Part 12 (1/2)

Then he pulled the lever that sent a supply of gas into the big bag, and the s.h.i.+p began to rise.

”I guess we've given those spies the slip,” remarked Ned, as they rose from the ground calling good-byes to the friends they left behind.

”I hope so,” agreed Tom, but could he have seen two men, of sinister looks, peering at the slowly-moving airs.h.i.+p from the shelter of a glove of trees, not far off, he might have changed his opinion, and so would Ned.

Then, as the airs.h.i.+p gathered momentum, it fairly sprang into the air, and a moment later, the big propellers began revolving. They were off on their long voyage to find the lost platinum mine, and rescue the exile of Siberia.



Tom had the choice of two routes in making his voyage to far-off Siberia. He could have crossed the United States, sailed over the Pacific ocean, and approached the land of the Czar from the western coast above Manchuria. But he preferred to take the Atlantic route, crossing Europe, and so sailing over Russia proper to get to his destination. There were several reasons for this.

The water voyage was somewhat shorter, and this was an important consideration when there was no telling when he might have an accident that would compel him to descend. On the Atlantic he knew there would be more s.h.i.+ps to render a.s.sistance if it was needed, although he hoped he would not have to ask for it.

”Then, too,” he said to Ned, when they were discussing the matter, ”we will have a chance to see some civilized countries if we cross Europe, and we may land near Paris.”

”Paris!” cried Ned. ”What for?”

”To renew our supply of gasolene, for one thing,” replied the young inventor. ”Not that we will be out when we arrive, but if we take on more there we may not have to get any in Russia. Besides, they have a very good quality in France, so all told, I think the route over Europe to be the best.”

Ned agreed with him, and so did Mr. Petrofsky. As for Mr. Damon, he was so busy getting his sleeping room in order, and blessing everything he could think of, that he did not have time to talk much. So the eastern route was decided on, and as the big airs.h.i.+p, carrying our friends, their supplies, and the wonderful air glider rose higher and higher, Tom gradually brought her around so that the pointed nose of the gas bag aimed straight across the Atlantic.

They were over the ocean on the second day out, for Tom did not push the craft to her limit of speed, now they had time to consider matters at their leisure, for they had been rather hurried on leaving.

The machinery was working as nearly to perfection as it could be brought, and Tom, after finding out that his craft would answer equally well as a dirigible balloon or an aeroplane, let it sail along as the latter.

”For,” he said, ”we have a long trip ahead of us and we need to save all the elevating gas we can save. If worst comes to worst, and we can't navigate as an aeroplane any more, we can even drift along as a dirigible. But while we have the gasolene we might as well make speed and be an aeroplane.”

The others agreed with him, and so it was arranged. Tom, when he had seen to it that his craft was working well, let Ned take charge and devoted himself to seeing that all the stores and supplies were in order for quick use.

Of course, until they were nearer the land of the Czar, and that part of Siberia where Mr. Petrofsky's brother was held as an exile, they could do little save make themselves as comfortable as possible in the airs.h.i.+p. And this was not hard to do.

Naturally, in a craft that had to carry a heavy load, and lift itself into the air, as well as propel itself along, not many things could be taken. Every ounce counted. Still our friends were not without their comforts. There was a well stocked kitchen, and Mr. Damon insisted on installing himself as cook. This had been Eradicate's work but the eccentric man knew how to do almost everything from making soup to roasting a chicken, and he liked it. So he was allowed free run of the galley.

Tom and Ned spent much time in the steering tower or engine room, for, though all of the machinery was automatic, there was need of almost constant attention, though there was an arrangement whereby in case of emergency, the airs.h.i.+p would steer herself in any set direction for a certain number of hours.

There were ample sleeping quarters for six persons, a living room and a dining saloon. In short the Falcon was much like Tom's Red Cloud, only bigger and better. There was even a phonograph on board so that music, songs, and recitations could be enjoyed.

”Bless my napkin! but this is great!” exclaimed Mr. Damon, about noon of the second day, when they had just finished dinner and looked down through the gla.s.s windows in the bottom of the cabin at the rolling ocean below them. ”I don't believe many persons have such opportunities as we have.”

”I'm sure they do not,” added Mr. Petrofsky. ”I can hardly think it true, that I am on my way back to Siberia to rescue my dear brother.”

”And such good weather as we're having,” spoke Ned. ”I'm glad we didn't start off in a storm, for I don't exactly like them when we're over the water.”

”We may get one yet,” said Tom. ”I don't just like the way the barometer is acting. It's falling pretty fast.”