Part 9 (1/2)
Poor little sister 'Bell will weep, and kiss me as I lie; But kiss her twice and thrice for me, and tell her not to cry; Tell her to weave a bright, gay garland, and crown me as of yore, Then plant a lily upon my grave, and think of me no more.
And tell that maiden whose love I sought, that I was faithful yet; But I must lie in a felon's grave, and she had best forget.
My memory is stained forever; for so the Judge has said, And they'll hang me to the gallows, mother--hang me till I'm dead!
Lay me not down by my father's side; for once, I mind, he said No child that stained his spotless name should share his mortal bed.
Old friends would look beyond his grave, to my dishonored one, And hide the virtues of the sire behind the recreant son.
And I can fancy, if there my corse its fettered limbs should lay, His frowning skull and crumbling bones would shrink from me away; But I swear to G.o.d I'm innocent, and never blood have shed!
And they'll hang me to the gallows, mother--hang me till I'm dead!
Lay me in my coffin, mother, as you've sometimes seen me rest: One of my arms beneath my head, the other on my breast.
Place my Bible upon my heart--nay, mother, do not weep-- And kiss me as in happier days you kissed me when asleep.
And for the rest--for form or rite--but little do I reck; But cover up that cursed stain--_the black mark on my neck!_ And pray to G.o.d for his great mercy on my devoted head; For they'll hang me to the gallows, mother--hang me till I'm dead!
But hark! I hear a mighty murmur among the jostling crowd!
A cry!--a shout!--a roar of voices!--it echoes long and loud!
There dashes a horseman with foaming steed and tightly-gathered rein!
He sits erect!--he waves his hand!--good Heaven! 'tis Allen Bayne!
The lost is found, the dead alive, my safety is achieved!
For he waves his hand again, and shouts, ”The prisoner is reprieved!”
Now, mother, praise the G.o.d you love, and raise your drooping head; For the murderous gallows, black and grim, is cheated of its dead!
Through blinding storm and clouds of night, We swiftly pushed our restless flight; With thundering hoof and warning neigh, We urged our steed upon his way Up the line.
Afar the lofty head-light gleamed; Afar the whistle shrieked and screamed; And glistening bright, and rising high, Our flakes of fire bestrewed the sky, Up the line.
Adown the long, complaining track, Our wheels a message hurried back; And quivering through the rails ahead, Went news of our resistless tread, Up the line.
The trees gave back our din and shout, And flung their shadow arms about; And s.h.i.+vering in their coats of gray, They heard us roaring far away, Up the line.
The wailing storm came on apace, And dashed its tears into our fade; But steadily still we pierced it through, And cut the sweeping wind in two, Up the line.
A rattling rush across the ridge, A thunder-peal beneath the bridge; And valley and hill and sober plain Re-echoed our triumphant strain, Up the line.
And when the Eastern streaks of gray Bespoke the dawn of coming day, We halted our steed, his journey o'er, And urged his giant form no more, Up the line.
The great procession came up the street, With clatter of hoofs and tramp of feet; There was General Jones to guide the van, And Corporal Jinks, his right-hand man; And each was riding his high horse, And each had epaulettes, of course; And each had a sash of the bloodiest red, And each had a shako on his head; And each had a sword by his left side, And each had his mustache newly dyed; And that was the way We kept the day, The great, the grand, the glorious day, That gave us-- _Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!_ (With a battle or two, the histories say,) Our National Independence!