Part 27 (1/2)
”Yes, so,” added Boxer ”I can tell it by the way the birds are flying about They seem to be troubled”
”I see a cloud away off to the southward,” put in Larry ”It's not large, but it's hty black”
No more was said just then upon the subject; and they continued their journey down the mountain-side until they came to a fair-sized stream, where they quenched their thirst and took a wash They were about to go on again when Boxer held up his hand as a warning
”Great gophers, boys, we are running right into a nest of the rebels!” he whispered ”Back with you, before it is too late”
They looked ahead and saw that the scout was right They started to go back; and as they turned, a Mauser rang out and a bullet clipped the bushes beside them
”Discovered!” ca is up Those Filipi--”
Crack! It was Boxer's rifle that rang out, and as the scout was a sharpshooter, it ht down histhe side of the round proainst such a crowd,” said the scout ”But in a good spot we can hold out awhile, provided one of you can use ht,” answered Leroy, and took the weapon
Soon the rise was gained, and they plunged in behind a tangle of pines The Filipinos were following theood care not to expose themselves needlessly to the fire of such a crack marksman as Boxer had proved hirowth, the three Americans watched the skilful advance of the ene to surround us!” whispered Boxer Then like a flash his rifle went up The report was followed by a yell of pain, and a Filipino fell into view from behind a tree less than fifty yards distant The poor felloas hit in the side, butdis at a tall Tagal as crossing a clearing to their left If he hit his reat hurry Then cah the bushes below and to the left, proving that the Filipinos werein those directions
”Perhaps we had better try to craay froht his ear At the sarew black
”Look! look!” yelled Leroy ”What is this--the end of the world?”
All looked up The hu of trees and brush led with the wild cries of the Filipinos as they rushed away toward a near-by , even if our friends did not
And then the tornado was al Providence, it did not strike them fairly, but rushed to one side, where the Filipinos had been gathering The light of day see debris and screa birds and wild animals made homeless on the instant The very earth seemed to quake with the violence of the trees uprooted, and branches and dirt flew all over the Americans, until they were buried as coht it was indeed the end of the world, and breathed a silent prayer that God ht watch over hi wind ceased, and the crashi+ng was lost in the distance But the birds kept up their wild cries, and for several seconds neither Larry nor those with hi if that was the end of the tornado, or if worse was to follow But it was the end, and gradually they cae about them It was Leroy who raised his hand solemnly to heaven
”I thank God that we have been spared,” he said, and Larry and the scout uttered an amen
Whether or not to leave the vicinity was a question At last, seeing no h to move down the e more difficult than ever, and several tihtfall found thele to pass before the open would be gained
”We ht of it here,” said Boxer, and footsore and weary Larry and Leroy agreed with hi before all dropped asleep, too tired to stand guard, and hardly dee that one was necessary
The tornado had killed numerous birds and small animals, and it was easy to pick up a plentiful breakfast
”I don't know abouta fire,” said Leroy ”Those rebels ry to go without eating, and in the end they built a fire of the driest wood they could find, and while Boxer cooked the birds, Larry and the old sailor scattered the so up in a cloud, and also kept their eyes open for the possible appearance of the rebels But the tornado had scared the insurgents as much as it had anybody, and not one showed hiht o'clock they were once un ready for use, Larry in the centre, and Leroy bringing up the rear with the pistol
They were just entering the jungle at the foot of thereached their ears and all halted There was a silence, and then the ain
”What is that?” questioned Larry ”It can't be a hu”