Part 4 (1/2)
”Well, I think I did hear Jack say something about it; but I had quite forgotten. When did he come?”
”Only yesterday, but he was in Newry this morning, and bought a picture post-card at the same time that I did.”
”Ump!” expressively. ”I loathe picture post-cards. He must be a nincomp.o.o.p, if he actually buys them.”
”Not at all,” a.s.serted Kitty. ”He's probably going to send them home.
He's not exactly handsome, but he has got the loveliest smile, and such a nice voice.”
”Rubbis.h.!.+” exclaimed Paddy, whose ill-humour was still not very far-off.
”A man with a lovely smile and a sweet voice is always a silly a.s.s. I expect he curls his hair, and wears patent-leather boots, and lavender kid gloves.”
”You're very cross,” from Kitty in an aggrieved tone; ”I thought you'd be pleased to hear there was likely to be some one fresh at the tennis parties, to talk to.”
”So I should be if they were jolly, but I'm sure this man isn't. He sounds just awful. I loathe him already.”
Kitty was silent for a moment, then she asked suddenly, ”Where's Jack?”
”I don't know,” with a fine air of indifference. ”He was so long getting ready, that I just came across without him. I must go back now, as I'm alone, and if the wind gets up, I mightn't be able to manage the boat. Say good-by to Mrs Henderson for me--she's just in the middle of a set,” and without waiting for more, she slipped away un.o.bserved, and hurried down to the water's edge.
Loosening her boat quickly, she sprang in and pushed off, the light of an adventure glowing in her eyes.
”Now to 'breast the waves,' as Eileen puts it in her poetry,” she said gleefully, and headed for the open sea.
For about half an hour everything went well, in spite of the continued freshening of the breeze. Paddy trimmed her sail in a masterly fas.h.i.+on, and felt so elated that she quite forgot her grievance of the afternoon, and sang little ”c.o.o.n” songs to herself from joyousness.
Two or three times she met some old skipper who knew her well by sight, and shouted a word of warning, about the breeze being very stiff out beyond the bay--but she only called back a friendly good-day, and held on her way.
As she neared Greenore she met another boat, not much bigger than her own, which a young man was sailing, like herself, single-handed, and as they pa.s.sed he watched her with no small wonder. He had himself started off at mid-day in spite of various warnings concerning the choppiness of the wind, but being a first-rate yachtsman he had no fear, and had even gone out into the open sea beyond Greenore. When, however, he met this other small skiff, handled only by a mere girl, he could hardly believe his own eyes, and could not help staring hard to make sure he was right.
”Upon my word!” he e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed mentally--”these Irish girls have some pluck,”--but he instinctively loosened his sail, and let it flap idly, while he turned with a half-anxious expression to watch her movements.
Paddy, already intoxicated with excitement, and what she had already achieved, was becoming more and more rash; and when a sudden strong gust caught her sail and nearly capsized her, the occupant of the other boat gave a muttered exclamation, and prepared at once to turn round, with a vague idea of hanging about in her vicinity.
He had scarcely got his bow toward her, when a second gust, a still stronger one, caught her before she had quite recovered from the last, and in less time than one can write, her boat was upside down, and she herself struggling in the water.
”Hold on to the boat,” shouted a voice near at hand; ”I'll be with you in a few seconds.”
Paddy's first idea had been to swim for the sh.o.r.e, but at the sound of the voice, she was glad enough to turn and cling to her capsized boat, though with no small wonderment that anyone should be so near.
Then she recognised the little yacht bearing down on her, and saw that the occupant must have turned some minutes before, and probably been watching her. A moment later he was helping her up the side, and she stood before him, like a half-drowned rat--with the water pouring off her in all directions.
For one moment they looked at each other silently, not quite sure how to proceed, and then the humour of the situation became too much for Paddy, and she burst out laughing, he immediately following suit, quite unable to help himself.
”What in the name of wonder do I look like?” she said, glancing down at her dripping skirt, and the streams of water all round.
”A little damp!” he suggested, and they laughed again. ”But you must be awfully plucky and awfully rash,” he added, not without admiration.
”Oh, yes! I'm all that,” a.s.serted Paddy; ”but I've got a charmed life, so it doesn't matter. I must look perfectly awful, though,” and she laughed again.