours; but no water was to be had here, so we were obliged to content ourselves with some dry, hard bread for breakfast.

We finally got started again, and after going a short distance another halt was made, caused by the road being blockaded by the wagons. We at once turned into the woods on our left, and encamped. Remained here until daylight, and were once more ordered forward. Arrived at McMinnville at 11 A. M., and proceeded to our old camping ground, having been absent two days, and accomplished nothing. This was on August 26th. With the exception of an alarm, caused by some of the cavalry firing their guns just outside the lines, a few days after our return from the above expedition, nothing of note occurred until September 3rd.

On the morning of September 3d--being just one month from our arrival--we took our departure from McMinnville. After the usual delay, we were on the move, and headed for Murfreesboro. For the past month we had been deprived of all communication with home, and had scarcely seen a paper. As a matter of course, we knew but little of what was transpiring in regard to the war. We could not even tell for what purpose we were ordered on, or what our destination. We marched about twelve miles this day, and then camped in a large open field. During the morning we pa.s.sed the place where a skirmish had taken place between some of our troops and a party of Rebels, a few days previous. The Union force had succeeded in routing the enemy, but several of their men were captured. We remained in this camp until the next morning, and again started. At noon pa.s.sed through Woodbury, and at night camped at Readyville, having marched about fifteen miles. The following morning resumed our march, and reached Murfreesboro at noon.

Considerable delay was caused here, and it was 4 P. M. ere we pitched our tents, which was done two miles from town, on the Nashville pike, and near Stone River.

Here, for the first time, we received information that some extraordinary movement was on foot. Troops, in large bodies, were constantly coming in from all quarters, and it seemed as if Buel's entire army were about to concentrate at this point, for the purpose of some grand movement upon the enemy. The report was that we were about to return to Kentucky. About this time we received a late paper, and the tenor of its news led us to believe that such a movement looked reasonable.

The next morning early were on the move towards Nashville. All doubts as to our course were now removed. Owing to the large body of troops in advance, our progress was necessarily slow. But we made sixteen miles during the day, which was September 6th, and at night camped at a small station on the Nashville and Chattanooga railroad, and fourteen miles from the former place.

An early start the next morning brought us, at noon, to within five miles of the city. We here turned off from the main road, and proceeding two miles, camped near a small creek. But scarcely had our picket ropes been extended, and horses unharnessed, when we were again commanded to move.

This time proceeded to within a mile of the city, and then pitched our tents. Were ordered to be in readiness to move at 3 o'clock in the morning.