Part 6 (1/2)

The Cale Edward Stratemeyer 23660K 2022-07-20

”What shall I do?” the boy asked his To one side of the road were several nipa huts, to the other a long, ras stood open, and no one seeht

As quickly as he could the youth took up his friend and staggered with his heavy burden to the warehouse, which was about half filled with rice Entering the structure, he passed to a small apartment so in a heap, and upon this rude couch Larry placed the unconscious forht on shi+pboard just what to do in case of such an eency, and noorked as he never had before, for Luke was very dear to hiht die was horrible to conteht be spared to hily one; yet even to Larry's inexperienced eye it did not look as if it could be fatal, and the boy breathed a long sigh of relief as he bound it up Then he went in search of water, and finding a well back of the warehouse brought a bucketful in and began to bathe Luke Soon the sufferer stirred and opened his honest eyes wonderingly

”Why--er--how's this?” he staain

”Keep quiet,” whispered the boy He had heard voices co toward the warehouse ”If you make a sound, it may be all up with both of us”

The old tar breathed heavily and nodded Throwing so over the prostrate form, Larry slipped back into the un, but it was empty and could be used only as a club

Twothe warehouse, both tall, sli loudly and excitedly to one another; but as Larry understood but feords of Spanish, what they were saying was lost upon the boy

”I don't believe they are after us,” thought the lad, when the strangers ca volley of rifle shots came from a distance, followed by another and then another The shooting came from the centre of the town andin,” he thought ”Oh, I hope they make the town ours!”

The shots appeared to disturb the two Spaniards greatly, for both clutched each other by the arhtened

Presently an old wo out of one of the huts She yelled at the two Spaniards in her own tongue and pointed at the warehouse

Evidently she had seen Larry and Luke, but had been afraid to expose herself

The strangers listened to the old woan to talk to each other ”Perhaps we can get some inforet a bullet,” answered his cori, and both passed through the great doorway of the warehouse

Hardly knowing how to receive the newcomers, Larry stepped for a moment behind a bin of rice But then, as the pair ly

”Halt!” he called, as sternly as he could ”Halt, or I shall fire!”

”We are betrayed!” roared one of the Spaniards, in his native tongue

”No shoot! no shoot!” he added, in broken English ”We mean you no harm”

”Up with your hands, then,” went on Larry, resolved to un was empty; and four hands went promptly into the air, for the two men before him were as cowardly as they were unprincipled

There was an aard silence for several seconds, while boy and htly, but still kept his finger on the trigger He noted that the newcoh they had both knives and pistols hidden upon their persons

”You are an _Americano_ sailor, not so?” asked one of the Spaniards

”I auinaldo's rebels?”

”No, no! We are no rebels--we are peaceful Spanish gentle here?”

”I belong here,” said the s at Manila”

The brother lance at the speaker ”Yes, I co a merchant of Madrid”