Part 27 (1/2)

”I don't understand.”

”Over the rail?”

”Oh--no, sir. It faded away.”

”Had you ever heard talk among the men of the Ella being a haunted s.h.i.+p?”

”Yes--but not until after I'd signed on her!”

”Was there some talk of this 'white thing'?”


”Before the murders?”

”No, sir; not till after. I guess I saw it first.”

”What did the men say about it?”

”They thought it scared Mr. Schwartz overboard. The Ella's been unlucky as to crews. They call her a 'devil s.h.i.+p.'”

”Did you see Mr. Singleton on deck between two and three o'clock?”

”No, sir.”

The cross-examination was very short:--

”What sort of night was it?”

”Very dark.”

”Would the first mate, as officer on watch, be supposed to see that the emergency case you speak of was in order?”

”Yes, sir.”

”Did the officer on watch remain on the forecastle-head?”

”Mr. Schwartz did not; Mr. Singleton did, mostly except when he went back to strike the bells.”

”Could Mr. Singleton have been on deck without you seeing him?”

”Yes, if he did not move around or smoke. I could see his pipe lighted.”

”Did you see his pipe that night?”

”No, sir.”

”If you were sick, would you be likely to smoke?”