Part 10 (1/2)

PRINCESS. By the spirit of my mother, I implore my father. Oh! if thou deliver me to the Susquehannock, think not thine eyes shall ever again behold me; the first kind stream that crosses our path shall be the end of my journey; my soul shall seek the soul of the mother that loved me, far beyond the mountains.

POWHATAN. Daughter, mention not thy mother!

PRINCESS. Her shade will pity her unhappy child, and I shall be at rest in her bosom. [_Weeping._

POWHATAN. Rest in my bosom, my child! [_She starts with joyful emotion._]

Thou shalt not go from thy father.

PRINCESS. Father; dear father! [_Seizing his hand._

_Music. An INDIAN enters, bearing a red hatchet._


POWHATAN. Thou art of the train of the Susquehannock: speak.

INDIAN. My prince demands his bride.

[_The PRINCESS clings fearfully to the KING._

POWHATAN. Tell thy prince, my daughter will not leave her father.

INDIAN. Will Powhatan forget his promise to Miami?

POWHATAN. Powhatan will not forget his promise to her mother; and he vowed, while the angel of death hovered over her, that the eye of tender care should never be averted from her darling daughter.

INDIAN. Shall not then my prince receive his bride?

POWHATAN. The daughter of Powhatan--never.

INDIAN. Take then his defiance.

[_Music. He presents the red hatchet._

POWHATAN. The red hatchet! 'Tis well. Grimosco, summon our warriors.

GRIMOSCO. O king! might I--

POWHATAN. Speak not. Tell our chiefs to a.s.semble; and show them the war-signal [_Exit GRIMOSCO._]. Go, tell your master, the great Powhatan will soon meet him, terrible as the minister of vengeance. [_Exit INDIAN._] The chiefs approach. My child, retire from this war scene.

PRINCESS. O dear parent! thine age should have been pa.s.sed in the shade of peace; and do I bring my father to the b.l.o.o.d.y war-path?

POWHATAN. Not so; the young prince has often dared my power, and merited my vengeance; he shall now feel both.

PRINCESS. Alas! his nation is numerous and warlike.

POWHATAN. Fear not, my child; we will call the valiant Nantaquas from his brothers; the brave English too will join us.

PRINCESS. Ah! then is thy safety and success certain.

[_Exit into palace, followed by NIMA, &c._