Part 49 (2/2)

But the ladies of the regiment had soon a fresh subject for gossip.

Lieutenant Reimers was paying his addresses to Marie Falkenhein. There was no doubt that his intentions were serious. Well, he had no rivals to fear. Falkenhein was poor every one knew that. He could have very little income beyond his pay. And his daughter? Oh, yes, she was a pretty, graceful creature; but she was not brilliantly beautiful, and therefore could not have any very great expectations. No question of anything beyond just a suitable and satisfactory marriage in the service.

From this time onward the matter was almost regarded as settled; and in the garrison gossip Marie von Falkenhein and Lieutenant Reimers were soon spoken of as though their betrothal had been already announced.

Naturally the interesting news was eagerly carried to Frau von Gropphusen, and she was narrowly watched for the effect of the communication; but nothing could be detected. No flinching, no pauses in the conversation, no alteration in the expression of her face or of her voice. What a pity that there was no theatre in the town, when they so thoroughly enjoyed such little dramas!

Hannah Gropphusen did not discontinue her visits to Frau Guntz. She came neither more rarely nor more frequently. She seemed to have regained self-control.

Frau Klare's birthday was celebrated in the arbour of the Falkenheins'

garden, by the second _Maibowle_ of the season. They had drunk to the health of the birthday-queen, and were just sitting down again when there was the tinkle of a bicycle-bell outside in the street. The soft sound of the quick wheels came nearer, and just in front of the garden there was the thud of a light pair of feet jumping to the ground.

A clear voice, which would have sounded merry, but that for the moment it seemed a little breathless, called up to the arbour: ”Hurrah!

hurrah! And for the third time hurrah! Can one get anything to drink here?”

Guntz hurried to the

”My dear lady!” he exclaimed astonished. ”Certainly you can! There's still lots left.”

He turned round: ”Pardon me, sir, but here's Frau von Gropphusen.”

Falkenhein went quickly to his side: ”Do give us the pleasure of your company, dear Frau von Gropphusen. I will have your bicycle taken in at once.”

He went to the gate and conducted Frau von Gropphusen to the arbour.

Guntz had already placed a chair at the table for her and poured out a gla.s.s of _Maibowle_.

”Who rides so late through night and wind?” asked Klare merrily, holding out her hand cordially to the new arrival.

Hannah Gropphusen greeted the festive circle with a bright smile, and replied: ”Do forgive me, Colonel von Falkenhein. The lights and the festivity in your arbour were too inviting.”

She raised her gla.s.s, and drank to Klare Guntz: ”To your happiness, dear Frau Klare, from the bottom of my heart.”

”I have been delayed at Frau von Stuckardt's,” she then said; ”or, rather, Frau von Stuckardt would not let me leave.”

”Stuckardt told me,” interrupted the colonel, ”that his wife was not well.”

”Yes, she has got the old pain in her face back again, which no doctor can relieve, and that was why I had to stay so long. I had to keep my hands on her cheeks. She says I have soothing hands and can do her good.”

Reimers looked across at her. She was sitting a little in the shadow, so that her white straw hat and light blouse stood out distinctly. On her bosom sparkled a small diamond. Only the tip of her foot was visible in the lamplight, a beautiful, narrow, elegantly-shod foot, which was swinging rapidly backwards and forwards.

To avoid catching her eye, Reimers turned to Marie Falkenhein, his neighbour. The _Maibowle_ had got into his head a little. He chatted away cheerfully, the young girl listening with flushed cheeks and radiant eyes, and answering laughingly from time to time. They neither of them noticed that meanwhile Frau von Gropphusen had emptied her gla.s.s and was preparing to go.

”Many thanks,” she said. ”I was nearly fainting. The _Maibowle_ has done me good. But it's getting late; I must go home.”

”Of course they are expecting you at home?” asked Falkenhein.

Hannah Gropphusen laughed rather bitterly.
