Part 34 (1/2)
”Very well, then, we'll begin again. How did you manage to get such a cold, Gwen?”
”I haven't a cold.”
”Indeed! I thought your eyes were running.”
She made no reply. Lawrence drew near and leaned on the table beside her.
”What's the matter, chum?” he said coaxingly.
”Oh! just everything,” she broke out. ”I can't think why Heaven made men such fools.”
”Admirers getting entangled?” he asked.
”Yes,” pettishly. ”I believe Captain O'Connor is going to make Lord Selloyd fight.”
”You needn't worry. Woolly lambs don't fight--they run away.”
”Oh, but can't you see how silly it is!” she cried in exasperation. ”It is bound to get round to the clubs, and then to the women, and mother will be furious. I must make them come to their senses somehow.”
”What's it all about?”
”Oh, I don't know,” expressively. ”A storm in a tea-cup, of course, but you Irishmen are so ridiculously hot-headed. Take a hot-headed Irishman and an Englishman who is a fool, and they're sure to do something silly.
”I don't mind about them,” running on, ”but I do want to keep it from mother and father. You see, they give me a lot of liberty, and they'll think I've been abusing it, and it really wasn't my fault this time,”
and the tears sprang to her eyes again.
”What happened?”
”Well, it was at the Inglis' dance. Lord Selloyd would follow me about, and Captain O'Connor got angry. I think they had both had too much champagne for supper, and in the end they had a row.”
”Probably it has all blown over by now.”
”No, it hasn't. They will both be at the Markhams' to-night, and it will be very unpleasant.”
”I shall be there,” said Lawrence. ”Can't I see you through!”
Gwen was thoughtful a few moments, and suddenly she looked up with an idea.
”Look here, Lawrence,” she said, ”if I could once for all convince both of them it wasn't the least use thinking any more about me, I believe they'd just leave Calcutta, and no one would ever know there had been this bother.”
”And can't you?”
”I can't by merely talking. I must try and prove it--and I have an idea, Lawrence.”
”Say on.”
”If I could tell them I was engaged it would just simplify everything.”
Lawrence nodded, to show he was following, and waited. ”I can only do that with someone to corroborate it, and I've been thinking, Lawrence, if you wouldn't mind helping me, you're just the man.”
”I am ready for anything. What do you want?”