Part 14 (1/2)

At this ”good-by” meeting, as they called it, Miss Walsh had a few words to say both to the stay-at-homes and to those who were going away. To the first she said,

”Dear girls, we leave the band in your hands knowing you will do all you can for its best interests. Mrs. Cresswell has kindly invited you to hold your meetings at her house. I have appointed four of the older girls to lead these meetings--Mary Cresswell and Hannah Morton in July, Ella Thomas and Mamie August. I have given each of these leaders some missionary reading in case you run short, but I dare say you will find plenty of things yourselves. I also intend to write you a little letter for each meeting, and should be glad to have any or all of you write to me.”

To the others she said,

”Now when you are away having a good time, don't forget missions. Keep up your interest and come home ready to work more earnestly and faithfully than ever. There are many ways of keeping the subject fresh in your minds and of helping along with the work even in vacation times.

But you know this as well as I do, and I should like the suggestions as to how to do it to come from you.”

After a pause Edith said, ”We all know the subjects for the next four meetings, and we might study and read just as we should do at home.”

”That is a good suggestion,” said Miss Walsh, ”and one I hope you will all adopt; for if you don't, I'm afraid the go-aways will be far behind the stay-at-homes.”

”We might remember what we hear about missions and tell it when we come back,” said one of the others.

”That would be very instructive and pleasant,” said their leader; ”and you may have plenty of opportunity to hear, as in these days very interesting missionary meetings are often held at summer resorts.

Besides you may meet individuals who can give you much information.”

”We might do as you are going to do and write letters to the band at home,” said another.

”I know the band at home would like that very much, but you must remember that they must be letters suited to a missionary meeting.”

”We might join with others in holding meetings,” suggested Rosa Stevenson. ”In the cottage where I was last summer there were four other girls and two boys who belonged to mission-bands, and we had a meeting every Sunday.”

”Good!” cried Miss Walsh.

”If we meet any children who don't know about missions, we might tell them about our band and what we do,” said Daisy Roberts timidly.

”The very thing, Daisy!” exclaimed Miss Walsh, patting the tiny girl on the shoulder. ”And you think that might start them up to become mission workers, do you?”

”Yes, ma'am,” replied Daisy.

”I think,” said Marty, after various other suggestions had been made, and she wondered that no one had thought of this, ”I think we all should take our missionary boxes and banks and barrels and jugs along with us, and put money in regularly as we do at home.”

”That is _very_ important,” said Miss Walsh, ”because if we neglect to lay by our contributions at the right time, trusting to make up the amount when we return home, we may find ourselves in a tight place and our treasury will suffer. And now, dear missionary workers, wherever you may be, at home or abroad, don't forget to pray every day for the success of this work. Remember what we are working for is the advancement of the kingdom of our blessed Lord and Saviour.”

And then before the closing prayer they all stood up and sang,

”The whole wide world for Jesus.”

This meeting filled Marty with the greatest enthusiasm and she felt as though she could do anything for missions. _She_ would not forget the subject for a single day, she was sure.

”Oh Miss Agnes,” she said, ”I sha'n't forget missions. I'll study the subjects every week and learn lots of missionary verses. I'll save all the money I can; and I'll tell _somebody_, if it's only Evaline, all I know about missionary work. I'll tell her the first thing when I get there. To be sure she can't have a band all by herself, but it may do good somehow.”



”Here's your train!” said Mr. Ashford, hurrying into the waiting-room where he had left his wife and children while he purchased their tickets. ”I'll carry Freddie. Come, Marty.”