93 Jealous (2/2)

RIN paramyis 44480K 2022-07-20

After Rin issued to kill them, both sides attacked head-on, with the 'boy' idly watching from the side. Assuming he was going to watch, the Su general suddenly charged toward the 'boy' in an attempt to kill him.

However, no one, not even the Tuhan men, expected for the following events to take place. With a steady, almost dull expression, the 'boy' pulled out a dagger from his pocket and with nearly invisible movements, shot it toward the general's knees.

Stunned, the Tuhan men watched as the 'boy' slowly walked toward the now kneeling and howling general with a frosty air surrounding him. An ominous light flashed through his eyes as he coldly glared down at the general.

As the men were explaining to him the details, they couldn't help but shiver upon repeating Rin's words.

”This one's mine.”

Just three words, yet they held so much killing-intent and bitterness.

An Sun listened to their explanation with an emotionless expression on his face, but his eyes were laced with interest.

Recalling such a moment, An Sun directed his intent gaze on the feminine 'boy'. A faint laugh escaped his lips.

”Then let's begin.”

Two days passed. During those days, Rin and the Tuhan men gathered their tributes for the Jilin province.

On the second day, they gathered their camp, replicating their previous process and started off farther north.

Half a day later, they arrived near the Jilin province borders. Rin looked at the now darkening sky with a gentle gaze, her pale lips breathing out a puff of air.

”Let's set up camp nearby.” An Sun strode his horse forward.

Rin followed behind before mounting off her horse and helping the men.

Hours passed before their camp was officially set up, only a few miles away from the Jilin province borders.

Standing outside of her tent, Rin looked at the dark sky and snow-covered field. While it was still snowing heavily, the temperatures felt less chilly and slightly warmer.

Rin stared at the Tuhan men walking around without a care for the frosty weather and snowy grounds. Due to their longtime stay within the northern regions, they became more resistant to the cold.

After a while of standing, Rin walked toward the carts filled with their offerings and carefully inspected them to ensure everything was secure and ready.

She asked the men to cover the fur with a cloth to prevent them from getting damp and to store the grains properly.

Although she knew fruits and vegetables would be a better deal for their plan, finding such foods was rare even in small farming villages – which she searched for during their journey.

As Rin was counting their tributes, An Sun's figure walked toward her, his tall, built body dressed in full armor. Noting his approaching figure, Rin shifts her gaze away from the carts.

”Everything for the trade is set. All we need is to issue out a letter to their governor of our arrival.”

An Sun lightly grunted in response and looked up at the carts.

”The letter has already been sent out. It should be answered in the morning. If not, then we could always just force our way in.”

Rin stared at An Sun with a dull gaze, her eyes clouded with disbelief.

This man…he really liked performing things without a thought.

Rin felt somewhat bitter toward him.

Her whole life had always been arranged. She was a strategist, planning was her way of life.

When she was young, she was naïve to those around her. When her mother died, she never carried things out on a whim. If she did, she'd die.

Everything - her whole life was planned to ensure her survival.

And yet the young man before her was indifferent towards those things. Yes, he was aware of the risks his actions had, but he never seemed to care.

She felt somewhat jealous.

Rin's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of incoming horse hooves.

Lifting her gaze, Rin's eyes are greeted with an unfamiliar group of soldiers walking into their camp. An Sun's eyes stared at the men with indifference.

”Are you aware you're trespassing on Jilin province land?” A man mounted on his horse spoke, who Rin could assume was the Province General.

An Sun cast his eyes to the side as if observing his surroundings before looking back up at the man.


An Sun's blunt response left Rin sighing helplessly behind him and the Province General's brows to twitch, however, very quickly his gaze darkened.

”Please surrender your weapons. You're under arrest for the time being until your reason for loitering here is confirmed.”

”There's no need.”

Furrowing his brows tightly, the province general stares at An Sun wearily. The young man stared up at the men with an impassive expression as he spoke the following words.

”We want to speak to your governor.”

Rin stared at the young man's broad armored back in silence.

This man really feared nothing.