242 Battle Of Pride (2/2)
It was beginning to rain.
”Am I strong?” She asked quietly.
The question surprised Manchu. He turned to her with widened eyes.
”Do you think I'm strong, Sir Manchu?” Rin asked again. This time, she was staring directly into his blue eyes.
”Well, of course. Out of all the women I've seen, you—”
”No.” Rin's voice pressed thin. ”Not as a woman, but as a person. Am I strong?”
Manchu hesitated another moment, his blue eyes searching her. Then, slowly, he nodded.
”Yes, you are. Very strong.”
Despite the praise in his words, her expression hadn't improved. Rather, it grew more stern.
”Then why…” She said, hesitating a little before each word. ”Why doesn't Sun trust my abilities? Why can't I be of use to him?”
Her eyes dug into his, sifting them for answers. Manchu could hear the calm in her voice, but that didn't hide the unconcealed doubt and vulnerability in her eyes. Her pale face looked very small and so troubled that he couldn't help but feel pity.
As of now, he could only sigh at a certain man's density.
”Don't misunderstand, little strategist. Sun finds you to be a very strong companion of his. You should know yourself that long before we knew who you were, we both regarded you very seriously. Still do.”
Rin couldn't help but nod her head. ”Yes. I acknowledge that. But how come now he…”
”It's complicated.” Manchu sighed. ”Let's just say when feelings change, so does what we prioritize. Sun values your strength…but he values your safety even more.”
Rin opened her mouth. No words came out. A flush crept up her neck. She turned away. The last light of the sun had begun to fade, a chill breeze passing through. However, her heart was brindled with warmth.
The words Manchu spoke, she understood very clearly. Rin knew the strength and capabilities of everyone around her. In any fight, they'd win. She was confident in that.
Yet more than anything, she wanted to suppress their power and hide them, far away from any threat.
Bai Han. General Guo. The troops. Her comrades. And An Sun…all of them she wanted nothing more than to stay alive. Regardless of how powerful they were, their lives were more important.
”Thank you, Sir Manchu,” Rin said, at last, breaking the awkward silence.
Manchu blinked his blue eyes. He shrugged his shoulders casually, ”There's no need for thanks. I just did what any wingman would have done.”
Staring at him in disbelief, Rin sighed heavily. Looking back out at the horizon, her eyes locked on the distant, black shadows up ahead. Noticing her intense gaze, Manchu shifted his eyes as well. The figures closed in until finally, they were clear to discern.
”Well look at that. See? You had nothing to worry about—” By the time Manchu turned his gaze, Rin had already left his side and was out the door.