Part 34 (1/2)
”But you see a mistake has been made?”
”Etiquette, Monsieur.”
”You see that the honour of the family is concerned in rectifying that mistake.”
”Etiquette, Monsieur.”
”But is there no way? If I offer fifty livres for your advice upon a way, for instance?”
”Ah, Monsieur, that is different; the heart of the professional man should open, and his knowledge be accessible to his client. There is a way.”
”What is it?”
”Obtain an order of the Judge upon me to add the required paragraphs to my deed.”
”Here are your fifty livres.”
”I thank you, sir,” and, so saying, d'Aguilhe put his quill behind his ear and showed them politely to the door.
Germain and his father--the father arrayed by Madame in his best black coat--set, therefore, off for Montreal. They crossed the ferry near Repentigny church, and drove through open country along the riverside till, as evening drew on, they came in sight of the walls, the citadel hill, the enchanting suburban estates and green Mount Royal in the background, which denoted the city.
They drew up in the court of a bustling inn, stabled their horse, went to bed, and the next morning sought the house of a celebrated advocate, the great Rottot. The great Rottot was chiefly known for his imposing proportions, and no sight was thought so beautiful by the _habitants_ as that of his black silk leg, as, with his robe fluttering out in the breezes, he seemed to be flying from his office across the street to the court-house, followed by a bevy of clients.
He listened, standing, to the respectful request of Lecour, helped out in his explanations by Germain, who desired to have the pleader obtain for them the requisite order of the Judge.
”Ah,” said he, ”I see, gentlemen, you do not appreciate the importance of your case. Such a matter ought to be made the subject of the profoundest studies, and we should at length approach the Legislature itself with a pet.i.tion and demand the pa.s.sage of a private bill. The affair tempts my powers.”
”But we have no special wish for publicity.”
”Gentlemen, you know not what would be your good fortune. It would make you the talk of the Province. _In re Lecour_ would be a great precedent.”
”Such is not our desire.”
”What! not to establish a precedent?”
”No, Mr. Advocate,” Germain said firmly; ”a simple pet.i.tion to obtain this order is what we want. We must have it, and quickly, and nothing more.”
”Ah, then, this is what you want,” said he. ”I will draw it for you,”
and, sitting down, he wrote out a doc.u.ment as follows:--
”To the Honourable Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of the District of Montreal:
”The pet.i.tion of Francois Xavier LeCour de Lincy, Esquire, residing at St. Elphege, respectfully shews:--That when he contracted marriage with Mademoiselle Lanier, he knew not that he was of n.o.ble origin, having left Europe at a very early age with scarcely any knowledge of his family; that since then he has learned of his extraction and obtained his t.i.tles of _n.o.blesse_ which he now presents to your Honours in evidence.
”Wherefore may it please your Honours to grant an order upon Maitre d'Aguilhe, Notary, of St. Elphege, to add to the minute of his contract of marriage the name and t.i.tle of 'de Lincy, Esquire'; and you will do justice.”
”Sign, sir, please.”
Francois Xavier attached his signature.
”It will do,” Rottot sighed; ”but I should have preferred the precedent.”