Part 30 (1/2)

Molly Smith came through the front doors into Alphonses Bakery, and he smiled to see her. ”Happy New Year, Molly.”

”Happy New Year to you. Id like to put in an order.”

He lifted his eyebrows.

”For tomorrow,” she said. ”Im on days, working until three, but Id like to get a fresh baguette, maybe two, and some of that great cheese. Could you save some for me?”

”Having a friend over?”

She grinned. ”Yeah, I am.”

”I have one chocolate croissant left just for you.” He rummaged behind the counter for the pastry.

As shed closed out her s.h.i.+ft, Winters had called her into his office to update her on the results of the forensic search behind the Glacier Chalet B&B. Ray Gavin and his team had found Wendys leather glove in the woods. They had also found a rock with traces of blood on it right about where Molly had told them to look. Beside the rock there were some partially burned logs.

”A group of women,” Winters said, ”had a bonfire in the clearing not far from there to celebrate the solstice. Without getting a permit, I might add.”

”I a.s.sume my mom was one of them. Shes not a big one for bureaucratic regulations.”

”No kidding. Not mentioning any names, but one of the women told me that when theyd extinguished the fire, they kicked the logs around and covered them with snow before leaving. The wind probably uncovered some of the wood, and Ewan Williams fell onto them. Thus the traces of singed wood and ash Doctor Lee found in his head wound.”

It was all rather moot now, but had to be done.

Clutching the bag of baking, Smith went out the back of the bakery and ran upstairs to her apartment with a light step. After taking off her uniform, she lay down on the bed, just for a moment, to think about what she could make for dinner tomorrow. The cheese and French bread would be a good start. Adam looked like he was a big eater; hed probably like a steak and baked potato with all the And a big green salad tossed with Luckys secret dressing.

Adam. Shed enjoyed his company the other night at the Bishop and Nun. Just a quick burger in the back of the bar before he had to get back to work, but shed had fun. More fun than shed had in a very long time.

No more sadness. It was time to say goodbye to Graham, knowing hed always have a special place in her heart, and move on. She fell asleep with a smile on her face.

When she woke up, it was dark. The clock at her bedside said it was only eight oclock.

Shed fallen asleep thinking about what to have for dinner, and was ravenous. As usual there wasnt much available, so shed head for Trafalgar Thai and get a take-out.