Part 8 (2/2)
Burns was waiting at the hatchway, peering down. Beside him on the deck lay a bloodstained axe.
Elsa Lee, on hearing the story of Henrietta Sloane, had gone to the maids' cabin, and had found it where it had been flung into the berth of the stewardess.
But, after all, the story of Henrietta Sloane only added to the mystery. She told it to me, sitting propped in a chair in Mrs. Johns's room, her face white, her lips dry and twitching. The crew were making such breakfast as they could on deck, and Mr. Turner was still in a stupor in his room across the main cabin. The four women, drawn together in their distress, were huddled in the center of the room, touching hands now and then, as if finding comfort in contact, and rea.s.surance.
”I went to bed early,” said the stewardess; ”about ten o'clock, I think. Karen had not come down; I wakened when the watch changed. It was hot, and the window from our room to the deck was open. There is a curtain over it, to keep the helmsman from looking in--it is close to the wheel. The bell, striking every half-hour, does not waken me any more, although it did at first. It is just outside the window. But I heard the watch change. I heard eight bells struck, and the lookout man on the forecastle head call, 'All's well.'
”I sat up and turned on the lights. Karen had not come down, and I was alarmed. She had been--had been flirting a little with one of the sailors, and I had warned her that it would not do. She'd be found out and get into trouble.
”The only way to reach our cabin was through the chart-room, and when I opened the door an inch or two, I saw why Karen had not come down. Mr.
Turner and Mr. Singleton were sitting there. They were--” She hesitated.
”Please go on,” said Mrs. Turner. ”They were drinking?”
”Yes, Mrs. Turner. And Mr. Vail was there, too. He was saying that the captain would come down and there would be more trouble. I shut the door and stood just inside, listening. Mr. Singleton said he hoped the captain would come--that he and Mr. Turner only wanted a chance to get at him.”
Miss Lee leaned forward and searched the stewardess's face with strained eyes.
”You are sure that he mentioned Mr. Turner in that?”
”That was exactly what he said, Miss Lee. The captain came down just then, and ordered Mr. Singleton on deck. I think he went, for I did not hear his voice again. I thought, from the sounds, that Mr. Vail and the captain were trying to get Mr. Turner to his room.”
Mrs. Johns had been sitting back, her eyes shut, holding a bottle of salts to her nose. Now she looked up.
”My dear woman,” she said, ”are you trying to tell us that we slept through all that?”
”If you did not hear it, you must have slept,” the stewardess persisted obstinately. ”The door into the main cabin was closed. Karen came down just after. She was frightened. She said the first mate was on deck, in a terrible humor; and that Charlie Jones, who was at the wheel, had appealed to Burns not to leave him there--that trouble was coming.
That must have been at half-past twelve. The bell struck as she put out the light. We both went to sleep then, until Mrs. Turner's ringing for Karen roused us.”
”But I did not ring for Karen.”
The woman stared at Mrs. Turner.
”But the bell rang, Mrs. Turner. Karen got up at once and, turning on the light, looked at the clock. 'What do you think of that?' she said.
'Ten minutes to three, and I'd just got to sleep!' I growled about the light, and she put it out, after she had thrown on a wrapper. The room was dark when she opened the door. There was a little light in the chart-room, from the binnacle lantern. The door at the top of the companionway was always closed at night; the light came through the window near the wheel.”
She had kept up very well to this point, telling her story calmly and keeping her voice down. But when she reached the actual killing of the Danish maid, she went to pieces. She took to s.h.i.+vering violently, and her pulse, under my fingers, was small and rapid. I mixed some aromatic spirits with water and gave it to her, and we waited until she could go on.
For the first time, then, I realized that I was clad only in s.h.i.+rt and trousers, with a handkerchief around my head where the accident in the hold had left me with a nasty cut. My bare feet were thrust into down-at-the-heel slippers. I saw Miss Lee's eyes on me, and colored.
”I had forgotten,” I said uncomfortably. ”I'll have time to find my coat while she is recovering. I have been so occupied--”