36 Rightfully Mine (2/2)

RIN paramyis 20350K 2022-07-20

After exiting the inn, the young boy steers his horse around the bustling city. However, added to his extensive travels was a pouch of gold coins rested in his slender hand and an evident red kiss mark on his rosy cheek.

In the end, the hostess felt too guilty for taking something so valuable for free and chose to pay him in gold coins along with kissing him farewell.

If he knew his looks would lead to so much attention, he would have tried better at covering himself up…

However, the number of gold coins he received was just the right amount he'd need to last him a couple of days for when he returned to the Northern Empire.

Tilting his bamboo hat down further to cover up his face until only his sharp-pointed nose and rosy lips could be seen. Afterward, he continued thoughtfully to examine the stalls and stores run by many merchants and qualified doctors.

The Eastern Empire's Capital city, Shongo was as lively as ever. Its local streets were bustling with people from all around, men, women, and children, were gaily walking about enjoying their humble lives.

A few imperial guards passed by causing the young boy to lower his head while steering his gallant horse straight ahead.

Once reaching the massive gates to the Eastern Empire's dignified exit, the young boy halts his horse in place - watching as loaded carts filled with crates pass by and imperial guards keeping watch nearby.

He then turns his head in the direction of the energetic crowd of people - no one noticing the dark light flashing within his emerald eyes.

Finally, after what felt like forever the young boy turns away from the city, away from the Eastern Empires people, away from the palace.

Mounting his grand horse, he gently releases a faint grunt causing his horse forward as they speed away towards Shongo's fortified gates - exiting the Eastern Empire.


After striding his horse to the top of a cliff the young boy stares down at the city with unreadable eyes.

This was the place he experienced many hardships, tragedies, heartbreaks. Such a place that felt so comforting yet so dark and evil.

Despite these memories, the people around him were unaware of the darkness that lay within their rulers serene and powerful smiles.

One day...they'll see it.

All of a sudden, feeling a lightweight lean on his shoulder the young boy shifts his gaze towards the brown falcon. With a faint smile, he tenderly caresses its feathered head.

”Guess we should head home now,” He sighed.

With a light grunt, the young boy leads his horse away from the cliff towards the mountains.

Farewell Shongo, one day I'll return and claim what is rightfully mine...