Part 16 (1/2)
”He's put the supper-dance very black, so he means that,” said Doreen.
”Why isn't he having it with you as usual?”
”I guess he thought he'd like a change,” Paddy replied loyally, ”and quite time,” and Doreen was satisfied.
The next moment a voice in Paddy's ear, with a ring in it that she could not well mistake, said quietly:
”I've been looking everywhere for you, Miss Adair.”
”Then you must be very blind,” she answered brightly, ”for in my own estimation I've been very much _en evidence_ all the time so far. But perhaps you did not recognise me?”
”Perhaps,” with a little smile, and Ted Masterman surveyed her in that quiet, masterly way of his, that always made Paddy feel rebellious, with the most unmistakable admiration written on his face.
”You look like the Great Mogul,” she exclaimed, ”criticising me in that calmly superior way. It's all my own hair; don't be alarmed.”
”It's the most beautiful hair I have ever seen,” he said, in a quiet way that could not possibly offend her. ”I always thought it was a pity you did not treat it better.”
”Then you had no business to think about it at all, or to criticise me.”
”A cat may look at a queen. How many dances are you going to give me, now I have risked losing my berth to be here!”
”Perhaps two,” hiding a twinkle in her eyes.
”More,” he answered.
”No,” resolutely.
”I say _more_.”
”I don't care what you say.”
”I am going to have my dances all the same,” and he gained possession of her programme.
”I've a great mind to cancel the supper-dance, and not have any with you,” trying to look annoyed.
”Now you look angry,” he said; ”but don't be cross to-night. After to-morrow I shall not trouble you again for a long time, so you can well afford to be magnanimous.”
Paddy evidently agreed, for she took back her programme and only feigned a slight frown when she saw his name on four different lines.
Without meaning to be unkind, the thought, ”perhaps it will vex Jack,”
entered into her mind and stayed there.
And so the game at cross-purposes went on.
When the music for the first dance commenced, General Adair led out Mrs Blake, and almost simultaneously Kathleen and Doreen with their partners, and Lawrence with Eileen followed suit. Paddy, however, waited breathless, to watch her father.
”I'm all on thorns,” she explained to her partner. ”I simply can't dance for a minute or two. Daddy's clothes are too tight for him to laugh in with any safety, so goodness knows what will happen if he dances long!--I must warn him.”