Part 40 (1/2)

In a minute or so Karlsefin remarked quietly that Hake was a faithful thrall.

”I'm not so sure of that as ye seem to be,” returned Leif, with increasing sternness, ”but, whether faithful or not, no thrall shall ever wed Bertha.”

”What is that you say about Bertha?” asked Biarne, coming up just then.

”Nothing of moment,” replied Leif. ”What news bring you, Biarne? for that ye bring news is plain by the glance of your eye.”

”My eye is an incorrigible tell-tale,” cried Biarne, laughing.

”However, it has not much to tell at present. Only that you are about to receive a visit from some old friends, and that Anders will have to keep his kettles full for some time to come. A band of Skraelingers are--. But here they come to speak for themselves.”

At that moment a troop of the Greenland savages came round the point-- the identical point where they had received such a terrible shock some years before--with Flatface dancing joyously in front of them.

Flatface had heard of their coming, had gone out to meet them, had found several of his relations among them, and was now returning, scarce able to contain himself with delight, as he made their mouths water by dilating at great length on the delicious things contained in Anders's capacious kettles.

While Leif and the others went to meet the Skraelingers, Heika and his brother sat in their own sleeping-closet, talking in a low tone, and making the final arrangements for their flight.

”Now are ye sure that all is on board--nothing omitted?” asked Hake, ”for it will be hard to obtain anything once we are out on the sea, and we can't well return to fetch what we have forgotten.”

”All is ready,” answered Heika sadly. ”I cannot tell how much it grieves me to go away in this fas.h.i.+on; but freedom must be regained at any price. Now remember, meet me exactly when the moon shows its upper edge above the sea to-night. Not later, and not sooner, for the longer ye can remain about the hall the less likely will any one be to inquire after _me_.”

”I will be sure not to fail you; but, Heika, is that not a little too late? The flood-tide will be past, and if there is any sea on, it will be ill pa.s.sing the skerries, many of which are but little covered, even at high water.”

”Trust me, Hake; it will not be too late. Be sure that ye come no sooner--else evil may ensue.”

”My heart sinks when I think of Bertha,” said Hake, with a deep sigh.

”It will seem so cold, so hard, so unaccountable, to leave her without one word, one farewell.”

”Think better of it, brother,” said Heika eagerly; ”I am prepared to start alone even now!”

”Never!” exclaimed Hake, flus.h.i.+ng,--”What? shall I draw back like a coward at the last moment, after pledging my word to go? and shall I leave you to face this enterprise alone? Nay, Heika, we have suffered for many years together, we shall triumph now together--or perish.”

”My poor brother,” said Heika, grasping Hake's hand, and kissing it with deep feeling.--”But go now to the hall, and leave me; I hear them laying the tables for supper. The window is easily removed; I will hasten at once and get things ready. Take good care not to re-enter this closet after leaving it, for the carls are moving about the hall, and may chance to observe that it is empty. Be circ.u.mspect, brother.”

They squeezed hands again, and Hake went into the hall, where he mingled with the house-carls, and chatted carelessly about the events of the day.

The instant he was gone Heika rose and removed the parchment window, took a billet of firewood and laid it across the bed, then, leaping out, he walked smartly towards the west end of the village.

It was beginning to grow dark, and few of the people were about. To those whom he pa.s.sed Heika nodded familiarly, but did not stop. The moment he had rounded the cliff which hid Brattalid from view, he ran westward at full speed.

Meanwhile supper was laid in the hall, and all were awaiting the entrance of the master of the house and Karlsefin, but there was no appearance of either. After a quarter of an hour had pa.s.sed, and they were beginning to wonder what had become of them, the door opened and Biarne entered, saying that Leif had sent him to say that as he had business which would keep him out late, they were not to wait supper for him.

Hake began to feel somewhat uneasy at this, and when supper was finished he resolved to leave the house a little before the appointed time. For that purpose he entered the sleeping-closet, intending to pa.s.s out by the window.

The first thing that caught his eye was the billet of firewood lying _across the bed_! His heart almost stood still at the sight, for this, coupled with Heika's display of deep feeling, and their recent conversation about signs, caused the truth to flash upon him.

With one bound he pa.s.sed through the window and flew westward like the wind-round the point, over the ridge, and down towards the appointed rendezvous at the skerries.

But, to return to Heika. When he neared the inlet he changed his pace to a rapid walk, and glanced cautiously from side to side, to make quite sure that he was not observed by any one who might chance to have wandered in that direction.

Now, it is a well-known fact in the affairs of this world, that many strange things occur in a most unaccountable manner. Who can tell how it was, or why it was that, just a few minutes before Heika approached the inlet from the landward side, a small boat entered it from the seaward side, out of which stepped Leif Ericsson and Karlsefin? They drew their boat into a corner in deep shadow, and then, going to another corner, also in deep shadow, sat down on a ledge of rock without uttering a single word.